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pkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
pypkg = pkgs.python27Packages;
{ stdenv ? pkgs.stdenv, python27 ? pkgs.python27, fetchFromGitHub ? pkgs.fetchFromGitHub,
virtualenv ? pypkg.virtualenv, lib ? pkgs.lib }:
inherit (lib) concatMapStringsSep mapAttrsToList concatStringsSep;
deps = {
# the script fetches two other repos from github
pyrobase = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pyroscope";
repo = "pyrobase";
rev = "b9253cb4a8a5781a859e3b1bc79d537d76abc326";
sha256 = "0c2vjjb9bdrd2rx0cys3jzdwr5ljzsh14s18j5np6yg2vdcya35g";
auvyon = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pyroscope";
repo = "auvyon";
rev = "5115c26f966df03df92a9934580b66c72e23d4e8";
sha256 = "1qhig6xjv62gq4mj8rbhx6ifcffg321444j2fm6j8qk3yv8w5v4c";
depnames = pkgs.lib.attrNames deps;
outputscripts = ["chtor" "hashcheck" "lstor" "mktor" "pyroadmin" "pyrotorque" "rtcontrol" "rtevent" "rtmv" "rtxmlrpc"];
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "pyroscope";
version = "";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "pyroscope";
repo = "pyrocore";
rev = "75393631130258d477adf3b4c77b2db085447383";
sha256 = "02msqy40n41wzph75m5jiwphqj6wl2szp7izjwdlhrwfmr7cpamz";
buildInputs = [ python27 virtualenv ];
patchPhase = ''
patchShebangs src/scripts
# make a virtualenv, install paver in it
# XXX: impure :/
buildPhase = ''
virtualenv --never-download .
bin/pip --no-cache-dir install "paver==1.2.4"
bin/pip --no-cache-dir install "Tempita>=0.5.1"
bin/pip --no-cache-dir install "APScheduler>=2.0.2,<3"
bin/pip --no-cache-dir install "waitress>=0.8.2"
bin/pip --no-cache-dir install "WebOb>=1.2.3"
'' +
(concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (depname: source:
''cp -R ${source} ./${depname}
chmod -R +w ./${depname}
(builtin cd ${depname} && ../bin/paver -q develop -U)
'') deps)) +
./bin/paver -q develop -U
./bin/paver bootstrap
# copy the neccesary parts of the virtualenv
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mkdir -p $out/venv/{lib,bin,src}
cp -R ./lib $out/venv/
install ./bin/python2.7 $out/venv/bin
cp -R src $out/venv/src/pyrocore
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x: ''
cp -R ${x}/src $out/venv/src/${x}
'') depnames}
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x: "install bin/${x} $out/bin/${x}") outputscripts}
# patch the bin interpreter into the virtualenv and fix the internal .egg-links
fixupPhase =
(concatMapStringsSep "\n" (x: ''
echo -e "$out/venv/src/${x}\n../" > $out/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/${x}.egg-link
'') (depnames ++ ["pyrocore"])) + ''
sed -i -e "1 s|.*|#\!$out/venv/bin/python2.7|" $out/bin/*
dontPatchShebangs = true;