
119 lines
3.7 KiB

import { Toggl, Workspace } from "./Toggl.js"
import { DateTime, Interval, Settings as LuxonSettings } from "luxon"
import { Marvin } from "./Marvin.js"
import { xdgData, xdgConfig } from 'xdg-basedir';
import { mkdir, readFile } from 'node:fs/promises'
import { dirname } from 'node:path'
LuxonSettings.throwOnInvalid = true;
declare module 'luxon' {
interface TSSettings {
throwOnInvalid: true;
type Configuration = {
toggl: string,
marvin: string,
marvinDB: string
async function inferConfig(): Promise<Configuration> {
let files: Configuration
if (!xdgData || !xdgConfig) {
console.warn("xdg_data or xdg_config dir not found, defaulting to cwd")
files = {
toggl: process.cwd() + "toggl-api",
marvin: process.cwd() + "marvin-credentials",
marvinDB: process.cwd() + "db/"
} else {
files = {
toggl: xdgConfig + "/marvin-timesync/toggl-api",
marvin: xdgConfig + "/marvin-timesync/marvin-credentials",
marvinDB: xdgData + "/marvin-timesync/db/"
await Promise.all([
mkdir(dirname(files.toggl), { recursive: true} ),
mkdir(dirname(files.marvin), { recursive: true} ),
mkdir(files.marvinDB, { recursive: true } )
return {
toggl: (await readFile(files.toggl, 'utf8')).trim(),
marvin: (await readFile(files.marvin, 'utf8')).trim(),
marvinDB: files.marvinDB
function dateToInterval(d: string = "today"): Interval {
const now = DateTime.local()
let retDate
if (d == "today") {
retDate = now.startOf('day')
} else if (d == "yesterday") {
retDate = now.startOf('day').minus({ days: 1 })
} else {
retDate = DateTime.fromISO(d)
return Interval.fromDateTimes(retDate.startOf('day'), retDate.endOf('day'))
function toRFC3339(d: DateTime): string {
return d.set({ millisecond: 0 }).toUTC().toISO()
interface TogglTE {
description: string,
start: string,
stop: string
async function apply_tasks_for_range(workspace: Workspace, interval: Interval, wanted_tes: TogglTE[]) {
const existing_tes = await workspace.toggl.time_entries({
start_date: toRFC3339(interval.start),
end_date: toRFC3339(interval.end),
const existing_by_start: Map<number, typeof existing_tes[0]> = new Map()
for (const existing of existing_tes)
existing_by_start.set(DateTime.fromISO(existing.start).toMillis(), existing)
for (const wanted of wanted_tes) {
const matched = existing_by_start.get(DateTime.fromISO(wanted.start).toMillis())
if (matched) {
if (matched.description === wanted.description) {
console.log("matched", wanted.description)
} else {
console.log("unmatched!", wanted, matched)
console.log("posting", wanted)
await workspace.post_time_entry(Object.assign({ created_with: "marvin-timesync" }, wanted))
void (async function () {
const config = await inferConfig()
const interval = dateToInterval(process.argv.length > 2 ? process.argv[2] : 'today')
const marvin = new Marvin(Marvin.parseCredentials(config.marvin), config.marvinDB + "marvin")
const tasks = await (marvin.root.category('Datakami').then(datakami => datakami.tasksOverlapping(interval)))
const toggl = new Toggl(config.toggl)
const workspaces = await toggl.workspaces()
if (workspaces.length !== 1) throw new Error("not sure which workspace to use")
const res_tasks: TogglTE[] = []
for (const task of tasks)
for (const task_interval of task.timesInInterval(interval))
description: `${task.title}`,
start: toRFC3339(task_interval.start),
stop: toRFC3339(task_interval.end)
await apply_tasks_for_range(workspaces[0], interval, res_tasks)