autoload colors && colors # cheers, @ehrenmurdick # if (( $+commands[git] )) then git=$commands[git] else git=/usr/bin/git fi git_branch() { echo $($git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | awk -F/ {'print $NF'}) } git_dirty() { st=$($git status 2>/dev/null | tail -n 1) if [[ $st == "" ]] then echo "" else if [[ "$st" =~ ^nothing ]] then echo "on %{$fg_bold[green]%}$(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%}" else echo "on %{$fg_bold[red]%}$(git_prompt_info)%{$reset_color%}" fi fi } git_prompt_info () { ref=$($git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null) || return # echo "(%{\e[0;33m%}${ref#refs/heads/}%{\e[0m%})" echo "${ref#refs/heads/}" } unpushed () { #$git cherry -v @{upstream} 2>/dev/null git cherry -v @{origin} 2>/dev/null } need_push () { if [[ $(unpushed) == "" ]] then echo " " else echo " with %{$fg_bold[magenta]%}unpushed%{$reset_color%} " fi } rb_prompt(){ if (( $+commands[rbenv] )) then echo "%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}$(rbenv version | awk '{print $1}')%{$reset_color%}" else echo "" fi } # This keeps the number of todos always available the right hand side of my # command line. I filter it to only count those tagged as "+next", so it's more # of a motivation to clear out the list. todo(){ if (( $+commands[] )) then num=$(echo $( ls +next | wc -l)) let todos=num-2 if [ $todos != 0 ] then echo "$todos" else echo "" fi else echo "" fi } directory_name(){ echo "%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}%1/%\/%{$reset_color%}" } export PROMPT=$'\n$(rb_prompt) in $(directory_name) $(git_dirty)$(need_push)\n› ' set_prompt () { export RPROMPT="%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}$(todo)%{$reset_color%}" } precmd() { title "zsh" "%m" "%55<...<%~" set_prompt }