#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright muflax , 2010 # License: GNU GPL 3 import datetime as dt import glob import hashlib import optparse import os import os.path as op import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import PyRSS2Gen as RSS2 import clevercss import yaml try: from yaml import CLoader as Loader except ImportError: from yaml import Loader class Webifier(object): """turn source files into static website""" def __init__(self, src, out, styles, layout, force): self.src = src self.src = src self.styles = styles self.layout = layout self.force = force self.out = out self.now = dt.datetime.now() def webify(self): """wrapper for the whole process""" self.make_html_files(self.src, self.out) self.make_css(self.styles, op.join(self.out, self.styles)) self.tidy_up_html(self.out) self.make_rss_feed(op.join(self.out, "changelog.html")) self.tidy_up_xml(self.out) self.copy_media_files(self.src, self.out) def copy_media_files(self, src, out): """copy all the other files, like images""" # again, we manually walk this shit... *sigh* for f in [f for f in os.listdir(src) if (op.isfile(op.join(src, f)) and not re.search("\.(yaml|pdc)$", f))]: shutil.copy2(op.join(src, f), op.join(out, f)) for dir in [d for d in os.listdir(src) if op.isdir(op.join(src, d))]: self.copy_media_files(src=op.join(src, dir), out=op.join(out, dir)) def _breadcrumbtagify(self, file, name=None, depth=0): """turn an address and name into a proper link""" if not name: name = file if depth > 1: file = "../" * (depth - 1) elif depth == 1: file = "./" r = "{}".format(file, name) return r def make_breadcrumb(self, file, meta): """turn current path into breadcrumb navigation""" crumbs = [] depth = len(meta["cats"]) for catfile, cat in meta["cats"]: crumbs.append(self._breadcrumbtagify(catfile, cat, depth=depth)) depth -= 1 crumbs.append(self._breadcrumbtagify(op.basename(file), "<>")) return " » ".join(crumbs) def templatify(self, file, meta, out): """templatify file using meta and save it at out""" print("\ttemplatifying {}...".format(file)) dest = op.join(out, op.basename(file).replace(".pdc", ".html")) breadcrumb = self.make_breadcrumb(dest, meta) pandoc = ["pandoc", "--template", op.join("layout", meta["layout"]), "--css", op.join("style", meta["style"]), "--variable", "breadcrumb:{}".format(breadcrumb), "-o", dest, file ] subprocess.call(pandoc) print("\t\tsaving as {}...".format(dest)) def make_html_files(self, src, out, meta=None): """turn all *.pdc in src into html files in out""" # we'll have to manually walk this shit... # read the metadata and update the old one meta = {} if meta == None else meta.copy() print("reading metadata in {}...".format(src)) meta_file = op.join(src, "meta.yaml") with open(meta_file, "r") as f: data = yaml.load(f, Loader=Loader) meta.update(data) # add breadcrumb information to metadata if "cats" in meta: crumb = (op.basename(out), meta["title"]) meta["cats"].append(crumb) else: # root path, needs to be renamed crumb = ("", meta["title"]) meta["cats"] = [crumb] # templatify all files here if not op.exists(out): os.mkdir(out) for f in glob.glob(src+"/*.pdc"): self.templatify(f, meta, out) # do the same for all subdirectories for dir in [d for d in os.listdir(src) if op.isdir(op.join(src, d))]: self.make_html_files(src=op.join(src, dir), out=op.join(out, dir), meta=meta) def make_css(self, src, out): """turn clevercss templates into proper css""" if not op.exists(out): os.mkdir(out) for f in glob.glob(op.join(src, "*.clevercss")): mtime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(f).st_mtime) if self.force or mtime > self.now: print("cssifying {}...".format(f)) with open(f, "r") as clever_f: conv = clevercss.convert(clever_f.read()) dest = op.join(out, op.basename(f).replace(".clevercss", ".css")) with open(dest, "w") as css_f: print("\tsaving as {}...".format(dest)) css_f.write(conv) def make_rss_feed(self, changelog): """generate an RSS feed out of the Changelog""" with open(changelog, "r") as f: print("parsing {}...".format(changelog)) txt = f.read() relist = re.compile("""
  • (?P\d+) / (?P\d+) / (?P\d+):\ (?P.+?)
  • """, re.X|re.S) items = [] for entry in relist.finditer(txt): items.append( RSS2.RSSItem( title = "omg new stuff!!w!", link = "http://www.muflax.com/changelog.html", description = entry.group("desc"), pubDate = dt.datetime( int(entry.group("y")), int(entry.group("m")), int(entry.group("d")) ), guid = RSS2.Guid( hashlib.md5(entry.group("desc").encode("utf8")).hexdigest() ) ) ) if not items: print("RSS broke... again...") sys.exit(1) feed = RSS2.RSS2( title = "muflax.com", link = "http://www.muflax.com", description = "lies and wonderland", lastBuildDate = dt.datetime.now(), items = items[:10] ) with open("out/rss.xml", "w") as f: print("writing RSS feed...") feed.write_xml(f, encoding="utf8") def tidy_up_html(self, dir): """clean up all the html we generated earlier...""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for f in [op.join(root, f) for f in files if re.match(".*\.html", f)]: mtime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(f).st_mtime) if self.force or mtime > self.now: subprocess.call(["tidy", "--tidy-mark", "f", "-i", "-m", "-q", "-utf8", f]) def tidy_up_xml(self, dir): """clean up all the xml we generated earlier...""" for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir): for f in [op.join(root, f) for f in files if re.match(".*\.xml", f)]: mtime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(f).st_mtime) if self.force or mtime > self.now: subprocess.call(["tidy", "-xml", "-i", "-m", "-q", "-utf8", f]) def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("-f", "--force", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, help="regenerate all files") opt, args = parser.parse_args() w = Webifier(src="src", out="out", styles="styles", layout="layout", force=opt.force) w.webify() if __name__ == "__main__": main()