#!/bin/sh set -euo pipefail pngfile="/tmp/sclock.png" bmpfile="/tmp/sclock.bmp" glitchedfile="/tmp/sclock_g.bmp" grim -t ppm $pngfile # convert to bmp and pixelate convert -scale 10% -scale 1000% $pngfile $bmpfile rm $pngfile # Glitch it with sox FROM: https://maryknize.com/blog/glitch_art_with_sox_imagemagick_and_vim/ sox -t ul -c 1 -r 48k $bmpfile -t ul $glitchedfile trim 0 100s : echo 0.9 0.9 15 0.9 # Rotate it by 90 degrees convert -rotate 90 $glitchedfile $bmpfile #Glitch it again and rotate it back sox -t ul -c 1 -r 48k $bmpfile -t ul $glitchedfile trim 0 90s : echo 0.9 0.9 15 1 convert -rotate -90 $glitchedfile $glitchedfile rm $bmpfile # Add lock icon, pixelate and convert back to png # convert -gravity center -font "Hack-Bold-Nerd-Font-Complete-Mono" \ # -pointsize 200 -draw "text 0,240 ''" -channel RGBA -fill '#bf616a' \ # $glitchedfile $pngfile # convert $glitchedfile $pngfile swaylock -i $glitchedfile #feh $pngfile rm $glitchedfile