Ben Blazak fe603948a9 wrote the ui-info generating script for Ben (aka OrangeJewce)
- also changed the kbfun function comments to be easier to parse
- also added running the generating script to the toplevel build process
2012-08-23 01:31:25 -07:00

68 lines
2 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* key functions : device specific : code
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "../public.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// descriptions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* [name]
* Jump to Bootloader
* [description]
* For reflashing the controller
void kbfun_jump_to_bootloader(void);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#if MAKEFILE_BOARD == teensy-2-0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// from PJRC (slightly modified)
// <>
void kbfun_jump_to_bootloader(void) {
// --- for all Teensy boards ---
// disable watchdog, if enabled
// disable all peripherals
UDCON = 1;
USBCON = (1<<FRZCLK); // disable USB
UCSR1B = 0;
// --- Teensy 2.0 specific ---
EIMSK = 0; PCICR = 0; SPCR = 0; ACSR = 0; EECR = 0; ADCSRA = 0;
TIMSK0 = 0; TIMSK1 = 0; TIMSK3 = 0; TIMSK4 = 0; UCSR1B = 0; TWCR = 0;
DDRB = 0; DDRC = 0; DDRD = 0; DDRE = 0; DDRF = 0; TWCR = 0;
PORTB = 0; PORTC = 0; PORTD = 0; PORTE = 0; PORTF = 0;
asm volatile("jmp 0x7E00");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void kbfun_jump_to_bootloader(void) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------