# support for site-specific configs # built-in cmds than need a site option site_cmds = [ '(auto)?compile', 'create_\w+', 'debug', 'deploy', 'prune', 'update', 'view', 'watch', ] # site-specific config module ::Nanoc class Site def extended_build_config(dir_or_config_hash, site) puts "load extended config..." @config[:output_dir] = "out/#{site}" @config[:data_sources] = [{ type: "filesystem_customizable", source_dir: ["content_#{site}"], items_root: "/", layouts_root: "/", config: {}, }] @config[:data_sources].map! { |ds| ds.symbolize_keys } ssh = if site == "muflax" site else "muflax-#{site}" end @config[:deploy] = { default: { dst: "#{ssh}:/home/public", options: ['-gpPrtvz', '--delete'], kind: "rsync" } } @config[:watcher][:dirs_to_watch] << "content_#{site}" @config[:base_url] = self.url end def main_site? $site == "muflax" end def blog? !main_site? # everything is a blog except for the main site end def disqus_site # TODO merge them all? # site -> disqus shortname case $site when "muflax" "muflax" when "sutra" "muflaxsutra" when "daily" "dailymuflax" when "blog" "muflaxblog" else # put 'em on the main site "muflax" end end def url "http://#{main_site? ? "" : "#{$site}."}muflax.com" end def disqus_url item url + item.identifier end def title case $site when "muflax" "lies and wonderland" when "sutra" "Blogchen" when "daily" "muflax becomes a saint" when "blog" "muflax' mindstream" else # placeholder "muflaxia" end end end end # add option to all nanoc commands that operate on sites Nanoc::CLI.root_command.commands.select do |cmd| cmd.name =~ /^(#{site_cmds.join("|")})/ end.each do |cmd| cmd.modify do required :s, :site, "custom site" do |site, _| puts "set site: #{site}" # make site globally accessibly $site = site module ::Nanoc class Site alias old_build_config build_config def build_config(dir_or_config_hash) # build default old_build_config(dir_or_config_hash) # build extended config extended_build_config(dir_or_config_hash, $site) end end end end end end # helper function module Nanoc::CLI class CommandRunner def all_sites Dir['content_*'].map{|d| d.gsub(/^content_/, '')}.sort end # lots of commands use -s now, so simplify its use def sites_arg sites sites.nil? ? all_sites : sites.split(",") end # load data from site def load_site site=nil self.require_site current_site = self.site # load site-specific config current_site.extended_build_config('.', site) unless site.nil? # load site data (including plugins) current_site.load current_site end def daily_logs dir = "content_daily/log" pattern = /\/(\d+).mkd$/ Dir["#{dir}/*.mkd"].select{|l| l.match(pattern)}.sort_by do |l| l.match(pattern)[1].to_i end end end end # show list of all sites so that this file does something useful usage 'sites' summary 'prints all available sites' description 'Prints all sites that can be used via -s SITE.' module Nanoc::CLI::Commands class Sites < ::Nanoc::CLI::CommandRunner def run puts "sites: #{all_sites.join ', '}" end end end runner Nanoc::CLI::Commands::Sites