{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./fractal.nix ../../roles/server.nix ../../roles/homeserver.nix ./paperless.nix ./media.nix ./home-automation.nix ./cache.nix ]; system.stateVersion = "15.09"; networking.hostId = "0702dbe9"; nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { openjdk8-bootstrap = super.openjdk8-bootstrap.override { gtkSupport = false; }; }) ]; security.y-selfsigned.enable = true; services.nginx = let sslForward = proxyPass: extra: lib.mkMerge [ { onlySSL = true; useACMEHost = "wildcard.yori.cc"; locations."/" = { inherit proxyPass; proxyWebsockets = true; }; } extra ]; in { enable = true; virtualHosts = { "unifi.yori.cc" = sslForward "https://[::1]:8443" { locations."/".extraConfig = '' proxy_ssl_verify off; proxy_ssl_session_reuse on; ''; }; "grafana.yori.cc" = sslForward "" {}; "prometheus.yori.cc" = sslForward "" { # only over VPN listen = [ { addr = ""; port = 443; ssl = true; } ]; }; "plex.yori.cc" = sslForward "" { extraConfig = '' gzip on; gzip_vary on; gzip_min_length 1000; gzip_proxied any; gzip_types text/plain text/css text/xml application/xml text/javascript application/x-javascript image/svg+xml; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_buffering off; ''; }; "fooocus.yori.cc" = sslForward "" {}; "priv.yori.cc" = let oauth2Block = '' # pass information via X-User and X-Email headers to backend, # requires running with --set-xauthrequest flag proxy_set_header X-User $user; proxy_set_header X-Email $email; # if you enabled --cookie-refresh, this is needed for it to work with auth_request add_header Set-Cookie $auth_cookie; ''; proxyOauth2 = proxyPass: { inherit proxyPass; extraConfig = oauth2Block; }; in { onlySSL = true; useACMEHost = "wildcard.yori.cc"; locations."/".root = pkgs.writeTextDir "index.html" '' ''; locations."/sonarr" = proxyOauth2 ""; locations."/radarr" = proxyOauth2 ""; locations."/marvin-tracker/" = { proxyPass = "http://[::1]:4001/"; extraConfig = "auth_request off;"; # handles auth using arg }; locations."/oauth2/".extraConfig = "auth_request off;"; # todo upstream? locations."/paperless/" = proxyOauth2 "${toString config.services.paperless.port}/"; locations."/media/" = { root = "/var/mediashare"; }; }; "frumar.yori.cc" = { enableACME = lib.mkForce false; inherit (config.security.y-selfsigned) sslCertificate sslCertificateKey; }; }; }; systemd.services.nginx.serviceConfig.BindReadOnlyPaths = [ "/data/plexmedia/ca" "/var/mediashare" ]; boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; services.iperf3 = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; services.unifi = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; unifiPackage = pkgs.unifi; }; services.victoriametrics = { enable = true; retentionPeriod = 12; }; services.prometheus = { enable = true; extraFlags = [ "--web.enable-admin-api" ]; # victoriametrics remoteWrite = [{ url = ""; }]; scrapeConfigs = [{ job_name = "node"; static_configs = [{ targets = [ "localhost:9100" ]; }]; }]; exporters.node.enable = true; }; services.yorick.paperless = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; scanner_ip = ""; }; boot.zfs.requestEncryptionCredentials = false; networking.firewall = { interfaces.wg-y.allowedTCPPorts = [ 3000 9090 ]; # grafana and prometheus via pennyworth # mqtt, nats allowedTCPPorts = [ 1883 4222 ]; # mqtt allowedUDPPorts = [ 1883 ]; }; services.grafana = { enable = true; settings = { server.http_addr = ""; server.domain = "grafana.yori.cc"; server.root_url = "https://grafana.yori.cc/"; "auth.basic".enabled = false; "auth.google" = { enabled = true; allow_sign_up = false; }; auth.disable_login_form = true; }; }; age.secrets = { acme-transip-key = { file = ../../../secrets/transip-key.age; mode = "770"; group = "acme"; }; frumar-mail-pass.file = ../../../secrets/frumar-mail-pass.age; grafana.file = ../../../secrets/grafana.env.age; oauth2-proxy.file = ../../../secrets/oauth2-proxy.age; zigbee2mqtt.file = ../../../secrets/zigbee2mqtt.env.age; marvin-tracker.file = ../../../secrets/marvin-tracker.env.age; }; systemd.services.grafana.serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = config.age.secrets.grafana.path; systemd.services.zigbee2mqtt.serviceConfig.EnvironmentFile = config.age.secrets.zigbee2mqtt.path; services.zfs.autoScrub = { enable = true; interval = "*-*-01 02:00:00"; # monthly + 2 hours }; services.znapzend = { enable = true; pure = true; features = { zfsGetType = true; sendRaw = true; }; zetup = { "frumar-new" = { plan = "1w=>6h,1m=>1w,1y=>1m,2y=>6m,50y=>1y"; }; "frumar-new/plexmedia" = { plan = "1w=>6h,1m=>1w,1y=>1m,2y=>6m,50y=>1y"; }; "ssdpool/root" = { plan = "2d=>1d"; }; "ssdpool/root/var" = { plan = "1w=>1d"; destinations.frumar-new = { dataset = "frumar-new/backup/ssdpool-root-var"; plan = "1w=>1d,1m=>1w,1y=>1m,10y=>6m,50y=>1y"; }; }; }; }; users.users.yorick.packages = with pkgs; [ borgbackup bup fzf git-annex magic-wormhole python3 ranger jq unzip ]; security.acme.certs."wildcard.yori.cc" = { domain = "*.yori.cc"; dnsProvider = "transip"; reloadServices = [ "nginx.service" ]; }; users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [ "acme" ]; systemd.services."acme-wildcard.yori.cc".environment = { TRANSIP_ACCOUNT_NAME = "yorickvp"; TRANSIP_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = config.age.secrets.acme-transip-key.path; }; programs.msmtp = { enable = true; accounts.default = { auth = true; tls = true; from = "frumar@yori.cc"; host = "pennyworth.yori.cc"; user = "frumar@yori.cc"; passwordeval = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat ${config.age.secrets.frumar-mail-pass.path}"; }; }; services.smartd = { enable = true; notifications.mail = { enable = true; sender = "frumar@yori.cc"; recipient = "yorickvanpelt@gmail.com"; }; }; services.zfs.zed = { enableMail = true; settings = { ZED_EMAIL_ADDR = [ "yorickvanpelt@gmail.com" ]; ZED_NOTIFY_INTERVAL_SECS = 3600; ZED_NOTIFY_VERBOSE = true; ZED_SCRUB_AFTER_RESILVER = true; }; }; services.oauth2-proxy = { enable = true; email.addresses = "yorickvanpelt@gmail.com"; redirectURL = "https://priv.yori.cc/oauth2/callback"; reverseProxy = true; keyFile = config.age.secrets.oauth2-proxy.path; setXauthrequest = true; nginx.virtualHosts."priv.yori.cc" = { allowed_emails = ["yorickvanpelt@gmail.com"]; }; nginx.domain = "priv.yori.cc"; extraConfig.whitelist-domain = ["priv.yori.cc"]; }; services.nats = { enable = true; jetstream = true; settings = { mqtt.port = 1883; system_account = "SYS"; accounts = { SYS.users = [ { user = "admin"; password = "$2y$10$TWoKGC7/VKQRnIK163akm.0JRdhSA00lMMVn8fa1tPyKBgbED0BL2"; } ]; default = { jetstream = "enabled"; users = [ { user = "yorick"; password = "$2y$10$EtQh8YX0I91X774PhDxhKOSGSc0IAAvGwZErVKV3z.IfeHTcT1.yy"; } { user = "iot"; password = "$2y$10$.JF/0CQ1PYCFPITsSXGj..k5v60rZvDc.LWCIDhZpoc93NyyIa5wS"; allowed_connection_types = [ "MQTT" ]; } { user = "zigbee2mqtt"; password = "$2a$11$CC5NVYiTUeoa4A4w94NFMORO/0jhMR60JWgPUgjct8c2vg29wwIGG"; allowed_connection_types = [ "MQTT" ]; } { user = "marvin-tracker"; password = "$2a$11$V9G2gT52obCsDOBwibHfMudnibwP/s3NwUjwvtsnlHfkn5kJHOOEe"; allowed_connection_types = [ "MQTT" ]; } ]; }; }; }; }; services.yorick.marvin-tracker = { enable = true; secretFile = config.age.secrets.marvin-tracker.path; }; }