sipmlify base makefile

Stefan Dorn 2015-12-09 10:46:03 +00:00
parent 7e97e541eb
commit 1cf945909d
1 changed files with 5 additions and 102 deletions

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@ -1,49 +1,6 @@
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# makefile for the ergoDOX project # makefile for the ergoDOX project
# This should produce a single file (probably in an archive format) for
# distribution, containing everything people will need to use the software.
# DEPENDENCIES: This is unabashedly dependant on (the GNU implementation of)
# various Unix commands, and therefore probably won't work in a Windows
# environment (besides maybe cygwin). Sorry... I don't know a good portable
# way to write it.
# - include doc files (and maybe render them in html)
# - include the UI stuff (once it's done)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak <>
# Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "")
# Project located at <>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
include src/makefile-options
# which layouts to compile (will override the variable in src/makefile-options)
# --- default
LAYOUT := qwerty-kinesis-mod
# --- all
LAYOUTS := qwerty-kinesis-mod dvorak-kinesis-mod colemak-symbol-mod workman-p-kinesis-mod
# system specific stuff
UNAME := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(UNAME),Darwin)
DATE_PROG := gdate
DATE_PROG := date
CURRENT_DATE := $(shell $(DATE_PROG) --rfc-3339 s)
# git info
GIT_BRANCH := $(shell git branch -l | grep '*' | cut -c 3-)
GIT_COMMIT_DATE := $(shell git log -n 1 --pretty --date=iso | grep 'Date' | cut -c 9- )
GIT_COMMIT_ID := $(shell git log -n 1 | grep 'commit' | cut -c 8-)
# name to use for the final distribution file or package
TARGET := ergodox-firmware--$(GIT_BRANCH)--$(shell $(DATE_PROG) -d "$(GIT_COMMIT_DATE)" +'%Y%m%dT%H%M%S')--$(shell echo $(GIT_COMMIT_ID) | cut -c 1-7)--$(LAYOUT)
# directories # directories
BUILD := build BUILD := build
@ -53,66 +10,12 @@ SCRIPTS := build-scripts
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.PHONY: all clean checkin build-dir firmware dist zip zip-all .PHONY: all clean firmware
all: dist all: firmware
clean: clean:
git clean -dX # remove ignored files and directories cd src; $(MAKE) clean
-rm -r '$(BUILD)'
-git commit -a
-rm -r '$(BUILD)/$(TARGET)'*
-mkdir -p '$(BUILD)/$(TARGET)'
cd src; $(MAKE) LAYOUT=$(LAYOUT) all
$(ROOT)/firmware.%: firmware
cp 'src/firmware.$*' '$@'
$(ROOT)/firmware--ui-info.json: $(SCRIPTS)/ checkin
( ./'$<' \
--current-date '$(shell $(DATE_PROG) --rfc-3339 s)' \
--git-commit-date '$(GIT_COMMIT_DATE)' \
--git-commit-id '$(GIT_COMMIT_ID)' \
--map-file-path '$(BUILD)/$(TARGET)/' \
--source-code-path 'src' \
--matrix-file-path 'src/keyboard/$(KEYBOARD)/matrix.h' \
--layout-file-path \
'src/keyboard/$(KEYBOARD)/layout/$(LAYOUT).c' \
) > '$@'
$(ROOT)/firmware--layout.html: \
( ./'$<' \
--ui-info-file '$(ROOT)/firmware--ui-info.json' \
) > '$@'
dist: \
checkin \
build-dir \
$(ROOT)/firmware.hex \
$(ROOT)/firmware.eep \
$(ROOT)/ \
$(ROOT)/firmware--ui-info.json \
zip: dist
( cd '$(BUILD)/$(TARGET)'; \
zip '../$(TARGET).zip' \
-r * .* \
-x '..*' )
for layout in $(LAYOUTS); do \
make LAYOUT=$$layout zip; \
firmware: clean
cd src; $(MAKE) all