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title: Hamiltonian
date: 2013-08-21
techne: :done
episteme: :log
<%= youtube("https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PI2GauQ1eiU") %>
Hey, internet! So a lot of stuffs been happening. As I alluded to in
some off-hand comments here and there, Ive been busy transitioning into
adulthood, or whatever passes as that for me anyway. (Ive internally
just begun to call it Chapter 1, and everything before now Prologue,
because Im stupid like that.[^stupid])
This process is still ongoing, but instead of waiting for another 2
months or so and then recapping, I thought I could just get back to
writing now, while stuffs still happening. Crazy idea, I know!
I am, in a certain sense, done with my CS degree, and as you can tell by
that weaselly phrase, I mean that Ive dropped out instead of continuing
that torturous phase of my past for yet another year. The only real
reason I even started the degree was because I didnt have any other
idea what else to do, and was using it to cheaply buy time. That worked
out reasonably well - in total, I got half a decade out of it, and grew
enough in the process (and met the right people, and ideas) that I now
think it was absolutely the right decision. Maybe there wouldve been
better alternatives (if so, I still dont know what they wouldve been,
beyond a “dont take so long to stop being lame” reminder thats
probably only applicable with hindsight), but regardless, well done,
past-me, It wasnt fancy or heroic, but it worked just fine.
Still, it took me probably a good year to actually make the decision to
drop out after I knew I wasnt gonna continue this path and had begun to
see an alternative. Sometimes more legible options appear stronger just
because they are legible. A degree is of fairly straightforward value -
you can easily look up income statistics and job requirements, compare
it to the time investment of college, there ya go - and any part that
isnt easy to quantify gets thrown out of the evaluation. Like for
example, despising virtually all options it opens up, not having much
use for it on the paths I *do* like, and continuing now that I have
actually found said real options would just be a waste of time.
You are now allowed to shun me based on my lack of academic credentials.
I dont mind - destroying academia is on my todo list, and regular
reminders why it has to go probably help.
So did I mention I actually [started a tumblr](http://muflax.tumblr.com)
for random snippets and stuff? Im still not sure if Im gonna use it or
anything, but nice pictures keep popping up, and maybe I end up writing
a few short thingies over there. So far Ive mostly been reblogging
[Homestuck](http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6) ships.
Like I said over there, Id like to eventually talk more coherently (and
not just meta, but also directly) about ships, and art, and related
things (, and the Oxford Comma), but Im still not quite feeling it, so
maybe its just not the right time, or I dont have enough interesting
things to say, or whatever. Well see. Anyway, it exists now.
Look, a pug!
So instead of being a productive member of society, I was mostly busy
with <del>building additional pylons</del> figuring out how to money, keeping
Mother Bureaucracy updated and working on moving in together with my
somewhere in the UK, which will happen in about 2 months when my
contract at the university runs out and I can leave the country.
(This might be a good opportunity to point out how
[Homestuck](http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6) has one of the saner
models of romance and gender, and that this is one of countless benefits
trolls bring to any story they touch.[^trolls] It also
highlights by analogy some silliness in the conventional human model by
showing similar silliness in the troll model. While some trolls insist
that *ideal* relationships divide nicely into the Four Quadrants, its
clear that in most cases this isnt the case and its much fuzzier, even
though the quadrants still represent some important components, so wiser
trolls would realize that and take a more reasonable stance and oppose a
system that tries to enforce restrictive norms (which, for all we know,
they *do* - troll society and history is… complicated, as it should be).
But in contrast to that, trolls *already* have a much better position on
gender than the humans, who do the same essentialist “two ideal
categories” crap trolls do with the quadrants.
So there.)
On a completely unrelated note, I just want to note how weird it is that
“yay Im happy” posts can cause some seriously bad side-effects, and
that I remember being personally pissed off by them in the past,
thinking something along the lines of, “well good for YOU that youre
happy, Im still a lonely mess”, and so even though saying (and feeling)
these things is very important, I still feel uncomfortable talking about
it, and so will abstain from any more details for now. Compassionate
community norms are *hard*, and I wanna at least think about them some
Regardless, actually moving (especially to a different country) means I
had to adapt some of my setups.
I wont be able to bring my guitar with me for now, but might be able to
fly it over next year or so. Im kinda glad I opted for gear that is
fairly mobile, so transport should be fairly easy once I dont also have
to bring all my *other* stuff with me. Im still committed to the frugal
ideal that everything you own should comfortably fit into one car at
most (or you end up limiting your freedom too much), so its mostly the
amp thats causing trouble (and its still primarily monetary concerns
that I didnt pick an even smaller one, which oddly enough cost *more*;
if things go as they usually do, Ill eventually just build my own).
Ive also gotten rid of my old PC setup. I used to have one
Frankensteinian desktop machine that I cheaply turned into a decent-ish
gaming rig, but Ive long intended to retire it. I also had two old-ish
laptops, and loads of small drives for backups and stuff. The desktop
was kinda the central machine and everything else synced with it. I now
switched to one fancy 13-inch MacBook (still running Gentoo, after some
headaches), kept my
[keyboard](http://www.diatec.co.jp/en/det.php?prod_c=763) and mouse for
work that requires them, and put the two large 1.5TB drives from my
desktop (which mirror each other) into a portable NAS. My total space
capacity went down a bit that way, and I lost the ability to play some
high-end games (for now), but meh. (I still kept the old netbook for
some additional mobility though, but its semi-retired.)
That simplifies my synchronization and backup needs somewhat. All
small-ish things are automatically copied to various online places. Each
laptop does a daily backup to the NAS, which also stores most of the big
media via git-annex. The NAS runs a custom Debian, so its also a server
for all kinds of minor things, including Nethack. Every time I get my
hands on any other drive I copy as much data onto it as I can fit
(because why not; I just put my old drives in a box at my parents - no
reason to throw them out), but thats now gonna be a maybe-once-a-year
event. (Also, git-annex on an SSD is finally fast enough to be fully
I was afraid that losing my two big monitors would hurt the most, but
because I spend most of my time in a text editor or browser anyway, its
actually not a big deal. Workspaces work just as well as additional
monitors, and 13 inches is plenty. The only thing thats a pain is if I
still had to use Eclipse for Java work, but screw that - Im finally in
pure Ruby and Haskell nirvana. (I wouldnt *reject* more monitors if I
had them available, but Im not gonna try to carry any around with me
either.) And finally, not having a “central” machine I cant move means
I can now easily snuggle up next to someone and still code, regardless
where said person happens to be. Thats *so* much more important than
screen size.
I still feel kinda sentimental about a “cabin in the woods” setup with
lots of ancient hardware that runs some custom setup where you wrote
half the tools (as I used to run for the last few years, and would like
to have again some time), so having just one main machine (and one
server-in-a-box) is kinda weird.
Guess Im a nomad now.
Hahaha, oh man. Do you guys remember how over a year ago, I made a List
Of All My Problems? It was like 260 items long and I thought, yeah,
thats probably *it* - some issues mightve been vague, sure, and others
irrelevant, but I didnt think Id have forgotten anything important.
Who doesnt know what their Main Issues are, right?
I recently looked at this list again and its *ridiculous*. Its not
just incredibly petty sometimes, many things that have deeply bothered
me for years and are reason enough to plunge me into suicidality
whenever they seem unfixable arent even on there!
Its liberating when radical agnosticism shifts from not knowing most
answers to not even being sure about the questions. If I dont even know
what my real problems are, how can I possibly be upset about them?
(Also basically everything important on that list has been fixed by
So whats next?
Step 1, the prototype: teach a complex skill and make it no longer hard.
After considering various options in detail[^options], weve
decided to start with German for English speakers. Because were still
developing the courses and improving our teaching skills (well, learning
from scratch based on ancient scrolls, really), were gonna spend a few
months solely on that and in-person testing, and then Disturb The Peace.
So if you wanna learn German For Reals Without All The Tedium And Crap
(or just wanna meet up with me and talk whatever (Im totes sociable now
(when Im not a paranoid ball of anxiety (but I now have a superweapon
against that (its not nested parentheses (just in case you
wondered)))))), and youre somewhere in the UK, just leave a comment or
[contact me](/contact/) in any way you want, and Ill put you on The
List and try to make stuff happen as soon as Im able. (Once the thing
has been sufficiently tested, there will be an automated, and more
importantly, online version, of course. Cant change the world with just
one meager town and face-to-face interaction, but direct feedback makes
early development so much easier, so yeah.)
(Step 2-10 are left unmentioned to maintain the Unspoken Plan Guarantee.
Things will become clearer eventually.)
Regardless, that means the next few months are completely filled up by
logistics, development and being amazed how I can continue to fall even
more in love every day. Some of that might eventually get better, some
might not, but I dont expect too much writing to happen for a while,
unless I find a way to harvest the power of smooching to produce some
wicked posts. (Ive also lost parts of my writing urges for various
reasons[^reasons], some likely permanently so, but these things
come and go. Ive had quiet years and hypergraphic years before.)
In terms of kinda-planned drafts, Ive begun to write down my way too
elaborate Jesus RPG campaign. Ive given up on ever running it and just
want it out of my head. Im about 4k words in, might actually finish the
thing soon enough, maybe start posting it in small-ish installments once
Ive sketched out the whole post structure.
So overall, I think its a good idea to just declare Mission
Accomplished for the daily logs. Ive done my first crazy miracle and
Im busy working on the next. This site is now officially “whenever,
whatever”, as long as its kinda coherent. The rest goes to the tumblr.
Man, [being an adult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ) is
This is stupid for several reasons:
- it smushes everything before now into one Prologue, when really
there are multiple clear “everything changed forever” events
during that time (e.g. first anime, first time taking Ayahuasca,
first website (on a shittier version of Geocities, no less)) and
theres no overarching unified progression during the whole
thing (like, Batman loses his parents in his prologue - what one
critical thing happened to me, exactly?)
- it places great emotional importance on events that havent even
unfolded yet, like I have secret insights into Gods Narrative
or sumthin
- it uses linear narratives, not
[shandified](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvwlt4FqmS0) ones
(whos to say I wont *return* to Chapter 1 at some later
- it implicitly assumes one arc has one theme, or at most several
exactly parallel ones; in other words, whatever Chapter 1 is
about *ends* with Chapter 1, and if some other stuff happens
during that time, it either has to end there too, or it must
just not be what my life is really about
- it strongly suggest there must chapters after it, thus
undermining my ability to Fix Everything Forever Like Im Made
Out Of Pure Fixeverythingium
- and seriously, “1”? you cant even name it something cool, like
The One With The Robot Snake?
Dont know what a moirail is? [Read the
link](http://mspaintadventures.wikia.com/wiki/Quadrants). While the
concept strongly overlaps with “bros” and similar things, these tend
to not get the romantic component of it, or imply weird ideas like
how this kind of relationship is inherently asexual (fuck no),
partially I suspect because just mainstream romance/sexuality
discourse is retarded, so Im declaring a Special Snowflake
Exception for “moirail”, as it seems easier to repair these
misconceptions in a troll-originated concept, than to get [bros to
finally suck
and not feel guilty about it.
Incidentally, the pronunciation of “moirail” is delightfully trolly.
Personally, I use “meow-rail” for normal use, and “mwah-rail” (with
implied kissing) when flirting.
Id also like to note that even though this establishes a canon (and
muflax-endorsed) \<\> and \<3 dual-ship of muflax+Owen (and Id
argue in favor of OTP here), this only expresses my (and Owens, and
arguably the universes authors) opinion, and is no reason to
abandon other ships or your personal headcanon. I oppose any central
authority on these matters, even if it might happen to agree with
(I also find it really weird to use two different types of names,
but I wanna be consistent about only using “muflax” for now, even
though using my first name would allow for an S+O=SO pun, but then I
hate the “SO” term, so nevermind…)
Ive only dabbled in o8\< (mostly by not-always-intentionally
trolling certain people by acting as a proxy for mindfucky ideas by
other (crazier) people, and so leading them to write wonderful “the
fuck is this stuff even about?! I never knew about X until last
week, and now Ive realized Ive hated it MY ENTIRE LIFE!” posts; I
noticed Im doing this when friends in 6th grade told me I was the
one who introduced them to kink, somehow), and Im totally lacking
in \<3\<. I mean, I kinda hate
[Polycarp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polycarp) but not quite
enough, and if the [alveolar
trill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alveolar_trill) were a person,
Id wanna have angry hatesex with it so hard, but Im not sure that
So the most promising shipping research topic is probably who my
arch-nemesis is gonna be. Somehow I mostly get into fights with
concepts, not people.
Also, Im *really* unhappy with established terms to talk about
“person who I love, like, THIIIIS much”. Like (girl|boy)friend? Fuck
that. “partner”? Like, the government gets to call em “partner” if
it wants, and I find it kinda adorable what weirdly formal language
it comes up with, but its not really a very affectionate label, is
it? Seriously, all options are either super-formal, horrible or real
silly. (Im *never* gonna use “SO”. This is too stupid even for me.)
Id be ok with “lover” if it didnt have this connotation that it
isnt a serious thing, or “mate” if Australians hadnt ruined it. So
for now until I find a term (neologic if necessary) Im happy with,
I expect to mood-swing through “partner”, “moirail”, “love” (and I
really wanna use “hon”, but then Im tempted to practice a Southern
accent all day and never get anything else done), and whatever else
feels slightly less awkward that day.
Man, /language/, amirite?
Thats a lot of footnotes for one word! Its as if theres a
correlation with how important the topic is to me, or the thing it
refers to…
Seeker, wear the [troll
hide](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_mask), learn [the
signs of the
dakinis](http://buddhism-for-vampires.com/dakinis-karma-mudra) and
wander into the [Bohemian
forest](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moulin_Rouge!), where you will
find a [four-headed statue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perun)
proclaiming Beauty, Freedom, Truth and Love, which grants liberation
to all who know the magic song. A servant of [Grandma
Bonylegs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baba_Yaga) once sung it to
me, but I can never quite [keep it in my
Part of my writing philosophy has always been “write what I actually
wanna read more of”, and so Im pissed at myself that I *dont*
share a lot more here, cause this is exactly what Id love to read
about, and so not doing it is a concession to lameness itself. But
Im also paranoid about various perverse incentives and
substitutions (i.e. writing more about the thing than actually doing
the thing, or in this case, person (BOOM FLAWLESS INNUENDO)), and so
for now Im gonna be mostly silent while I think it through.
The other problem is that *this stuff is hard to write about*. Its
weird how “this is not a *real* medium” is one of those statements
that *incredibly* piss me off, like every time someone says “games
arent art” or “but you cant trust someone over *text*” (aside from
the retarded conceptions of “art” and “trust” that underlie this
nonsense), and so *not being able to write about something* because
I just wouldnt know how is a deep moral failure for me, and when I
find myself thinking “I cant write about that, who would want to
read that?!, and anyway, I dont even know how to english it to
begin with”, I feel like Im Failing At Life, and everything that
matters *at all* gets betrayed because of some stupid sense of
boundaries or expectations.
So I gotta figure something out, and beat this old narrative machine
into a decent enough approximation of half my feels. Just gimme some
time to adjust.
Also considered, among other things:
- different places, most importantly Canada (but their bureaucracy
tries to cockblock me as hard as it can while still claiming
they want valuable immigration with a straight face), and Berlin
(not ideal for the skill set we currently have, but Id still
like to re-visit at some point in the near future, maybe in the
form of some grand Europe Tour)
- different language, primarily French (possibly the next one),
Japanese (would love to do it next, but I really want either
more teaching experience or a fluent speaker to work with first,
so it had to wait) and English (not enough resources right now)
- math and physics up to undergraduate level or so (much harder to
get a properly incentivized audience, but real high up on the
list and long-term mandatory (and I like everything about it,
including teaching it), but not the right thing to bootstrap
- different timeline / “business model” / major reordering of The
Plan (long story, but tl;dr: everything else is predictably
stupid-in-retrospect, and so doesnt make sense)
Various reasons:
- much lower need for outside approval, and actively working on
lowering it even more; [Arlines
“What Do *You* Care What Other People Think?” helps a lot to
clarify and work through these issues, but kills ranty blogs
- after some discussions with
[David](http://meaningness.com/metablog/how-to-think) and Owen,
Im pretty strongly in the “most philosophy (i.e. the stuff I
talked about a lot) has only negative value by removing
misconceptions” camp now, so the only interesting stuff for me
is foundational stuff that directly leads to engineering stuff,
and so I find myself only reading Skinner, Mill and similar
folks, if even that
- too sane; I kinda have a tendency to get worked up about stupid
shit (in entertaining ways, at least, but still) when I dont
have a calming influence in my life; have that now, feel much
less crazy (except in a good way)
- speaking of Feynman and craziness, you gotta *do* crazy shit
occasionally so you can later *talk about it*; currently in that