remove vim stuff

Yorick van Pelt 2016-08-26 17:04:05 +02:00
parent d57d3662fb
commit 23dbbc2b0f
5 changed files with 0 additions and 369 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
let g:netrw_dirhistmax =10
let g:netrw_dirhist_cnt =3
let g:netrw_dirhist_1='/home/yorick/.local'
let g:netrw_dirhist_2='/hdd/boot/grub'
let g:netrw_dirhist_3='/home/yorick/.config/offlineimap'

View File

@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
" Author: Kim Silkebækken <>
" Source repository:
" Initialization {{{
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists('syntax_on')
syntax reset
let g:colors_name = 'distinguished'
if ! has('gui_running')
if &t_Co != 256
echoe 'The ' . g:colors_name . ' color scheme requires gvim or a 256-color terminal'
" }}}
" Color dictionary parser {{{
function! s:ColorDictParser(color_dict)
for [group, group_colors] in items(a:color_dict)
exec 'hi ' . group
\ . ' ctermfg=' . (group_colors[0] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[0])
\ . ' ctermbg=' . (group_colors[1] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[1])
\ . ' cterm=' . (group_colors[2] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[2])
\ . ' guifg=' . (group_colors[3] == '' ? 'NONE' : '#' . group_colors[3])
\ . ' guibg=' . (group_colors[4] == '' ? 'NONE' : '#' . group_colors[4])
\ . ' gui=' . (group_colors[5] == '' ? 'NONE' : group_colors[5])
" }}}
" | Highlight group | CTFG | CTBG | CTAttributes | || | GUIFG | GUIBG | GUIAttributes |
" |--------------------------------|-------|-------|-----------------| || |---------|----------|-----------------|
call s:ColorDictParser({
\ 'Normal' : [ 231, 16, '', 'ffffff', '000000', '']
\ , 'Visual' : [ 240, 253, '', '585858', 'dadada', '']
\ , 'Cursor' : [ '', '', '', 'ffffff', 'dd4010', '']
\ , 'lCursor' : [ '', '', '', 'ffffff', '89b6e2', '']
\ , 'CursorLine' : [ '', 236, '', '', '3a3a3a', '']
\ , 'CursorLineNr' : [ 231, 240, '', 'ffffff', '585858', '']
\ , 'CursorColumn' : [ 231, 237, '', 'ffffff', '3a3a3a', '']
\ , 'Folded' : [ 249, 234, '', 'b2b2b2', '1c1c1c', '']
\ , 'FoldColumn' : [ 243, 234, '', '767676', '1c1c1c', '']
\ , 'SignColumn' : [ 231, 233, 'bold', 'ffffff', '121212', 'bold']
\ , 'ColorColumn' : [ '', 233, '', '', '262626', '']
\ , 'StatusLine' : [ 231, 236, 'bold', 'ffffff', '303030', 'bold']
\ , 'StatusLineNC' : [ 244, 232, '', '808080', '080808', '']
\ , 'LineNr' : [ 243, 235, '', '767676', '262626', '']
\ , 'VertSplit' : [ 240, '', '', '585858', '1c1c1c', '']
\ , 'WildMenu' : [ 234, 231, '', '1c1c1c', 'ffffff', '']
\ , 'Directory' : [ 143, '', 'bold', 'afaf5f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'Underlined' : [ 130, '', '', 'af5f00', '', '']
\ , 'Question' : [ 74, '', 'bold', '5fafd7', '', 'bold']
\ , 'MoreMsg' : [ 214, '', 'bold', 'ffaf00', '', 'bold']
\ , 'WarningMsg' : [ 202, '', 'bold', 'ff5f00', '', 'bold']
\ , 'ErrorMsg' : [ 196, '', 'bold', 'ff0000', '', 'bold']
\ , 'Comment' : [ 243, 233, '', '767676', '121212', '']
\ , 'vimCommentTitleLeader' : [ 250, 233, '', 'bcbcbc', '121212', '']
\ , 'vimCommentTitle' : [ 250, 233, '', 'bcbcbc', '121212', '']
\ , 'vimCommentString' : [ 245, 233, '', '8a8a8a', '121212', '']
\ , 'TabLine' : [ 231, 238, '', 'ffffff', '444444', '']
\ , 'TabLineSel' : [ 255, '', 'bold', 'eeeeee', '', 'bold']
\ , 'TabLineFill' : [ 240, 238, '', '585858', '444444', '']
\ , 'TabLineNumber' : [ 160, 238, 'bold', 'd70000', '444444', 'bold']
\ , 'TabLineClose' : [ 245, 238, 'bold', '8a8a8a', '444444', 'bold']
\ , 'SpellCap' : [ 231, 31, 'bold', 'ffffff', '0087af', 'bold']
\ , 'SpecialKey' : [ 239, '', '', '4e4e4e', '', '']
\ , 'NonText' : [ 88, '', '', '870000', '', '']
\ , 'MatchParen' : [ 231, 25, 'bold', 'ffffff', '005faf', 'bold']
\ , 'Constant' : [ 137, '', 'bold', 'af875f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'Special' : [ 150, '', '', 'afd787', '', '']
\ , 'Identifier' : [ 66, '', 'bold', '5f8787', '', 'bold']
\ , 'Statement' : [ 186, '', 'bold', 'd7d787', '', 'bold']
\ , 'PreProc' : [ 247, '', '', '9e9e9e', '', '']
\ , 'Type' : [ 67, '', 'bold', '5f87af', '', 'bold']
\ , 'String' : [ 143, '', '', 'afaf5f', '', '']
\ , 'Number' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
\ , 'Define' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
\ , 'Error' : [ 208, 124, '', 'ff8700', 'af0000', '']
\ , 'Function' : [ 179, '', '', 'd7af5f', '', '']
\ , 'Include' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
\ , 'PreCondit' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
\ , 'Keyword' : [ 173, '', '', 'd7875f', '', '']
\ , 'Search' : [ 231, 131, '', '000000', 'ffff5f', 'underline,bold']
\ , 'Title' : [ 231, '', '', 'ffffff', '', '']
\ , 'Delimiter' : [ 246, '', '', '949494', '', '']
\ , 'StorageClass' : [ 187, '', '', 'd7d7af', '', '']
\ , 'TODO' : [ 228, 94, 'bold', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
\ , 'SyntasticWarning' : [ 220, 94, '', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
\ , 'SyntasticError' : [ 202, 52, '', 'ffff87', '875f00', 'bold']
\ , 'Pmenu' : [ 248, 240, '', 'a8a8a8', '585858', '']
\ , 'PmenuSel' : [ 253, 245, '', 'dadada', '8a8a8a', '']
\ , 'PmenuSbar' : [ 253, 248, '', 'dadada', 'a8a8a8', '']
\ , 'phpEOL' : [ 245, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
\ , 'phpStringDelim' : [ 94, '', '', '875f00', '', '']
\ , 'phpDelimiter' : [ 160, '', '', 'd70000', '', '']
\ , 'phpFunctions' : [ 221, '', 'bold', 'ffd75f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'phpBoolean' : [ 172, '', 'bold', 'd78700', '', 'bold']
\ , 'phpOperator' : [ 215, '', '', 'ffaf5f', '', '']
\ , 'phpMemberSelector' : [ 138, '', 'bold', 'af8787', '', 'bold']
\ , 'phpParent' : [ 227, '', '', 'ffff5f', '', '']
\ , 'PHPClassTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
\ , 'PHPInterfaceTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
\ , 'PHPFunctionTag' : [ 222, '', 'bold', 'ffd787', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonDocString' : [ 240, 233, '', '585858', '121212', '']
\ , 'pythonDocStringTitle' : [ 245, 233, '', 'dadada', '121212', '']
\ , 'pythonRun' : [ 65, '', '', '5f875f', '', '']
\ , 'pythonBuiltinObj' : [ 67, '', 'bold', '5f87af', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonSelf' : [ 250, '', 'bold', 'bcbcbc', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonFunction' : [ 179, '', 'bold', 'd7af5f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonClass' : [ 221, '', 'bold', 'ffd75f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonExClass' : [ 130, '', '', 'af5f00', '', '']
\ , 'pythonException' : [ 130, '', 'bold', 'af5f00', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonOperator' : [ 186, '', '', 'd7d787', '', '']
\ , 'pythonPreCondit' : [ 152, '', 'bold', 'afd7d7', '', 'bold']
\ , 'pythonDottedName' : [ 166, '', '', 'd75f00', '', '']
\ , 'pythonDecorator' : [ 124, '', 'bold', 'af0000', '', 'bold']
\ , 'PythonInterfaceTag' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
\ , 'PythonClassTag' : [ 221, '', '', 'ffd75f', '', '']
\ , 'PythonFunctionTag' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
\ , 'PythonVariableTag' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
\ , 'PythonMemberTag' : [ 145, '', '', 'afafaf', '', '']
\ , 'CTagsImport' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
\ , 'CTagsClass' : [ 221, '', '', 'ffd75f', '', '']
\ , 'CTagsFunction' : [ 109, '', '', '87afaf', '', '']
\ , 'CTagsGlobalVariable' : [ 253, '', '', 'dadada', '', '']
\ , 'CTagsMember' : [ 145, '', '', 'afafaf', '', '']
\ , 'xmlTag' : [ 149, '', 'bold', 'afd75f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'xmlTagName' : [ 250, '', '', 'bcbcbc', '', '']
\ , 'xmlEndTag' : [ 209, '', 'bold', 'ff875f', '', 'bold']
\ , 'cssImportant' : [ 166, '', 'bold', 'd75f00', '', 'bold']
\ , 'DiffAdd' : [ 112, 22, '', '87d700', '005f00', '']
\ , 'DiffChange' : [ 220, 94, '', 'ffd700', '875f00', '']
\ , 'DiffDelete' : [ 160, '', '', 'd70000', '', '']
\ , 'DiffText' : [ 220, 94, 'reverse,bold', 'ffd700', '875f00', 'reverse,bold']
\ , 'diffLine' : [ 68, '', 'bold', '5f87d7', '', 'bold']
\ , 'diffFile' : [ 242, '', '', '6c6c6c', '', '']
\ , 'diffNewFile' : [ 242, '', '', '6c6c6c', '', '']
\ })
hi link htmlTag xmlTag
hi link htmlTagName xmlTagName
hi link htmlEndTag xmlEndTag
hi link phpCommentTitle vimCommentTitle
hi link phpDocTags vimCommentString
hi link phpDocParam vimCommentTitle
hi link diffAdded DiffAdd
hi link diffChanged DiffChange
hi link diffRemoved DiffDelete

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
"symlinks": [
"source": "vimrc.symlink",
"target": "~/.vimrc"

View File

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Pentadactyl configuration file
" Maintainer: Doug Kearns <>
" copied from:
" license:
" TODO: make this pentadactyl specific - shared dactyl config?
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn include @javascriptTop syntax/javascript.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn include @cssTop syntax/css.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
syn match pentadactylCommandStart "\%(^\s*:\=\)\@<=" nextgroup=pentadactylCommand,pentadactylAutoCmd
syn keyword pentadactylCommand run ab[breviate] abc[lear] addo[ns] au[tocmd] ba[ck] bd[elete] bw[ipeout] bun[load]
\ tabc[lose] bma[rk] bmarks b[uffer] buffers files ls tabs ca[bbrev] cabc[lear] cd chd[ir] cm[ap] cmapc[lear] cno[remap]
\ colo[rscheme] comc[lear] com[mand] contexts cuna[bbrev] cunm[ap] delbm[arks] delc[ommand] delmac[ros] delm[arks] delqm[arks]
\ dels[tyle] dia[log] doautoa[ll] do[autocmd] downl[oads] dl ec[ho] echoe[rr] echom[sg] em[enu] exe[cute] exta[dd] extde[lete]
\ extd[isable] exte[nable] extens[ions] exts exto[ptions] extp[references] exu[sage] fini[sh] fo[rward] fw frameo[nly]
\ ha[rdcopy] h[elp] helpa[ll] hi[ghlight] hist[ory] hs ia[bbrev] iabc[lear] im[ap] imapc[lear] ino[remap] iuna[bbrev] iunm[ap]
\ javas[cript] js ju[mps] keepa[lt] let loadplugins lpl macros map mapc[lear] ma[rk] marks mes[sages] messc[lear]
\ mkp[entadactylrc] nm[ap] nmapc[lear] nno[remap] noh[lsearch] no[remap] norm[al] nunm[ap] o[pen] optionu[sage] pa[geinfo]
\ pagest[yle] pas pref[erences] prefs pw[d] qma[rk] qmarks q[uit] quita[ll] qa[ll] redr[aw] re[load] reloada[ll] res[tart]
\ runt[ime] sa[nitize] sav[eas] w[rite] sbcl[ose] scrip[tnames] se[t] setg[lobal] setl[ocal] sideb[ar] sb[ar] sbope[n]
\ sil[ent] so[urce] st[op] stopa[ll] sty[le] styled[isable] styd[isable] stylee[nable] stye[nable] stylet[oggle] styt[oggle]
\ tab taba[ttach] tabde[tach] tabd[o] bufd[o] tabdu[plicate] tabl[ast] bl[ast] tabm[ove] tabn[ext] tn[ext] bn[ext] tabo[nly]
\ tabopen t[open] tabnew tabp[revious] tp[revious] tabN[ext] tN[ext] bp[revious] bN[ext] tabr[ewind] tabfir[st] br[ewind]
\ bf[irst] time toolbarh[ide] tbh[ide] toolbars[how] tbs[how] toolbart[oggle] tbt[oggle] una[bbreviate] u[ndo] undoa[ll]
\ unl[et] unm[ap] verb[ose] ve[rsion] vie[wsource] viu[sage] vm[ap] vmapc[lear] vno[remap] vunm[ap] winc[lose] wc[lose]
\ wind[ow] winon[ly] wino[pen] wo[pen] wqa[ll] wq xa[ll] zo[om]
\ contained
syn match pentadactylCommand "!" contained
syn keyword pentadactylAutoCmd au[tocmd] contained nextgroup=pentadactylAutoEventList skipwhite
syn keyword pentadactylAutoEvent BookmarkAdd BookmarkChange BookmarkRemove ColorScheme DOMLoad DownloadPost Fullscreen
\ LocationChange PageLoadPre PageLoad PrivateMode Sanitize ShellCmdPost Enter LeavePre Leave
\ contained
syn match pentadactylAutoEventList "\(\a\+,\)*\a\+" contained contains=pentadactylAutoEvent
syn region pentadactylSet matchgroup=pentadactylCommand start="\%(^\s*:\=\)\@<=\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|set\=\)\=\>"
\ end="$" keepend oneline contains=pentadactylOption,pentadactylString
syn keyword pentadactylOption activate act altwildmode awim autocomplete au cdpath cd complete cpt cookies ck defsearch ds
\ editor encoding enc eventignore ei extendedhinttags eht fbwhitelist fbw fileencoding fenc followhints fh guioptions go
\ helpfile hf hintinputs hin hintkeys hk hintmatching hm hinttags ht hinttimeout hto history hi laststatus ls loadplugins lpl
\ maxitems messages msgs newtab nextpattern pageinfo pa popups pps previouspattern runtimepath rtp sanitizeitems si
\ sanitizetimespan sts scroll scr shell sh shellcmdflag shcf showstatuslinks ssli showtabline stal suggestengines titlestring
\ urlseparator verbose vbs wildanchor wia wildcase wic wildignore wig wildmode wim wildsort wis wordseparators wsp
\ contained nextgroup=pentadactylSetMod
let s:toggleOptions = ["banghist", "bh", "errorbells", "eb", "exrc", "ex", "flashblock", "fb", "fullscreen", "fs", "hlsearch",
\ "hls", "ignorecase", "ic", "incsearch", "is", "insertmode", "im", "jsdebugger", "jsd", "linksearch", "lks", "more",
\ "online", "private", "pornmode", "showmode", "smd", "smartcase", "scs", "strictfocus", "sf", "usermode", "um", "visualbell",
\ "vb"]
execute 'syn match pentadactylOption "\<\%(no\|inv\)\=\%(' .
\ join(s:toggleOptions, '\|') .
\ '\)\>!\=" contained nextgroup=pentadactylSetMod'
syn match pentadactylSetMod "\%(\<[a-z_]\+\)\@<=&" contained
syn region pentadactylJavaScript start="\%(^\s*\%(javascript\|js\)\s\+\)\@<=" end="$" contains=@javascriptTop keepend oneline
syn region pentadactylJavaScript matchgroup=pentadactylJavaScriptDelimiter
\ start="\%(^\s*\%(javascript\|js\)\s\+\)\@<=<<\s*\z(\h\w*\)"hs=s+2 end="^\z1$" contains=@javascriptTop fold
let s:cssRegionStart = '\%(^\s*sty\%[le]!\=\s\+\%(-\%(n\|name\)\%(\s\+\|=\)\S\+\s\+\)\=[^-]\S\+\s\+\)\@<='
execute 'syn region pentadactylCss start="' . s:cssRegionStart . '" end="$" contains=@cssTop keepend oneline'
execute 'syn region pentadactylCss matchgroup=pentadactylCssDelimiter'
\ 'start="' . s:cssRegionStart . '<<\s*\z(\h\w*\)"hs=s+2 end="^\z1$" contains=@cssTop fold'
syn match pentadactylNotation "<[0-9A-Za-z-]\+>"
syn match pentadactylComment +".*$+ contains=pentadactylTodo,@Spell
syn keyword pentadactylTodo FIXME NOTE TODO XXX contained
syn region pentadactylString start="\z(["']\)" end="\z1" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" oneline
syn match pentadactylLineComment +^\s*".*$+ contains=pentadactylTodo,@Spell
" NOTE: match vim.vim highlighting group names
hi def link pentadactylAutoCmd pentadactylCommand
hi def link pentadactylAutoEvent Type
hi def link pentadactylCommand Statement
hi def link pentadactylComment Comment
hi def link pentadactylJavaScriptDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link pentadactylCssDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link pentadactylNotation Special
hi def link pentadactylLineComment Comment
hi def link pentadactylOption PreProc
hi def link pentadactylSetMod pentadactylOption
hi def link pentadactylString String
hi def link pentadactylTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax = "pentadactyl"
let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save
" vim: tw=130 et ts=4 sw=4:

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
if has("autocmd")
filetype on
filetype indent on
filetype plugin on
syntax on
set nocp
set number
set runtimepath=~/dotfiles/vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,~/dotfiles/vim/after
set background=dark
set mouse=a
" set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ (%{&ff}){%Y}\ [%l,%v][%p%%]
set showcmd
set incsearch
set hlsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase
set hidden
set listchars=tab:▸\ ,eol:¬
set ts=4
set timeoutlen=50
command Writesudo w !sudo tee %
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required
filetype off " required
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize
"set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
"call vundle#begin()
" alternatively, pass a path where Vundle should install plugins
"call vundle#begin('~/some/path/here')
" let Vundle manage Vundle, required
"Plugin 'gmarik/Vundle.vim'
"Plugin 'bitc/vim-hdevtools'
"Plugin 'kien/CtrlP.vim'
"Plugin 'rking/Ag.vim'
"Plugin 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-surround'
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-commentary'
"Plugin 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
"Plugin 'bling/vim-airline'
"Plugin 'scrooloose/syntastic'
"Plugin 'altercation/vim-colors-solarized'
"Plugin 'moll/vim-node'
"Plugin 'godlygeek/tabular'
"Plugin 'digitaltoad/vim-jade'
" All of your Plugins must be added before the following line
"call vundle#end() " required
filetype plugin indent on " required
autocmd StdinReadPre * let s:std_in=1
"autocmd VimEnter * if argc() == 0 && !exists("s:std_in") | NERDTree | endif
"autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTreeType") && b:NERDTreeType == "primary") | q | endif
"colorscheme solarized
autocmd FileType make setlocal ts=8 sts=8 sw=8 noexpandtab
autocmd FileType yaml setlocal ts=2 sts=2 sw=2 expandtab
set noshowmode " Hide the default mode text (e.g. -- INSERT -- below the statusline)
set laststatus=2 " Always display the statusline in all windows
au FileType haskell nnoremap <buffer> <F1> :HdevtoolsType<CR>
au FileType haskell nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <F2> :HdevtoolsClear<CR>
"let g:airline_powerline_fonts = 1
"let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1
"let g:solarized_termtrans = 1