#!/bin/bash # Sets the selected_bg_color to one of the Solarized accent colors # Color prompt read -p "Please chose an accent color. (yellow, orange, red, magenta, violet, blue, cyan, green or custom) : " color if [ $color = yellow ] then hexcolor=b58900 elif [ $color = orange ] then hexcolor=cb4b16 elif [ $color = red ] then hexcolor=dc322ff elif [ $color = magenta ] then hexcolor=d33682 elif [ $color = violet ] then hexcolor=6c71c4 elif [ $color = blue ] then hexcolor=268bd2 elif [ $color = cyan ] then hexcolor=2aa198 elif [ $color = green ] then hexcolor=859900 elif [ $color = custom ] then read -p "Please chose an hex code for the color (without the #): " hexcolor fi # Sed operations sed -i 's/selected_bg_color #.*;/selected_bg_color #'$hexcolor';/g' gtk-3.0/gtk.css sed -i 's/selected_bg_color #.*;/selected_bg_color #'$hexcolor';/g' gtk-3.0/gtk-dark.css sed -i 's/nselected_bg_color:#.*\\ntext/nselected_bg_color:#'$hexcolor'\\ntext/g' gtk-2.0/gtkrc # Feedback echo "Accent color set to $color (#$hexcolor)"