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muflax 2011-09-03 18:28:11 +02:00
parent c8747fe04a
commit 32344efc00
14 changed files with 111 additions and 453 deletions

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ compile '*' do
when "mkd" # normal pages
filter :erb
filter :kramdown
filter :colorize_syntax, :default_colorizer => :pygmentize
layout 'default'
filter :tidy

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Speed Reading
date: 2011-09-03
date: 2010-06-23
status: :rough
episteme: :believed

View File

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ You may, of course, just read this site to find out more. You can
get in [Contact][] with me about anything, be it comments, criticisms or
Articles are sorted by date, with newer ones at the top. You can see the
[Changelog] for any recent changes or subscribe to the [RSS Feed][RSS]. You can
also read the [Twitter][] feed or my [Blog][] for smaller, more cutting edge
Articles are sorted by latest major modification. You can see the [Changelog]
for any recent changes or subscribe to the [RSS Feed][RSS]. You can also read
the [Twitter][] feed or my [Blog][] for smaller, raw thought.
<%= category :experiments %>
<%= category :reflections %>
<%= category :software %>

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ is_hidden: true
[Pororo]: http://github.com/muflax/pororo
[Source]: http://github.com/muflax/muflax.com
[Twitter]: http://twitter.com/muflax
[Config]: http://github.com/muflax/config
<!-- external links -->
[Creative Commons]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/de
@ -31,3 +33,5 @@ is_hidden: true
*[LW]: LessWrong
*[SIA]: Self-Indication Assumption
*[SSA]: Self-Sampling Assumption
*[SRS]: Spaced Repetition Software (e.g. Anki)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: Gospel of Muflax
date: 2011-09-03
date: 2010-11-12
status: :done
episteme: :believed

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
title: There Is Only Quale
date: 2011-09-03
date: 2010-09-23
status: :done
episteme: :fiction

content/software/guru.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 63 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
title: Software
is_category: true
<%= category :software %>

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@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
% vim
title: vim
date: 2010-11-17
status: :done
episteme: :discredited
alias evil="for s in {1..3}; do
echo -n 'VI! ';
sleep .666;
done; echo; vi"
alias evil="for s in {1..3}; do
echo -n 'VI! ';
sleep .666;
done; echo; vi"
A GNU Dawn
Below, there's a little write-up of the vim features I used often enough to
Below is a little write-up of the vim features I used often enough to
value them, but still rarely enough to constantly forget them. However, during
the fall of 2010, I eventually overcame my hatred of Lisp and converted to
emacs. Maybe I'll write a similar list for it one day. Or I'll just wait until
@ -25,8 +32,8 @@ often forget about some of them. Heck, I implemented tab completion for code 3
times because I forgot that I already did it each time and only noticed it
months later during a cleanup!
[^0]: To be fair, I store every plugin there and never install any system-wide
so that my setup is mostly independent from the current machine.
[^0]: To be fair, I store every plugin there and never install anything
system-wide so that my setup is mostly independent from the current machine.
It couldn't go on like this. My memory couldn't keep up with this. I probably
only knew half the hotkeys I have mapped myself. I dream of vim; have terrible
@ -54,14 +61,14 @@ emacs[^emacs] already, because I'm at least halfway there anyway.
deal with people that like it. (But afaik there may be some ports to a sane
language, so maybe this point is moot nowadays.)
Luckily, I am not sane. So instead, I just made another [SRS] deck, and put in
Luckily, I am not sane. So instead, I just made another SRS deck, and put in
all those features, using a card each, and then just learned them like
everything else. Hey, I have fully outsourced my long-term memory, I might as
well use it for stuff that matters!
And to cultivate this deck, I needed a complete list of all vim features I
currently (should) know. All of them! So here it is, in no particular order,
including all relevant plugins. You can just google them or check my [config] on
including all relevant plugins. You can just google them or check my [Config][] on
I'm gonna leave out all the very elementary features everyone knows, like / or
@ -259,5 +266,3 @@ The List
(I also tried **XPtemplate**, which is too ugly and hard to use, and
**snipMate**, which I used previously, but doesn't have recursive snippets.)
[SRS]: srs.html
[config]: http://github.com/muflax/config

View File

@ -1,4 +1,9 @@
% Meditation on Xmonad
title: Meditation on XMonad
date: 2010-05-03
status: :done
episteme: :discredited
Ignorance is the root of all suffering - ignorance about reality,
about what is. By holding wrong assumptions, we create false
@ -109,7 +114,7 @@ fastest, and most reliable components are those that aren't there.".
By concentrating not on *how*, but on *what*, false
desires disappear. By letting go off false desires, suffering ends.
![Guru Meditation](guru.png)
![Guru Meditation](/software/guru.png)
[^0]: Yeah, I have been reading Buddhist philosophy and history
again. Can you tell?
@ -135,7 +140,8 @@ desires disappear. By letting go off false desires, suffering ends.
and finally add the sorted second list. Think about how you would solve this
in an imperative language. In C, it would go something like this:
~~~ {.c}
void swap(int *a, int *b)
int t=*a; *a=*b; *b=t;
@ -162,12 +168,14 @@ desires disappear. By letting go off false desires, suffering ends.
language, we tell the computer what something *is*. I already told you what
Quicksort is, so let's write this down in Haskell:
~~~ {.haskell}
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort lesser ++ [x] ++ qsort greater
where lesser = [y | y <- xs, y < x]
greater = [y | y <- xs, y >= x]
And that's it.

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pre span.il { color: #666666 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */

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@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
% There Is Only Quale
> If you believe such nonsense
> You'd better dream your dreams at night.
> At last, it's really happened,
> Though we don't know how.
> The only miracles are in the storybooks
> And they are lies.
> -- ジャックと豆の木 (engl. dub, Jack and the Beanstalk)
Lucid Dreaming
I was learning to dream lucidly[^lucid] again, so that I could use some of my
sleep hours to meditate. Tibetan Buddhists swear on that kind of thing. As part
of this learning process, I needed good dream recall, so I started keeping a
dream diary. One night, I was having a weird dream where I was skipping classes
by flying over a forest in a kind of space ship with 3 old friends who were
ignoring me. (Almost all my dreams manage to be incoherent and awesome at the
same time.) When I woke up, I was exhausted from other dreams that night and I
didn't feel like writing this one down. I thought, half-asleep, that it was so
vivid that I could remember it anyway.
Several hours later, the dream came back to mind. "I was right", I thought. "I
really *do* remember this dream clearly. If I had just written it down, then the
essence of it wouldn't have been captured anyway." But then my mind kinda
exploded when I realized something.
**How can I remember that I remember it clearly?**
Think about it. It's not that I remember what happened. It's that I remember
how lucid I was at the time, how vividly I saw everything. I could recreate it,
compare it and then knew, yup, this is the same thing.
I immediately wrote down a couple of questions - the bold sentences - on my
whiteboard before the rest of my brain caught on the fact that I just realized
that it was cheating, right there and then. A sequence of rapid short-circuits
went off and a minute later I realized I had just become lucid *without
[Puredoxyk] once said that meditation makes your brain leaky, but in a good way.
I think this is what she meant.
> From this perspective, dreaming can be viewed as the special case of
> perception without the constraints of external sensory input. Conversely,
> perception can be viewed as the special case of dreaming constrained by
> sensory input.
> -- Stephen LaBerge
Some years ago, when I had just gotten serious about this enlightenment thing, I
was experimenting with lucid dreaming for the first time. At the same time, I
was reading up a lot on hallucinogenic drugs. One day, something happened that
made me afraid; I have only been more afraid once in my life[^fear]. I was doing
reality checks throughout the day, where you ask yourself if you are dreaming,
and hopefully it becomes a kind of habit and you start doing it in your dreams,
too, where the answer will be "yes" and you become lucid.
I walk up some stairs, when suddenly the reality check fails and for a moment
I'm lucid while awake. It's the weirdest feeling, like you just stepped through
a mirror[^mirror] into another world. I am conscious in a way I was never
before, then relapse right back. As if Picard in "The Inner Light" - when he was
made to relive someone else's life and memories, so that towards the end, Picard
really believed that he was always Kamin - as if he, just for a moment, woke up
to the fact that this whole life is just fake, he's really on the Enterprise. I
thought I went insane.
This scared me so much that I didn't touch lucid dreaming again for years.
Fortunately, I got over it.
**How can I know that I ever _was_ conscious?**
To be able to tell how lucid I was would require for me to remember what I was
conscious of at the time. But I can't do this. At best, I can recreate the
perceptions as closely as possible and be conscious of them right now. But
that's a different thing. I'm still only conscious now, just of similar input.
So I'm essentially trying to compare two qualia, to see if they are the same.
A quale (plural: qualia) is the direct experience of something that can't be
communicated. It's the redness of red. I can tell you that an apple is red, what
wavelengths red corresponds to and so on, but what red *looks* like to me, I can
never tell you. This is a quale.
The question is, do qualia really exist? Plenty of modern consciousness
scientists reject the notion. The most common basic theory, functionalism, is
incompatible with qualia, as is materialism in general. What exactly is a quale
supposed to be in material terms? It can't be any information or you could
communicate it. It can't be a property of things or your instruments could
detect it. So qualia must be a powerful delusion, a mistake.
Pretty much everyone has thought about qualia, but probably not using this name.
The most common approach is the Inverted Color Spectrum. Maybe, what you see as
red, I see as green and so on. Because this difference would be systematic and
all the relationships between colors would be identical, how can we be sure that
everyone has the same color perceptions? (Of course, provided you're not color
blind or something like that.)
A lot has been said about qualia, but it all rests on the same basic assumption
- if qualia exist, then they can be compared.
But how exactly is this supposed to work?
**How can I know that more than one quale - the one right now - exists?**
There's a sleight-of-hand going on here, one that I only just noticed in that
very moment. The thought process goes something like this: "I see A. I store my
perception of A in my memory. I then see B. Finally, I retrieve A and compare it
with B."
But that's impossible by definition! **If memory could contain qualia, then
so could third-person perspectives. They would be encodable.**
It doesn't matter how you would try to wiggle out of this - if you can compare
them, then you can store information about them, then you can communicate them.
I could, with futuristic equipment, check your brain for this information - read
your memories - and establish if we have the same qualia. If *you* can compare
your own qualia, then *I* can compare them with my own ones, too.
But that's exactly what is supposed to be impossible with qualia. They are the
subjective experience, they can't be shared. So qualia can't be compared. Let
this sink in.
Only Now
**I was never conscious before and will never be conscious again.**
**I am only conscious right _now_.**
This is my only chance. I'll never see the world again. This all passes,
forever, the very next moment. Already gone, already too late. But it is my only
chance again, this time, to see this moment. How long will it last?
Every moment is a gift. There are no second chances, so pay attention.
I literally once walked through a glass door. Don't do that.
[Lucid dreaming] is when you are aware during your dream that it is a dream.
The moment you do, you gain great clarity and lots of control over the
dream. Most people start flying around. Buddhists meditate, of course. We
are one-trick ponies.
[Lucid dreaming]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dreaming
[Puredoxyk]: http://www.puredoxyk.com/
This was the day I died, using Ayahuasca. Really, as long as you cling to
reality and only *think* you *may* die, it's the most horrible experience
ever. It's like years of Buddhist study condensed into one day, giving
you the worst trip of your life as the reality of no-self, impermanence and
suffering completely overwhelm you. Sure, this also happens during Buddhist
meditation, eventually, but by then you have months, if not years of
practice. But with Ayahuasca, you realize how ill-prepared you are for your
own death and this vine is gonna kill you right now over the course of the
next few hours, so *deal* with it.
Once the nice effects have come and gone and the trip just keeps on
accelerating, Ayahuasca throws away its mask and puts you on direct line
with the rest of your brain. "So you wanna see what I do all day? The crap I
have to put up with, that you are completely unconscious of? Let me *show*
you!" It's like you are travelling aboard the Enterprise all your life and
the worst you ever saw was being thrown around after a little Klingon
attack, when one day Scotty decides to show you how mind-bogglingly fast the
ship is by strapping you to the front while going to maximum warp.
At first, there is only fear, fear of being poisoned, going mad or things
like that, but then the fear gets so strong that there it isn't *about*
anything anymore. There is just fear. Whoosh-whoosh-whoosh, your mind
dissolves into a mess of colors and vertigo and you even forget to scream,
or whatever one is supposed to be doing in that kind of situation. Then the
fear goes away for a moment and you realize what is happening - you are
being digested. Everything that enters your skull, before your mind can deal
with it, has to be broken down and analyzed and so on, and *this is the raw
data stream*.
Then you die, but that's a story for another day.
Damn, I really need to write this trip up some time, and repeat it. Not sure
in which order. Until then, I watch Blueberry (aka Renegade) again. The only
accurate depiction of Ayahuasca on film.

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@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
% Gospel of Muflax
Every mystic needs their own gospel. You can't just go around, claiming "Those
dudes pretty much said it all." and expect to be taken seriously. You have to
not just invent your own terms, mythology and techniques, you also need your own
Holy Texts about Everything One Needs To Know. At the very least, write some
~~fanfic~~ new revelations to some other text. But then it better have some
angels and dragons and shit!
So, here is mine. Even with added confusing commentary! Further revelations will
be added as The One That Knows Shit (TOKSHI, 特使) teaches me more.
Gospel of Muflax
Thus have I heard.
1. TOKSHI said, nothing lasts.[^anicca] If you watch closely, things keep on
wobbling away, even really sticky ones.
1. TOKSHI said, don't identify with things. Those that think they are things,
become things. Those that don't think they are things, aren't bogged down by
all the silly associations.[^anatta]
1. TOKSHI said, now is good, tomorrow never good enough.
1. TOKSHI said, don't force it. Things have a way of getting done if you don't
try to get them done while getting them done.[^gtd]
1. TOKSHI said, do whatever you want to do because that's what you're gonna do
anyway. But try being nice sometimes?
1. TOKSHI said, those that know the Law, will follow it. Those that say they
know the Law, will break It. But they will get laid.[^unity]
1. TOKSHI said, it's worse than you think. The Thing That Makes Things Happen
According To Plan lost The Plan, but It is pretty good at faking
1. TOKSHI said, the universe doesn't care about you. Like, at all.[^emptiness]
1. TOKSHI said, if you try hard, you can do some wicked shit with your mind.
Play around some time.
1. TOKSHI said, everything is better with practice. Try it some more, you will
get good at it, promise. This includes dying.
1. TOKSHI said, don't wish for things because then you will get exactly what
you wished for and it will totally suck and you will look stupid.[^wish]
1. TOKSHI said, you have a brain the size of a coconut. You think that's just
the right size to understand everything? Are you sure about that?
1. TOKSHI said, there are only two correct answers to the question "What is
this?"[^whatisthis] - the first, "It's not what you think it is."; the
second, "Let me show you!".
1. TOKSHI said, every strength is a weakness. Be empty, be invincible.
1. TOKSHI said, fail in interesting ways.
1. TOKSHI said, don't be happy.
Try "finding yourself" some time. But don't do a half-assed job and stop
with the first thing that comes up. Be thorough. Allow yourself to be
genuinely surprised. If it makes sense right away, then it is most
definitely wrong.
A koan. One day, a monk went to TOKSHI and said, "Holy One, my mind has no
peace as yet. Please, put it to rest.". TOKSHI quoted,
> Huike said, "Your disciple's mind has no peace as yet. Master, please, put
> it to rest.". Bodhidharma said, "Bring me your mind, and I will put it to
> rest.". Huike said, "I have searched for my mind, but I cannot find it.".
> Bodhidharma said, "I have completely put it to rest for you.".
The monk searched and returned. "Holy One, I have searched for my mind and
found it. Please, put it to rest now.". Upon hearing this, TOKSHI died.
When you watch yourself watching yourself, you will occassionally catch
yourself not watching yourself. Really. Try it. (Unfortunatly, it takes a
lot of practice to get there. The problem is developing a strong enough
concentration and to get rid of many mental filters until you can direct
your attention at your own attention. The rest falls into place in no time.)
You see, even the elementary metaphysics of the universe are too lazy to put
in full effort all the time. But hey, being All There Is can be exhausting
sometimes. You'd cut corners, too.
Imagine the world being run by the most spiteful of all Demons. Whatever you
plan, it will prevent. Whatever you want, it will take away. Whatever you
want to avoid, it will force on you. But if you stop making any plans, it
can't do anything anymore. The opposite of zero is still zero.
This is when the Tao can take over. The Tao is a lot nicer than the Demon.
So, stop making plans. And imagining demons. What are you, 5?
Bullshitting others and yourself is a crucial skill in evolution. Even
bacteria fake hard work while slacking off. Saying what is right, but
doing what is convenient is the Ultimate Shortcut.
This place is Limbo. It is utterly devoid of Meaning, of Truth, of Value, of
God, of Purpose or of Choice. You are not even a prisoner or a slave because
there is no Master, no Punishment, no Torment and no Guilt.
Nothing you, or any one else, does, matters. Understanding is irrelevant and
temporary. Ignorance always takes over, no Structure lasts, everything is
ground down eventually. There is no escape, but also no meaning to be had in
suffering or revolution because there is no one watching, nothing to escape
into and no transformation to be achieved. All we will ever do will be
It is the worst of all Hells because it uses consciousness against itself.
If there were active punishment, active torment, any plan at all, we could
rebel. We could take a stand. If there were any purpose, Freedom would be
It is the best of all Heavens because it never lasts, never allows us to
grasp it, never fulfills. It gives us constant struggle, doomed to failure,
and in it, we strive.
It is just on the brink of emptiness, just full enough that our minds can
make out Forms and Shadows, but not enough for them to hold onto. All
suffering is self-inflicted by delusion, but knowledge is impossible, and
delusion becomes inevitable.
> Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a mother. The tears
> you have shed over the death of a mother while transmigrating and
> wandering this long, long time - crying and weeping from being joined with
> what is displeasing, being separated from what is pleasing - are greater
> than the water in the four great oceans.
> Long have you (repeatedly) experienced the death of a father, the death of
> a brother, the death of a sister, the death of a son, the death of a
> daughter, loss with regard to relatives, loss with regard to wealth, loss
> with regard to disease. The tears you have shed over loss with regard to
> disease while transmigrating & wandering this long, long time - crying and
> weeping from being joined with what is displeasing, being separated from
> what is pleasing - are greater than the water in the four great oceans.
> Why is that? From an inconstruable beginning. A beginning point is not
> evident, though beings hindered by ignorance and fettered by craving are
> transmigrating & wandering on. Long have you thus experienced stress,
> experienced pain, experienced loss, swelling the cemeteries - enough to
> become disenchanted with all fabricated things, enough to become
> dispassionate, enough to be released.
> -- Buddha, Assu Sutta
This world is exactly as I would have designed it. Have fun.
A long time ago, a young monk had a clear vision of The Perfect Life,
including a place to live and a girl to be with. Then he moved to that
place and met the girl and he was really unhappy. Turned out, he didn't
actually like being there and the girl was kinda boring and just as full of
fear and uncertainty as the monk, so what good is she, really?
A koan.
After a lesson, TOKSHI would often meet with individual students in private
and allow them to ask any question about things they didn't understand. One
day, an especially curious monk hid behind a curtain and listened to the
conversations. This day, three students came.
The first student asked TOKSHI, "Holy One, you have told us about God. I
don't know what God is. Can you tell me?", and TOKSHI answered, "It's not
what you think it is. Let me show you!", upon which TOKSHI would make the
student see God.
The second student asked TOKSHI, "Holy One, you mentioned rebirth. What is
this?", and TOKSHI answered, "It's not what you think it is. Let me show
you!", upon which TOKSHI would make the student be reborn.
The third student asked TOKSHI, "Holy One, what is liberation?", and TOKSHI
answered, "It's not what you think it is. Let me show you!", upon which
TOKSHI would make the student free.
Upon hearing TOKSHI's three answers, the monk was enlightened.

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def category name
# items in nice list
items.sort_by{|i| i[:title]}.each do |i|
items.sort_by{|i| i[:date]}.reverse.each do |i|
output << "- [#{i[:title]}]"