
103 lines
3.3 KiB

import 'zx/globals';
import { spawn, ChildProcess } from 'child_process'
import { Socket } from 'node:net'
async function promiseWithTimeout<T>(timeoutMs: number, promise: Promise<T>, failureMessage?: string) {
let timeoutHandle: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null
const timeoutPromise = new Promise<never>((_resolve, reject) => {
timeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => reject(new Error(failureMessage)), timeoutMs)
const result = await Promise.race([promise, timeoutPromise])
if (timeoutHandle) clearTimeout(timeoutHandle)
return result
const to_kill: ProcessPromise[] = []
// sad that I can't chain these
process.on("uncaughtException", err => {
console.error("uncaught exception", err)
console.log("killing", to_kill.length, "child processes")
for (const k of to_kill) if (k.child?.pid) process.kill(
to_kill.length = 0
export function ssh(host: string): Promise<SSH>
export function ssh<R>(host: string, cb: () => Promise<R>): Promise<R>
export async function ssh<R>(host: string, cb?: () => Promise<R>) {
const ret = new SSH(host)
try {
await ($`ssh ${host} -O check`).quiet()
} catch (p) {
if (p instanceof ProcessOutput && p.exitCode == 255) {
console.log("Spawning ssh master")
const x = $`ssh ${host} -M -N -o Compression=no -o PermitLocalCommand=yes -o LocalCommand="echo connected"`
await promiseWithTimeout(60000, new Promise<void>((resolve, _reject) => {
x.stdout.on('data', (d: Buffer) => {
if (d.toString('utf8').trim() == "connected")
if (x.child) {
if (x.child.stderr instanceof Socket) x.child.stderr.unref()
if (x.child.stdout instanceof Socket) x.child.stdout.unref()
ret.child = x.child
process.on('beforeExit', () => {
} else {
console.warn("Failed to spawn SSH master, but someone else did")
} else {
throw p
if (cb !== undefined) return ret.within(cb)
else return ret
export class SSH {
child?: ChildProcess | null;
constructor(public host: string) { }
within<R>(cb: () => Promise<R>): Promise<R> {
return within(async () => {
// todo: the default is set to local which.sync('bash')
// which doesn't neccesarily work on the remote
$.shell = "bash"
$.spawn = (command: string, options: any): any => {
const stdio = ["pipe", options.stdio[1], options.stdio[2]]
const proc: ChildProcess = spawn("ssh", [,],
Object.assign({}, options, {shell: false, stdio}))
// todo: type safety
if (!proc.stdin) throw new Error("Failed to spawn input pipe")
proc.stdin.write(command + "; exit $?\n")
if (options.stdio[0] == 'inherit') process.stdin.pipe(proc.stdin)
return proc
$.log = (entry) => {
switch(entry.kind) {
case 'cmd':
if (entry.verbose) process.stderr.write(`[${}] `)
return cb()
interactive() {
$`ssh ${}`
stop() {
if (this.child) {
$`ssh ${} -O stop`
this.child = null