
314 lines
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/*jslint indent: 2*/
/*global require: true*/
* For more details about the ClientLogin authentication check out this:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter,
util = require('util');
// useragent string
const userAgent = 'GCLNodejs';
// version string
const ver = '0.2.2';
const loginURL = '/accounts/ClientLogin';
const googleHost = '';
const captchaRequiredError = 'CaptchaRequired';
// error messages
const errors = {
captchaMissing: 'User entered captcha is missing',
tokenMissing: 'Login token is missing',
loginFailed: 'Login failed'
const events = {
login: 'login',
error: 'error'
// Google account types
const accountTypes = {
google: 'GOOGLE', // get authorization for a Google account only
hosted: 'HOSTED', // get authorization for a hosted account only
hostedOrGoogle: 'HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE' // get authorization first for a hosted account; if attempt fails, get authorization for a Google account
const services = {
adwords: 'adwords',
analytics: 'analytics',
apps: 'apps',
base: 'gbase',
sites: 'jotspot',
blogger: 'blogger',
book: 'print',
calendar: 'cl',
codesearch: 'codesearch',
contacts: 'cp',
docs: 'writely',
finance: 'finance',
mail: 'mail',
health: 'health',
weaver: 'weaver',
maps: 'local',
picasaweb: 'lh2',
reader: 'reader',
sidewiki: 'annotateweb',
spreadsheets: 'wise',
webmastertools: 'sitemaps',
youtube: 'youtube',
c2dm: 'ac2dm',
voice: 'grandcentral',
fusiontables: 'fusiontables'
* Helps to log in to any google service with the clientlogin method
* Google returns 3 values when login was success:
* Auth, SID, LSID
* After the login you need to include the Auth value into
* the Authorization HTTP header on each request:
* client.request('GET', '...', {
* ...,
* 'Authorization':'GoogleLogin auth=' + googleClientLoginInstance.getAuthId()
* })
* @class GoogleClientLogin
* @constructor
* @param Object conf An object, with two properties: email and password
var GoogleClientLogin = function (conf) {
this.conf = conf || {};
// stores the authentication data
this.auths = {};
this.loginProcessing = false;
GoogleClientLogin.prototype = {};
util.inherits(GoogleClientLogin, EventEmitter);
* Splits response data into key-value pairs,
* Only for internal usage
* @method _parseData
GoogleClientLogin.prototype._parseData = function (data) {
this.auths = {};
data.split('\n').forEach(function (dataStr) {
var data = dataStr.split('=');
this.auths[data[0]] = data[1];
* Parses the response of the login
* emits error and login event
* @method _parseLoginResponse
* @param {http.ClientResponse} response The response object
GoogleClientLogin.prototype._parseLoginResponse = function (response) {
var data = '';
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
data += chunk;
response.on('error', function (e) {
this.emit(events.error, e);
response.on('end', function () {
this.loginProcessing = false;
var statusCode = response.statusCode, error;
if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) {
* Fires when login was success
* @event login
} else {
* Fires when login failed
* @event loginFailed
error = new Error(errors.loginFailed); = data;
error.response = response;
this.emit(events.error, error);
* Method to find out which account type should we use, default is HOSTED_OR_GOOGLE
* Only for internal usage
* @method _getAccountType
* @returns string
GoogleClientLogin.prototype._getAccountType = function (params) {
var output = accountTypes.hostedOrGoogle;
if (typeof params === 'object' && params.accountType === 'string' &&
typeof accountTypes[params.accountType] === 'string') {
output = accountTypes[params.accountType];
} else if (typeof this.conf.accountType === 'string') {
output = accountTypes[this.conf.accountType];
return output;
* Method to create the content of the login request
* Only for internal usage
* @method _getRequestContent
* @param {Object} params (Optional) You can pass the logincaptcha and
* logintoken and the accountType as properties
* @returns string
GoogleClientLogin.prototype._getRequestContent = function (params) {
var output, hasCaptcha, hasToken, error;
output = {
accountType: this._getAccountType(params),
Passwd: this.conf.password,
service: services[this.conf.service],
source: userAgent + '_' + ver
if (typeof params === 'object') {
hasCaptcha = typeof params.logincaptcha === 'string';
hasToken = typeof params.logintoken === 'string';
if (hasCaptcha && hasToken) {
output.logincaptcha = params.logincaptcha;
output.logintoken = params.logintoken;
// if the captcha or the token is given the other also required
} else if (!hasCaptcha && hasToken) {
error = errors.captchaMissing;
} else if (!hasToken && hasCaptcha) {
error = errors.tokenMissing;
if (error) {
this.emit(events.error, new Error(error));
output = false;
} else {
output = require('querystring').stringify(output);
return output;
* Logs in the user
* @method login
* @param {Object} params (optional) You can pass the logincaptcha and
* logintoken and the accountType as properties
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.login = function (params) {
// don't try to log in, if one is already in progress
if (!this.loginProcessing) {
this.loginProcessing = true;
var content, request;
content = this._getRequestContent(params);
if (content !== false) {
request = require('https').request(
host: '',
port: 443,
path: loginURL,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Length': content.length,
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
* Method to get the AuthId property
* @method getAuthId
* @returns the AuthId or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getAuthId = function () {
return this.auths.Auth;
* Method to ge the SID property
* @method getSID
* @returns the value of the SID property or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getSID = function () {
return this.auths.SID;
* Method to get the LSID property
* @method getLSID
* @returns the value of the LSID property or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getLSID = function () {
return this.auths.LSID;
* Method to get the error code
* @method getError
* @returns the error code or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getError = function () {
return this.auths.Error;
* Method to know if captcha is required
* @method isCaptchaRequired
* @returns boolean
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.isCaptchaRequired = function () {
return this.getError() === captchaRequiredError;
* Method to get the captcha url
* @method getCaptchaUrl
* @returns the value of the CaptchaUrl property or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getCaptchaUrl = function () {
return this.auths.CaptchaUrl;
* Returns the value of the CaptchaToken property
* @method getCaptchaToken
* @returns string or undefined
GoogleClientLogin.prototype.getCaptchaToken = function () {
return this.auths.CaptchaToken;
GoogleClientLogin.errors = errors; = events;
GoogleClientLogin.accountTypes = accountTypes;
exports.GoogleClientLogin = GoogleClientLogin;