Ben Blazak ebb353b3f2 adding todos and ideas; mostly from thanatermesis 2014-10-11 15:28:41 -07:00
keyboard/ergodox adding todos and ideas; mostly from thanatermesis 2014-10-11 15:28:41 -07:00
lib (minor cleanup; starting some changes in layout files) 2014-06-21 21:05:29 -07:00
.gitignore removed makefile dependency on git; fixed *.dep generation 2014-01-15 13:25:33 -08:00
keyboard.h cleaned up a bit; minor bugfix 2014-05-27 23:05:00 -07:00
main.c cleaned up a bit; minor bugfix 2014-05-27 23:05:00 -07:00
main.h messing with timers again; working on sticky keys 2013-05-24 21:10:03 -07:00
makefile (small aesthetic change) 2014-05-24 22:05:41 -07:00 '.c' files should now include the header that defines their functions 2013-06-13 23:41:26 -07:00 got it to draw the keyboard :) really slow 2014-05-31 22:49:28 -07:00


  • include versions for all build environment programs

  • generate documentation

    • include a collection of all "namespace" prefixes, and where they belong
    • write a note in "main.c" about where that file is (and about other documentation that would help in understanding the code)
    • write a note about where options are described, how they're included, how i have makefiles set up, etc.
    • write a mediumly thorough note about my workflow (vim, ...)
  • add a note in the docs somewhere that SDA and SCL need to have a pull-up resistor on them, or mcp23018__init() will hang (or something like that)

  • add notes to directories, explaining why things are organized the way they are; specifically, why the directory structure is so deep


  • the gnu avr toolchain
  • python 3
    • markdown sudo pip install markdown
  • git (for cleaning)

Copyright © 2012, 2013 Ben Blazak
Released under The MIT License (see "doc/licenses/")
Project located at