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2014-07-11 16:50:17 +02:00
var errors = function() {
function ParseError(pos, msgs) {
this.msgs = [].concat(msgs)
this.line = pos.line
this.column = pos.column } = function() {
return this.msgs.join(', ') +
" at" +
" line: " + this.line +
" column: " + this.column }
ParseError.prototype.combine = function(errs) {
if (!'length' in errs) errs = [errs]
return new CombinedError([this].concat(errs)) }
function CombinedError(errs) {
this.errs = errs ? errs : [] }
CombinedError.prototype.combine = function(errs) {
if (!'length' in errs) errs = [errs]
this.errs = this.errs.concat(errs) }
function unknown_error(pos) {
return new ParseError(pos, "Unknown error") }
function unexpect_error(pos, msg) {
return new ParseError(pos, "Unexpected " + msg) }
function expect_error(pos, msg) {
return new ParseError(pos, "Expected " + msg) }
function merge_errors() {
var a0 = arguments[0]
var ar =, 1)
return ar.length ? a0.combine(ar) : a0 }
return {
Parse: ParseError
, unknown: unknown_error
, unexpect: unexpect_error
, expect: expect_error
, merge: merge_errors }}()
var p_string = function() {
function Parse_String_State(str) {
function Parse_State(pos, line, column) {
this.pos = pos || 0
this.line = line || 1
this.column = column || 1 }
Parse_State.prototype.str = str
Parse_State.prototype.increment = function(c) {
var newline = c == '\n'
return new Parse_State(this.pos+1, newline?this.line+1:this.line, newline?1:this.column+1) }
Parse_State.prototype.getToken = function() {
return this.str[this.pos] }
Parse_State.prototype.length = function() {
return this.str.length }
return Parse_State }
function char(x) {
return function(t) { return x == t }}
function digit() { return function(x){ var cx = x.charCodeAt(0); return cx < 58 && cx > 47 }}
function letter() {
return function(x) {
var cx = x.charCodeAt(0)
return (cx < 91 && cx > 64) || (cx < 123 && cx > 96) }}
function whitespace() {
return function(x) {
return x == ' ' || x == '\t' || x == '\r' || x == '\n' }}
function control() {
return function(x) {
return x.charCodeAt(0) < 32 }}
function run(p, input, cb) {
var str_state = new (Parse_String_State(input))()
function pok(x) {
cb(null, x) }
function perr(err) {
cb(err) }
p(str_state, pok, perr, pok, perr) }
return {
Parse_State: Parse_String_State
, char: char
, digit: digit
, letter: letter
, whitespace: whitespace
, control: control
, run: run }}()
var combinators = function() {
function always(x) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
eok(x, state) }}
// avoiding infinite recursions
function wrap(f) {
return function(x) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
return f(x)(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) }}}
function bind_2(p, f) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
function pcok(item, state) {
var q = f(item)
q(state, cok, cerr, cok, cerr) }
function peok(item, state) {
wrap(f)(item)(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) }
p(state, pcok, cerr, peok, eerr) }}
function bind() {
var ar = arguments, ari, arn = ar.length - 1
if (arn == 1) return bind_2(arguments[0], arguments[1])
var last = ar[arn]
var res = new Array(arn), resi
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
ari = resi = 0;
bind(ar[ari++], function bind_arg2(x) {
res[resi++] = x
if (resi == arn) return last.apply(this, res)
else return bind(ar[ari++], bind_arg2) })
(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr)}}
function next(p, q) {
return bind(p, function() { return q }) }
function nxtnxt() {
var ar =
return ar.reduceRight(function(p, c) {
return next(c, p) }) }
function never(err) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
eerr(errors.unknown(state)) } }
function either(p, q) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
function p_eerr(err_from_p) {
function q_eerr(err_from_q) {
eerr(errors.merge(err_from_p, err_from_q)) }
q(state, cok, cerr, eok, q_eerr) }
p(state, cok, cerr, eok, p_eerr) } }
function attempt(p) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
p(state, cok, eerr, eok, eerr) }}
function token(consume_p) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
var t = state.getToken()
if (!t) eerr(errors.unexpect(state, 'end of input'))
else if (consume_p(t)) cok(t, state.increment(t))
else eerr(errors.unexpect(state, "token " + t)) } }
function times(n, p) {
if (n == 0) return always(null)
return function (state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
var res = new Array(n)
var resi = 0
function pcok(item, state) {
function peok(item, state) {
while(resi < n) res[resi++] = item
cok(res, state) }
res[resi++] = item
if (resi < n) p(state, pcok, cerr, pcok, eerr)
else if (resi == n) cok(res, state) }
function peok(item, state) {
while(resi < n) res[resi++] = item
eok(res, state) }
p(state, pcok, cerr, peok, eerr) } }
function many(p) {
function many_err() {
throw new TypeError('`many` applied to parser that accepts an empty string') }
function safe_p(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
p(state, cok, cerr, many_err, eerr) }
return either(
bind(safe_p, wrap(many)(p), function(x, xs) {
return always([x].concat(xs)) })
, always([])) }
function many1(p) {
return bind(p, many(p), function(x, xs) {
return always([x].concat(xs) )})}
function lookahead(p) {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
function ok(t) {
eok(t, state) }
p(state, ok, cerr, eok, eerr) } }
function choice(first) {
/* either + varargs */
var ar =, 1)
if (ar.length == 0 && !first) return never
if (ar.length == 0 && first) return first
return either(first, choice.apply(null, ar)) }
function eof() {
return function(state, cok, cerr, eok, eerr) {
if (state.pos == state.length()) eok(null, state)
else eerr(errors.expect(state, "end of input")) } }
function between(open, close, p) {
return bind(open, p, close, function(o, x, c) { return always(x) }) }
return {
always: always
, bind: bind
, next: next
, nxtnxt: nxtnxt
, never: never
, wrap: wrap
, either: either
, attempt: attempt
, many: many
, many1: many1
, times: times
, token: token
, lookahead: lookahead
, choice: choice
, between: between
, eof: eof }}()
var funp = function() {
// functional programming helpers, especially useful with token()
function not(f) {
return function(x) { return !f(x) }}
function and(p, q) {
return function(x) { return p(x) && q(x) }}
function or(p, q) { /* todo more than 2 args */
if (arguments.length > 2) return,q){return or(p,q)})
return function(x) { return p(x) || q(x) }}
return {
not: not
, and: and
, or: or }}()
module.exports = {
combinators: combinators
, errors: errors
, p_string: p_string
, funp: funp }