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2012-06-21 15:17:55 +02:00
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
title: I Am Le Tired
date: 2012-06-23
techne: :wip
2012-06-21 15:17:55 +02:00
episteme: :log
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
An announcement! (I should put this somewhere else too, maybe. Eh.)
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
I've started to acquire quite a lot of sub-sites, so I decided to re-tool the main site a bit more aggressively, groups stuff more, clean up in general. This changed some of the links on the main site, and I moved some of that stuff back into the blog, but hey, no one ever linked to it (or even read it), so that shouldn't matter much. (I redirected links anyway. I try to never break anything.)
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
<http://muflax.com> is now a (simple) portal for all my sites, and the articles hosted directly there are Big Fat Things That Grow Over Time[^yo] But Have A Kind Of Limited Scope And Are At Some Point Done And Self-Contained. BFTTGOTBHAKOLSAAASPDASCs. (In [antediluvian][] times, I think they called those thing "books". Or a "tractatus". Something like that.) For now, they are either way-too-ambitious posts like the [Antinatalism FAQ][] or stuff that all belongs together, in some sense.
I'll unify some stuff into single articles (like the antinatalism one), once there's a bit more content / I'm in the mood. I don't want to end up like Certain People who have elaborate intelligent arguments spread out over a bazillion blog posts and you can't just say, "read this huge site here, it contains everything you need to know".[^meta]
hey I just met you
and this is crazy
but here's my website
so believe me maybe
and all the other sites
try to refute me
but here's my axioms
so believe me maybe
Right after I've watched this cat jump into a box. Haha, you so funny, cat.
And look ma, I even used fancy CSS for the site links! I'm not entirely stuck in the 90's!
[^yo]: Insert obvious yo mamma joke here.
Also, there is now an additional [universal RSS feed][] that includes *all* sites. (So you don't need 50 different feeds if you follow all my stuff anyway.) You can of course still follow individual feeds as always.
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
And because I'm reading more, and I like lists, and reviews, hey!, there's now a [Let's Read][] site! I don't expect it to be very in-depth, or heck, even active in a month or two, but let's throw fifty ideas against the wall, one will stick! (Or at least make the wall sticky. *Eww*.)
2012-06-21 15:17:55 +02:00
And because I'm feeling lazy today, I don't want to actually describe my card design. So I recorded a video of a full typical review session instead. Watch me use Anki like every day <del>on the toilet</del>, uhh, <del>while waiting for code to compile</del>, no, uh... between study sessions. Right, that's the story I'm going with.
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
(The sound sucks and the loading times are slightly unusual due to the recording app. It's also a bit long, merely because I couldn't be bothered to pre-select interesting cards or edit the video. If you're reading this, you probably already have an unhealthy obsession with minutiae of my life, so that should be fine.)
2012-06-21 15:17:55 +02:00
<%= youtube("") %>
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
This might be a little bit too TMI, but I'd like to say that deep pressure as in Grandin's [Hug Machine][] is *amazing*. I got into the habit of writing a short inscription[^amdg] on my skin, putting a neat transparent band-aid on it to preserve it (and because taking off a band-aid feels awesome), then wrapping it very tightly with a bandage, trying to apply as much pressure as possible without cutting off the circulation.
[^amdg]: Currently, a cross with the letters ADMG (ad maiorem Dei gloriam) in its corners. Sometimes a Dharma Wheel, or just words I like.
Which means that sometimes I look a bit like Rei.
<%= image("rei.jpg", "Rei") %>
Anyhow, so I bought an original Japanese [Sarashi][], the kind of long bandage-like cloth you wear under your clothes, either for protection (if you're a guy) or to flatten your chest (if you're a girl). You've probably seen them in samurai flicks. A few things I learned:
It's 9m long. That's awesome for wrapping yourself up, but a *bitch* to fold. You keep on folding and think, come on, I should be about done by now!, nope lol, still some meters to go.
Japanese packaging is amazingly neat. The receipt even had an origami swan glued to it. This alone made my day.
Did I say that it's 9m long? Have you ever tried to wrap something around yourself, *tightly*, really damn-can't-breathe tightly, that is 9m long? Ain't exactly easy, let me tell ya. Forget folding. Roll it all up. Only sane way to do it.
9m is not nearly long enough. Ok, yeah, it *seems* long, but it's only like 7 or so revolutions. It will hold and nicely apply pressure, but you won't feel completely constrained. Still works, though. Try doing anapana with it, you'll see. Or crunches.
I need more bandages. Long bandages. Ever more bandages!
It's insane how much this calms me down. It's like applying a medkit to the *soul*.
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
I thought a bit more about thinking about philosophy, and luckily found a [solution due to divine inspiration][Condemnation].
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
As you may have guessed, this is based (quite literally) on the [Condemnation of 1277][], and several of the condemnations are taken more-or-less directly from it (because I liked them[^ironic] and kept laughing about how the *original Condemnation of 1277* could be used, *verbatim*, to criticize several philosophy debates *today*).
The second major influence are the Buddha's 14 Unanswerable Questions, as quoted in the beginning. (Which is also where the "or not, or both, or neither" formulation comes from. I always loved the dialetheist qualification in the canon.)
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
2012-06-23 20:22:02 +02:00
I would also like to say that I had *a lot* of fun writing this, and also feel relieved for having properly disowned some things. Accordingly, some of my previous posts[^site] do not just have an innocuous marker for their [Epistemic State][] anymore, but a Big Fat Banner warning about their having been disowned.
2012-06-22 16:36:07 +02:00
[^site]: On this site, at least. I might extend it to other sites as I see fit / whenever I'm reminded of their existence.
[^ironic]: Also, even though some aspects of the Condemnation are of course ironic, none of the actual condemnations are. Even though some formulations are optimized for maximal lulz.
Because this philosophy is a waste of time and I'd like to get back to doing useful stuff, like code, watch cat videos and learn Sumerian.