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2016-08-26 17:20:13 +02:00
/* ~/.config/pentadactyl/plugins/launchv.js
From Earnestly.
Quick function to help reduce duplication in my config, thanks mostly to
holomorph who started pretty much all of this.
Requires: livestreamer, mpv, youtube-dl.
* :launchv Attempts to start the current buffer URL as a video.
* ;q Likewise but for the selected hint.
function launchv(target){
// Escape anything which could be used to inject shell commands before
// passing it to the commands.
var uri = target.replace(/([$`"\\])/g, "\\$1");
var mpv = "mpv --loop-file --cache-file=TMP";
function exec(launcher, uri){
// If we're using pentadactyl then echo the action as io.system won't.
if(typeof dactyl !== "undefined")
dactyl.echomsg("Executing: " + launcher + " \"" + uri + "\"");
return io.system(launcher + ' "' + uri + '" &');
// Filter certain urls to more appropriate programs
exec(mpv, uri);
else if(uri.match(/hitbox\.tv\/video\/[0-9]+/))
exec(mpv, uri);
else if(uri.match(/(hitbox|twitch)\.tv/))
exec("livestreamer", uri);
// For everything else.
exec(mpv, uri);
hints.addMode("q", "Launch video from hint", function(elem, loc) launchv(loc));
commands.add(["launchv", "lv"], "Launches current buffer video", function(args){launchv(buffer.URL);});