
112 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (see "doc/licenses/")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** description
* The TWI (aka I&sup2;C) interface
* Prefix: `twi__`
* Functions are named after the basic TWI actions; see general documentation
* on TWI for more information.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdint.h>
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#error "OPT__TWI__FREQUENCY not defined"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void twi__init (void);
uint8_t twi__start (void);
void twi__stop (void);
uint8_t twi__send (uint8_t data);
uint8_t twi__read (uint8_t * data);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ============================================================================
// === documentation ==========================================================
// ============================================================================
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// macros ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// === OPT__TWI__FREQUENCY ===
/** macros/OPT__TWI__FREQUENCY/description
* The TWI Frequency, in Hz.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// === twi__init() ===
/** functions/twi__init/description
* Initialize TWI
* Notes:
* - Should be called exactly once during keyboard startup
// === twi__start() ===
/** functions/twi__start/description
* Send a TWI Start signal
* Returns:
* - success: `0`
* - failure: The TWI status code
// === twi__stop() ===
/** functions/twi__stop/description
* Send a TWI Stop signal
// === twi__send() ===
/** functions/twi__send/description
* Send `data` (which may actually be an instruction or a device or register
* address) over the bus
* Arguments:
* - `data`: The data to send
* Returns:
* - success: `0`
* - failure: The TWI status code
// === twi__read() ===
/** functions/twi__read/description
* Read incoming data
* Arguments:
* - `data`: A pointer to the location to read data to
* Returns:
* - success: `0`
* - failure: The TWI status code