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[SI] Incomputability 2012-01-15
solomonoff induction
:done :speculation 2012/01/15/si-incomputability/

So far KC looks really nice. Is there a some kind of drawback?

If you know something about TMs, you should expect one right away - the Halting Problem. Talking about all possible programs is really tricky. And you would be right, of course - KC is not computable. You can't actually build a TM that figures out the KC of all possible sequences. Individual ones you can do, but all of them, systematically? Nope.

Here's how it fails. Let's say you have a program KC(s) that takes some sequence s as an input and calculates its KC. Assume this function is computable. I'll show you that this leads to a contradiction.

Look at this simply program:

    for all integers i, starting with i=1:
        for all sequences s of length i:
            return s if KC(s) is at least n

This program returns the first string of a given minimal KC. Now obviously the complexity of this program itself is constant, except for the variable n. Let's call this constant C. Encoding n takes log(n) bits. So the total complexity of this program is C + log(n). But there's a problem. We know that logarithms grow slower than linear functions. There is a number X such that log(X) < X. In fact, the distance between log(X) and X gets arbitrarily large. Therefore there is an X such that C + log X < X. Uh oh!

What does it mean? Well there is a number X such that using the function at_least_this_complex(X) is a shorter description than using the number itself. But at_least_this_complex calls KC(s) and by definition finds the shortest sequence of length X! There can't be a shorter one, yet we have it.

You just got paradoxed.

You will probably recognize the general form of the argument. It's basically just a re-statement of the Halting Problem or Gödel's incompleteness theorem. But more directly, there's a much joke about it.

Theorem: There are no boring integers.
Proof by Contradiction: Let B be the set of boring integers. Assume B is not empty. (There are boring integers.) Then there is a smallest integer in B. But that's a very interesting property! q.e.d.

So unfortunately, there almost is a universal sense of complexity independent of languages, but really, it doesn't work out. You have to pick some encoding, some specific setup, and this setup will have its own specific gaps. A perfect system can't actually be done. Either there are some sequences you could compress but won't ever find an algorithm for, or you will compress some things wrongly. Your choice.

Maybe that's not enough reason to despair yet. Hopefully these gaps don't dominate our attempts to compress things. Even if there are some gaps, we can still predict some things. Almost all possible games are too large to fit on our hard drives, but we can still play Skyrim. Not all limitations are devastating.

So how can we use KC to drive our predictions?