--- title: Antinatalism FAQ date: 2011-11-16 techne: :incomplete episteme: :believed --- > If only I could show you the places I have seen, you might understand the > things I say. I have been to the Desolate Lands, wandered by those souls who > still see the lands of the living but wear the cloak of the dead. Blind to > their own ends, they cry, passing through one another like shadows in the > dying light of day. I have travelled to where souls rot in torment, pierced > with the jagged shards of life and vision, clinging to memory - regrets of > the flesh. I saw that this prison was of their own making, and that the key > was in unknowing, in release... and still, I travelled on. > > And finally, I came to the place where souls go to die. Where the mirrored and > worn spirits fall into an endless sea of grey, mirrored glass, and I lowered > myself within, and lay there among them, and I almost did not return. > > And do you know what I found there? There, among the silent and battered > shells of the innumerable? Peace. Enlightenment. Truth. Only then did I realize > that this place, this "Life", is an abomination, a horrible distortion of the > natural order. This *"Life"*, who mothered Pain, and Fear, and Envy... these > twisted children who exist only because we are here to feed them, to nourish > them. This *"Life"*, this *afterthought* - a disturbance, a mere ripple in that > great, dead sea, not even the cause, but merely an effect, sending these souls > upwards, screaming for release from the day they are torn from their waters! > The effect of what?! > > I do not know. Nor do I care. > > Have you ever spoken with the dead? Called to them from this side? Called them > from their silent rest? Do you know what it is that they feel? Pain. Pain, > when torn into this wakefulness, this reminder of the chaos from which they > had escaped. Pain - for having to live. There will be no more pain. There > will be no more chaos. > > -- [Kerghan][] the Wise ([video][Kerghan Speech]) # Why You Got Screwed Why you have been harmed by coming into existence and nothing you can do will make up for it. # Range of Positions ## Pronatalism It is never wrong to bring someone into existence. ## Minor Antinatalism There are some beings who are worse off, but on average, it works out. This seems like the majority view. ## Major Antinatalism Some beings are better off alive, but on average, the harm dominates. So far, this is for example the position of many transhumanists, who think that humanity has a possible good future, but so far has mostly suffered. It is not too unusual for people to hold off on having children because the world is too horrible right now. ## Categorical Antinatalism It is always wrong to bring someone into existence. *Every* being is worse off alive. Even [Manabi][]. This is what I'm arguing for. # Arguments ## Escape from Kaldor Hicks # What about future versions of yourself? Self, person-moments. Should you kill yourself right now? # Moral Imperative Comparison to Vampire RPG. In it, you are a recently turned vampire who has to feed on the living to survive. Your constant hunger for blood makes it likely that you will one day lose control and kill whoever you're feeding off. You must exploit a large number of humans merely to survive. You know that this is wrong, yet your own need to survive makes you do it anyway. You could do the right thing anytime and just step out into the sun tomorrow. Yet you don't. No matter what you tell yourself, you are evil.[^social] [^social]: The analogy to our economy, social system and all of industrialization is too obvious to ignore. # Practical Implications Is this just a contrarian position? Are you merely signalling how deep and unconventional you are? After all, even professional ethicists aren't more ethical on average[^ethicistfail]. [^ethicistfail]: See [Schwitzgebel's various studies][Schwitzgebel Ethics]. # Religious Analogies ## Gnosticism Even Jesus was an Antinatalist. A minor remark: antinatalism also provides a solution to Anselm's ontological argument, like so: 1. God is the greatest possible being. (Definition) 2. It is best to not exist. (Antinatalism) 3. Therefore, God does not exist. ## Shakers How not to do it. ## Genetic Exploitation Being a sucker for genes. ## Buddhism. [Manabi]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gakuen_Utopia_Manabi_Straight! [Schwitzgebel Ethics]: http://schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com/2007/04/moral-behavior-of-ethics-professors.html [Kerghan]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcanum [Kerghan Video]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkBrIrQikWY