cleanup config.nix

Yorick van Pelt 2017-01-25 13:41:32 +01:00
parent 902edb4249
commit 556a7934fd
1 changed files with 29 additions and 36 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
allowUnfree = true;
#binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "" ];
firefox = {
enableGoogleTalkPlugin = true;
enableAdobeFlash = true;
@ -16,7 +15,7 @@
mkEnv = name: paths: pkgs.buildEnv { inherit name paths; };
py3 = python35Packages; hs = haskellPackages; js = nodePackages; ml = ocamlPackages;
py2 = python27Packages; emc = emacsPackages; emcn = emacsPackagesNg; elm = elmPackages;
py2 = python27Packages; elm = elmPackages;
overrideOlder = original: override: let
newpkgver = lib.getVersion (override original);
@ -24,8 +23,6 @@
in if (lib.versionOlder oldpkgver newpkgver) then original.overrideDerivation override else original;
in rec {
org = (attrs: {
nativeBuildInputs = [emacs texinfo tetex]; });
#wine = { wineRelease = "staging"; wineBuild = "wineWow"; };
@ -47,6 +44,13 @@
sha256 = "0kxi20ss2k22sv3ndplnklc6r7ja0lcgklw6mz43qcj7vmgxxllf";
}) {};
node2nix_git = (pkgs.callPackage (fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "svanderburg";
repo = "node2nix";
rev = "b6545937592e7e54a14a2df315598570480fee9f";
sha256 = "1y50gs5mk2sdzqx68lr3qb71lh7jp4c38ynybf8ikx7kfkzxvasb";
}) {}).package;
asterisk = pkgs.asterisk.overrideDerivation (attrs: rec {
version = "13.11.2";
@ -66,6 +70,18 @@
streamlink = overrideOlder pkgs.streamlink (attrs: rec {
version = "0.3.0";
name = "streamlink-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "streamlink";
repo = "streamlink";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "1bjih6y21vmjmsk3xvhgc1innymryklgylyvjrskqw610niai59j";
yscripts = pkgs.callPackage ../dotfiles/bin {};
@ -112,7 +128,7 @@
media = mkEnv "y-media" [
@ -139,57 +155,34 @@
sshuttle iodine stow
expect duplicity
wakelan x2x
wakelan x2x pass
emacs = mkEnv "y-emacs" [emacs org emcn.smex emcn.agda2-mode emc.colorThemeSolarized];
code_min = mkEnv "y-codemin" [
code = mkEnv "y-code" [
python gitAndTools.hub gnumake cloc silver-searcher
code = mkEnv "y-code" [
cloc graphviz sloccount silver-searcher
gnumake strace stack # hs?
# TODO: patch sublime3 haskell integration for stack (correct hsdev version)
(hiPrio python3) python dos2unix dhex
# elm.elm # agda
# vcs
gitAndTools.hub subversion
# db
wifimcu = mkEnv "wifimcu-dev" [
minicom lrzsz lua
java = openjdk;
# java = mkEnv "y-java" [
# openjdk
# ];
games = mkEnv "y-games" [
# steam openttd wine winetricks minecraft
js = mkEnv "y-jsdev" [
js.jshint nodejs-6_x electron
js.jshint nodejs-6_x electron node2nix_git
pdf = mkEnv "y-pdf" [
ml.cpdf zathura pandoc poppler_utils
xdev = mkEnv "y-xdev" [
wmname xev xlsfonts xwininfo glxinfo
# install with nix-env -iAr nixos.hosts.$(hostname -s)
# will remove all your previously installed nix-env stuff
# so check with nix-env -q first
hosts = {
ascanius = with envs; [apps code_min de games envs.js pdf nix media gcc misc scripts coins];
jarvis = with envs; [apps code_min de games envs.js pdf nix media gcc misc scripts];
ascanius = with envs; [apps code de games envs.js pdf nix media gcc misc scripts coins];
jarvis = with envs; [apps code de games envs.js pdf nix media gcc misc scripts];
woodhouse = with envs; [de media misc kodi chromium spotify];
pennyworth = [];
frumar = with envs; [bup git-annex rtorrent pyroscope];