--- title: Le Suck date: 2012-06-21 techne: :done episteme: :log --- An announcement! (I should put this somewhere else too, maybe. Meh.) I've started to acquire quite a lot of sub-sites, so I decided to write a [little portal][] for them. Also, there is now an additional [universal RSS feed][] that includes *all* sites. (So you don't need 50 different feeds if you follow all my stuff anyway.) You can of course still follow individual feeds as always. I'll also consolidate some of the mess on the main site, I swear, anytime now, right after I've watched this cat jump into a box, haha, what a funny cat! And because I'm reading more, and I like lists, and reviews, hey!, there's now a [Let's Read][] site! I don't expect it to be very in-depth, or heck, even active in a month or two, but let's throw fifty ideas against the wall, one will stick! (Or at least make the wall sticky. *Eww*.) --- And because I'm feeling lazy today, I don't want to actually describe my card design. So I recorded a video of a full typical review session instead. Watch me use Anki like every day on the toilet, uhh, while waiting for code to compile, no, uh... between study sessions. Right, that's the story I'm going with. (The sound sucks and the loading times are slightly unusual due to the recording app. It's also a bit long, merely because I couldn't be bothered to pre-select interesting cards or edit the video. If you're reading this, you probably already have an unhealthy obsession with minutiae of my life, so that should be fine.) <%= youtube("") %> --- I thought a bit more about thinking about philosophy, and luckily found a [solution due to divine inspiration][Condemnation]. As you may have guessed, this is based (quite literally) on the [Condemnation of 1277][], and many of the condemnations are taken more-or-less directly from it (because I liked them[^ironic] and kept laughing about how the *original Condemnation of 1277* could be used, *verbatim*, to criticize several rationalist debates *today*). The second major influence are the Buddha's 14 Unanswerable Questions, as quoted in the beginning. (Which is also where the "or not, or both, or neither" formulation comes from. I always loved the dialetheist qualification in the canon.) I would also like to say that I had *a lot* of fun writing this, and also feel relieved for having properly disowned some things. Accordingly, many of my previous writings[^site] do not just have an innocuous marker for their epistemic state anymore, but a Big Fat Banner warning about their having been disowned. [^site]: On this site, at least. I might extend it to other sites as I see fit / whenever I'm reminded of their existence. [^ironic]: Also, even though some aspects of the Condemnation are of course ironic, none of the actual condemnations are. Even though some formulations are optimized for maximal lulz. Because this philosophy is a waste of time and I'd like to get back to doing useful stuff, like code, watch cat videos and learn Sumerian.