Yorick van Pelt 2022-04-12 19:26:08 +02:00
parent 5c5889eaf1
commit fa60053c44
Signed by: yorick
GPG Key ID: A36E70F9DC014A15
3 changed files with 4 additions and 43 deletions

View File

@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ in { = 5; = 5;
extraConfig.push.default = "simple"; extraConfig.push.default = "simple";
extraConfig.pull.ff = "only"; extraConfig.pull.ff = "only";
extraConfig."includeIf \"gitdir:~/serokell/\"".path =
aliases = { aliases = {
lg = lg =
"log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative"; "log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative";
@ -147,12 +145,9 @@ in {
player = mpv --cache 2048 player = mpv --cache 2048
default-stream = best default-stream = best
''; '';
services = { services.gpg-agent = {
lorri.enable = true; enable = true;
gpg-agent = { enableSshSupport = true;
enable = true;
enableSshSupport = true;
}; };
home.packages = (with pkgs; [ home.packages = (with pkgs; [
## utils ## utils
@ -196,7 +191,6 @@ in {
sshfs-fuse sshfs-fuse
sshuttle sshuttle
thefuck thefuck
wakelan wakelan
## media ## media
@ -264,7 +258,6 @@ in {
discord discord
fanficfare fanficfare
feh feh
gimp gimp
gopass gopass
hledger hledger
@ -274,7 +267,7 @@ in {
virt-manager virt-manager
wireshark wireshark
y-firefox y-firefox
yubioath-desktop # todo yubioath-desktop
## games ## games
minecraft minecraft

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- /home/yorick/projects/**/journal/prealloc.*
- /home/yorick/backups/*.zip.gpg
- /home/yorick/frumar
- /home/yorick/Downloads
- /home/yorick/media
- /home/yorick/annex
- /home/yorick/dotfiles
- /home/yorick/public
- /home/yorick/builds
- /home/yorick/tmp
- /home/yorick/VirtualBox VMs
+ /home/yorick/*/wallet.dat
+ /home/yorick/.electrum
+ /home/yorick/.gnupg
- /home/yorick/.config/Chromium
- /home/yorick/.config/sublime-text-2/Backup
- /home/yorick/.config/sublime-text-3/Backup
- /home/yorick/.config/VirtualBox
+ /home/yorick/.config/*
- /home/yorick/.mozilla/firefox/*/storage
- /home/yorick/.mozilla/firefox/*/epub
- /home/yorick/.mozilla/firefox/*/webappsstore.sqlite
+ /home/yorick/.mozilla/
- /home/yorick/ru/ext/
- /home/yorick/ru/netsec/netsec2015
- /home/yorick/ru/netsec/NetSec-Debian-root.vdi
- /home/yorick/ru/ossec/ossec2015
- /home/yorick/ru/**/lectures
- /home/yorick/ru/**/opnames
+ /home/yorick/ru/
- /home/yorick/.*