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2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
/* Lemmings - robot and GUI script.
* Copyright 2016 Harmen de Weerd
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
* Copyright 2017 Johannes Keyser, James Cooke, George Kachergis, Yorick van Pelt
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
"use strict"
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
// Simulation settings; please change anything that you think makes sense.
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
var simInfo = {
maxSteps: 50000, // maximal number of simulation steps to run
airDrag: 0.1, // "air" friction of enviroment; 0 is vacuum, 0.9 is molasses
boxFric: 0.005, // friction between boxes during collisions
boxMass: 0.01, // mass of boxes
boxSize: 15, // size of the boxes, in pixels
robotSize: 13, // approximate robot radius, in pixels (note the SVG gets scaled down)
robotMass: 0.4, // robot mass (a.u)
gravity: 0, // constant acceleration in Y-direction
bayScale: 2, // scale within 2nd, inset canvas showing robot in it's "bay"
debugSensors: true, // plot sensor rays and mark detected objects
debugMouse: true, // allow dragging any object with the mouse
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
class Lemming extends Robot {
constructor(props) {
sensors: [
new DistanceSensor('distR', {
attachAngle: Math.PI/(2.5), // where the sensor is mounted on robot body
color: [150, 0, 0], // sensor color [in RGB], to distinguish them
lookAngle: (Math.PI/7 - Math.PI/(2.5)),
attachRadius: 20
// define another sensor
new DistanceSensor('distL', {
attachAngle: -Math.PI/7,
color: [0, 150, 0],
attachRadius: 20
new Gyroscope('gyro', {
attachAngle: 0,
attachRadius: 5,
color: [100,100,0]
new ColorSensor('carry', {
attachAngle: 0,
color: [255, 100, 0],
attachRadius: 5
new DistanceSensor('wallR', {
attachAngle: Math.PI/2.5, // where the sensor is mounted on robot body
color: [150, 0, 0], // sensor color [in RGB], to distinguish them
filter: x => x.role == 'wall',
lookAngle: (Math.PI/7 - Math.PI/2.5),
attachRadius: 20,
// define another sensor
new DistanceSensor('wallL', {
attachAngle: -Math.PI/7,
color: [0, 150, 0],
filter: x => x.role == 'wall',
attachRadius: 20
].concat(props.sensors || [])
}, props))
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
turnDeg(rads, cb) {
if (Math.abs(rads) >= 320)
return this.turnDeg(320, x => this.turnDeg(rads -320, cb))
const torque = Math.sign(rads) * 0.01
const start = this.getSensorValById('gyro')
this.move = function() {
const curAngle = this.getSensorValById('gyro')
const turned = ((curAngle - start) * Math.sign(rads) + 360) % 360
if (turned < 340 && (turned - Math.abs(rads) > 0)) {
delete this.move
if (cb) cb()
} else {
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
move() {
//if (sim.curSteps % 250 == 0) this.turnDeg(-90)
// TODO: Define Lemming program here.
const vals = ['distL', 'distR', 'carry', 'wallL', 'wallR']
.reduce(((p,c) => ((p[c] = this.getSensorValById(c)), p)), {})
const [r,g,b] = vals.carry
let block = 0
if (r > (g+b)) {
block = 'red'
} else if (b > r+g) {
block = 'blue'
const {distL, distR, wallL, wallR} = vals
if (distL < wallL - 5 || distR < wallR - 5) {
// if it senses a block
if (!block) return this.drive(2e-4) // no block: drive towards block?
if (block == 'blue') void 0; // if blue: ignore
if (block == 'red') return this.turnDeg(-90) // if red: leave block
} else if (wallL < Infinity || wallR < Infinity) {
// no block: turn left or right
if (!block) return this.turnDeg(90 * (Math.random() < 0.5 ? -1 : 1))
if (block == 'blue') return this.turnDeg(-90) // blue: leave
if (block == 'red') return this.turnDeg(90) // red: keep
// by default: wander
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
var sim = null
class Simulation {
constructor() {
this.bay = null
this.robots = null
this.runner = null
this.world = null
this.engine = null
this.curSteps = 0
this.doContinue = false
this.robots = []
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
init() {
const arena = document.getElementById("arenaLemming"),
{height, width} = arena
this.elem = arena
arena.style.backgroundColor = 'silver'
Object.assign(this, {height, width})
/* Create a MatterJS engine and world. */
this.engine = Matter.Engine.create();
this.world = this.engine.world;
this.world.gravity.y = simInfo.gravity;
this.engine.timing.timeScale = 1;
/* Create walls and boxes, and add them to the world. */
// note that "roles" are custom properties for rendering (not from MatterJS)
function getWall(x, y, width, height) {
return Matter.Bodies.rectangle(x, y, width, height, {
isStatic: true, role: 'wall',
color:[150, 150, 150]
const wall_lo = getWall(width/2, height-5, width-5, 5),
wall_hi = getWall(width/2, 5, width-5, 5),
wall_le = getWall(5, height/2, 5, height-15),
wall_ri = getWall(width-5, height/2, 5, height-15);
Matter.World.add(this.world, [wall_lo, wall_hi, wall_le, wall_ri]);
/* Add a bunch of boxes in a neat grid. */
function getBox(x, y) {
// flip coin for red vs blue and add rgb
const color = (Math.random() < 0.5) ? [0, 0, 200] : [200, 0, 0]
return Matter.Bodies.rectangle(x, y, simInfo.boxSize, simInfo.boxSize, {
frictionAir: simInfo.airDrag,
friction: simInfo.boxFric,
mass: simInfo.boxMass,
role: 'box',
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
const startX = 100, startY = 100,
nBoxX = 5, nBoxY = 5,
gapX = 40, gapY = 30,
stack = Matter.Composites.stack(startX, startY,
nBoxX, nBoxY,
gapX, gapY, getBox);
Matter.World.add(this.world, stack);
/* Add debug ging mouse control for dragging objects. */
if (simInfo.debugMouse){
const mouseConstraint = Matter.MouseConstraint.create(this.engine, {
mouse: Matter.Mouse.create(arena),
// spring stiffness mouse ~ object
constraint: {stiffness: 0.5}
Matter.World.add(this.world, mouseConstraint);
// Add the tracker functions from mouse.js
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
/* Running the MatterJS physics engine (without rendering). */
this.runner = Matter.Runner.create({fps: 60, isFixed: false});
// register function simStep() as callback to MatterJS's engine events
Matter.Events.on(this.engine, 'tick', this.step.bind(this));
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
this.bay = new Bay()
step() {
// advance simulation by one step (except MatterJS engine's physics)
if (this.curSteps < simInfo.maxSteps) {
this.robots.forEach(robot => {
// To enable selection by clicking (via mouse.js/graphics.js),
// the position on the canvas needs to be defined in (x, y):
const rSize = simInfo.robotSize;
robot.x = robot.body.position.x - rSize;
robot.y = robot.body.position.y - rSize;
// count and display number of steps
this.curSteps += 1;
document.getElementById("SimStepLabel").innerHTML =
padnumber(this.curSteps, 5) +
' of ' +
padnumber(simInfo.maxSteps, 5);
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
else {
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draw() {
const context = this.elem.getContext('2d')
context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);
// draw objects within world
const Composite = Matter.Composite,
bodies = Composite.allBodies(this.world);
bodies.forEach(({role, vertices, color}) => {
if (role == 'robot') return
if (color) {
context.strokeStyle = convrgb(color);
drawVertices(context, vertices);
context.lineWidth = 1;
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
// draw all robots
this.robots.forEach(robot => robot.plotRobot(context))
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
addRobot(robot) {
makeInteractiveElement(robot, this.elem))
if (!this.bay.robot) this.bay.load(robot)
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
removeRobot(robot) {
this.robots = this.robots.filter(x => x == robot)
Matter.World.remove(this.world, robot.body)
start() {
if (!this.doContinue) Matter.Runner.start(this.runner, this.engine);
this.doContinue = true
stop() {
if (this.doContinue) Matter.Runner.stop(this.runner)
this.doContinue = false
toggle() {
if (this.doContinue) this.stop()
else this.start()
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
function init() { // called once when loading HTML file
// the pathseg polyfill will run in the html document
// but we need it in the svg. I changed the IIFE in to a
// regular function and inject it into the svg using eval
const svg = document.getElementById('robotbodySVG')
svg.contentWindow.eval('(' + window.pathseg.toString() + ')()')
sim = new Simulation()
sim.addRobot(new Lemming({
color: [255, 255, 255], // color of the robot shape
init: {x: 50, y: 50, angle: 0}, // initial position and orientation
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
class Bay {
constructor() {
this.elem = document.getElementById("bayLemming")
this.context = this.elem.getContext('2d')
this.center = {x: this.elem.width / simInfo.bayScale / 2,
y: this.elem.height / simInfo.bayScale / 2}
this.robot = null
this.elem.style.backgroundColor = 'silver'
load(robot) {
this.robot = robot
robot.sensors.forEach(sensor => {
makeInteractiveElement(sensor, this.elem)
// todo: removeinteractiveelement?
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
repaint() {
const {context, robot, elem: robotBay} = this
// update inset canvas showing information about selected robot
context.clearRect(0, 0, this.elem.width, this.elem.height);
if (!robot) return
context.scale(simInfo.bayScale, simInfo.bayScale)
context.translate(this.center.x, this.center.y)
robot.plotRobot(context, 0, 0, 0);
// print sensor values of selected robot next to canvas
if (!(sim.curSteps % 5)) { // update slow enough to read
const sensorString = robot.sensors.map(({id, valueStr, color}) => {
return `<br> <span style="color:${color ? convrgb(color) : 'black'}">id '${id}': ${valueStr}</span>`
document.getElementById('SensorLabel').innerHTML = sensorString;
transformMouse({x,y}) {
// scale, translate, rotate by 90 degrees,
return { y: (x / simInfo.bayScale) - this.center.x,
x: -((y / simInfo.bayScale) - this.center.y) }
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
function loadFromSVG() {
var vertexSets = [];
const svg = document.getElementById('robotbodySVG'),
data = svg.contentDocument;
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2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
for (const path of data.getElementsByTagName('path')) {
const points = Matter.Svg.pathToVertices(path, 30);
vertexSets.push(Matter.Vertices.scale(points, 0.2, 0.2));
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
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return vertexSets;
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
function Robot(robotInfo) {
// load robot's body shape from SVG file
const bodySVGpoints = loadFromSVG();
this.body = Matter.Bodies.fromVertices(robotInfo.init.x,
bodySVGpoints, {
frictionAir: simInfo.airDrag,
mass: simInfo.robotMass,
color: [255, 255, 255],
role: 'robot'
}, true);
Matter.World.add(sim.world, this.body);
Matter.Body.setAngle(this.body, robotInfo.init.angle);
// instantiate its sensors
this.sensors = robotInfo.sensors;
this.sensors.forEach(sensor => sensor.parent = this)
// attach its helper functions
this.info = robotInfo;
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
Object.assign(Robot.prototype, {
rotate(torque=0) {
/* Apply a torque to the robot to rotate it.
* Parameters
* torque - rotational force to apply to the body.
* Try values around +/- 0.005.
this.body.torque = torque;
drive(force=0) {
/* Apply a force to the robot to move it.
* Parameters
* force - force to apply to the body.
* Try values around +/- 0.0005.
const orientation = this.body.angle,
force_vec = Matter.Vector.create(force, 0),
move_vec = Matter.Vector.rotate(force_vec, orientation);
Matter.Body.applyForce(this.body, this.body.position , move_vec);
updateSensors() {
this.sensors.forEach(sensor => sensor.sense())
getSensorValById(id) {
const sensor = this.sensors.find(sensor => sensor.id == id)
return sensor ? sensor.value : undefined
move() {
// TODO: Define Lemming program here.
const distL = this.getSensorValById('distL'),
distR = this.getSensorValById('distR');
mouseHit(x, y) {
return Vec2.distLess(this.body.position, {x,y}, this.getWidth()/2 + 1)
getWidth() { return 2 * simInfo.robotSize },
getHeight() { return 2 * simInfo.robotSize },
onDrop(robot, event) {
this.isDragged = false
onDrag(robot, event) {
this.isDragged = true
return true
x = this.body.position.x,
y = this.body.position.y,
angle = this.body.angle) {
const showInternalEdges = false;
const body = this.body
// MatterJS thinks in world coords
// translate the world canvas to compensate
context.rotate(-body.angle + angle);
context.translate(-body.position.x + x, -body.position.y + y);
// handle compound parts
context.strokeStyle = convrgb(body.color);
context.lineWidth = 1.5;
body.parts.forEach(({vertices}, k) => {
if (k == 0 && body.parts.length > 1) return
context.moveTo(vertices[0].x, vertices[0].y);
let fn, wasInternal = true
vertices.forEach(fn = ({x,y, isInternal}, j) => {
if (wasInternal) context.moveTo(x, y)
else context.lineTo(x, y)
wasInternal = isInternal && !showInternalEdges
// to draw the rest, rotate & translate again
context.translate(x, y);
// Plot sensor positions into world canvas.
this.sensors.forEach(sensor => sensor.plotSensor(context))
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
function padnumber(number, size) {
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
if (number == 'Infinity') return 'inf'
return (''+number).padStart(size, '0')
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
function format(number) {
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
// prevent HTML elements to jump around at sign flips etc
return (number >= 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.abs(number).toFixed(1);
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00
function toggleSimulation() {
2017-11-27 03:05:27 +01:00
2017-11-10 14:32:01 +01:00