
60 lines
1.9 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -i bash -p bash curl gnugrep jq gawk libxml2 nix-prefetch-scripts
#: Above includes transitive dependencies of our libraries, would be great to specify them at the usage site.
GemCache="$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/GEMS.XXXXXXX)"
source "$(dirname $(realpath $0))/lib/"
source "$(dirname $(realpath $0))/lib/"
TopLevelDependencies() {
( # Nanoc isn't an explicit dependency:
echo nanoc;
# We want its filters too; and those aren't referenced in the gemspec.
# But we really don't need all of them. (There are a lot.)
# For now they're being incorporated on an ad-hoc basis:
tr ' ' '\n' <<< "sass kramdown erubis pygments.rb w3c_validators builder";
# Local requires, hopefully there aren't any gems named differently from their imports.
grep -Proh "(?<=require ['\"])[^/'\"]+" ..;
) | sort -u | Filter IsRubyGem
cat <<EOF
{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
}: let
inherit (pkgs)
callPackage buildRubyGem lib ruby_2_2 libtidy
perlPackages pythonPackages glibcLocales;
inherit (lib) optionalAttrs hasAttr mapAttrs;
hotfix = mapAttrs (_: f: f {}) (callPackage <nixpkgs/pkgs/development/interpreters/ruby/bundler-env/default-gem-config.nix> {}) // {
tidy_ffi = {
postInstall = ''
substituteInPlace \$out/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/tidy_ffi-0.1.6/lib/tidy_ffi/lib_tidy.rb --replace 'usr' \${libtidy}
TopLevelDependencies | Map Gem2Nix
cat <<EOF
in pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "";
src = ../.;
buildInputs =
[$(TopLevelDependencies | tr '\n' ' ')] ++
[perlPackages.ImageExifTool pythonPackages.pygments glibcLocales];
patchPhase = ''
sed -i 's/do$/do |_, _|/' commands/backup/*
buildPhase = ''
nanoc references
nanoc images
for site in blog daily gospel muflax; do
nanoc compile -s \$site
installPhase = ''
mv out \$out