--- title: Utilitarianism, A Summary date: 2012-07-01 techne: :wip episteme: :troll --- A summary of utilitarianism, with the help of [co-author Anthony Hollander][make people alive], age 9. --- Dear Val, Jhon, Peter and Lesslie, This may seem very strange, but I think I no how to make people or animals moral. Why Im teling you is because I cant get the things I need. A list of what I need. 1. Diagram of how evreything works. [inside youre brain.] 2. Model of a brain split in half. [both halvs.] 3. The sort of inteligents they yous for computers. [inteligents must be very very safe.] 4. Tools for scanning people in. 5. Computer box, 8 foot tall, 3 foot width. 6. Picture of a society showing all the good things. Sorry but in number 5 in the list the box needs internet. If you do get them on 1st March I can pay £10, £11, £12, £13 or £14. Send your answer to me, Love from Anthony, London, NW11