# build rss feed def rss_feed require "rss/maker" version = "2.0" # find changelog log = @items.find{|i| i.identifier.match %r{/changelog/}} content = RSS::Maker.make(version) do |rss| rss.channel.title = "Lies and Wonderland" rss.channel.link = "http://muflax.com" rss.channel.author = "mail@muflax.com" rss.channel.description = "Lies and Wonderland" rss.items.do_sort = true # sort items by date # add changelog changes(log).each do |change| i = rss.items.new_item i.title = "muflax hath written unto you..." i.link = "http://muflax.com/changelog/" i.date = Time.parse(change[:date]) i.description = change[:description] end # add all non-draft articles once articles = @site.printed_items.select{|i| i.article?} articles.each do |item| i = rss.items.new_item i.title = "#{item[:title]}" i.link = "http://muflax.com" + item.path i.date = item[:date].to_time i.description = "New Page: #{i.title}" end # mod date is newest article / entry in log rss.channel.date = [articles.map{|i| i[:date].to_time}, log.mtime].flatten.max end content end # return changes based on changelog def changes log require 'nokogiri' changes = [] # parse log html_log = Nokogiri::HTML(log.compiled_content) html_log.css("ul#changelog").each do |ul| ul.css("li").each do |li| change = {} change[:description] = li.children.to_s.strip change[:date] = li.content[%r{\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}}] changes << change end end changes end