require 'image_size' usage 'images' summary 'prepares images' description 'Prepares images for uploads, i.e. strips them of metadata, compresses them and so on.' module Nanoc::CLI::Commands class Images < ::Nanoc::CLI::CommandRunner def run img_dir = "content/pigs" exts = "{" + %w{jpg png gif}.join(",") + "}" # resize all large images Dir["#{img_dir}/*.#{exts}"].select {|f| > 400}.map do |img| small_img = img.gsub /^(.+)\.(\w+)$/, '\1_small.\2' next if File.exists? small_img and File.mtime(small_img) >= File.mtime(img) puts "resizing #{img}..." system "convert -resize '400' #{img} #{small_img}" end # strip exif system "exiftool -all= -overwrite_original #{img_dir}/*.#{exts}" end end end runner Nanoc::CLI::Commands::Images