
167 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (see "doc/licenses/")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** description
* Implements the "device" section of "../../key-functions.h" for the
* ATMega23U4
#include <stdint.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "../../../../../firmware/lib/eeprom.h"
#include "../../key-functions.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** functions/sram_read/description
* A tiny little helper function to let `key_functions__dump_sram_ihex()` work
* the same way as the other `...dump...ihex()` functions.
* Arguments:
* - `from`: The address of (i.e. a pointer to) the location from which to read
* Returns:
* - success: The data stored at `pointer` in the SRAM memory space
static uint8_t sram_read(void * from) {
return *(uint8_t *)from;
/** functions/progmem_read/description
* A tiny little helper function to let `key_functions__dump_progmem_ihex()`
* work the same way as the other `...dump...ihex()` functions.
* Arguments:
* - `from`: The address of (i.e. a pointer to) the location from which to read
* Returns:
* - success: The data stored at `pointer` in the PROGMEM memory space
static uint8_t progmem_read(void * from) {
return pgm_read_byte(from);
/** functions/dump_ihex/description
* Type, in ihex format, all data between `from` and `last`, inclusive.
* Arguments:
* - `read`: A pointer to a function that takes a memory address and returns 1
* byte of data (presumably from that memory address, in whatever address
* space we're dealing with)
* - `from`: A pointer to the location from which to start reading
* - `last`: A pointer to the last location from which to read
* Notes:
* - See [the Wikipedia article] ( on
* the Intel HEX (ihex) format.
* Implementation notes:
* - When the loop starts, `from` might be `0`, and `last` might be
* `UINT16_MAX`, in which case `from == last+1`. We need to ignore this on
* the first iteration, hence the do-while loop and the `from != last+1` part
* of the first conditional. When this condition occurs after the first
* iteration, it will be because `from` was incremented one past `last`, and
* the loop should be terminated.
* - Pointer comparisons in C are interesting... Specifically, `last-from+1 <
* line_width` seems to cast `last-from+1` to the same type as `line_width`
* (`uint8_t`) which causes problems since pointers on this platform are 16
* bits. Casting either side of the expression to `uint16_t` seems to solve
* the problem. It feels cleaner to me to cast the pointer side, because
* comparison between pointers and integers is only implementation defined,
* whereas comparison between two integers ought to be defined by the
* standard.
static void dump_ihex( uint8_t (*read)(void *),
void * from,
void * last ) {
if (from > last)
return; // error
const uint8_t record_type = 0x00; // ihex record type = data
uint8_t line_width = 0x10; // 16 bytes of data per line, by default
do {
// - As long as `from != last+1`, `last-from+1` is the number of bytes
// left to print
if (from != last+1 && (uint16_t)(last-from+1) < line_width)
line_width = last-from+1;
uint8_t checksum = line_width + record_type
+ ((uint16_t)(from) >> 8)
+ ((uint16_t)(from) & 0xFF);
key_functions__type_string( PSTR(":") );
key_functions__type_byte_hex( line_width );
key_functions__type_byte_hex( (uint16_t)(from) >> 8 );
key_functions__type_byte_hex( (uint16_t)(from) & 0xFF );
key_functions__type_byte_hex( record_type );
for (uint8_t l=0; l<line_width; l++) {
uint8_t byte = (*read)(from++);
checksum += byte;
key_functions__type_byte_hex( 0x100 - checksum ); // 2's compliment
key_functions__type_string( PSTR("\n") );
} while (from != last+1);
key_functions__type_string( PSTR(":00000001FF\n") ); // ihex EOF record
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** functions/key_functions__jump_to_bootloader/description
* Implementation notes:
* - This code is from PJRC (slightly modified):
* <>.
void key_functions__jump_to_bootloader(void) {
// --- for all Teensy boards ---
// disable watchdog, if enabled
// disable all peripherals
UDCON = 1;
USBCON = (1<<FRZCLK); // disable USB
UCSR1B = 0;
// --- Teensy 2.0 specific ---
EIMSK = 0; PCICR = 0; SPCR = 0; ACSR = 0; EECR = 0; ADCSRA = 0;
TIMSK0 = 0; TIMSK1 = 0; TIMSK3 = 0; TIMSK4 = 0; UCSR1B = 0; TWCR = 0;
DDRB = 0; DDRC = 0; DDRD = 0; DDRE = 0; DDRF = 0; TWCR = 0;
PORTB = 0; PORTC = 0; PORTD = 0; PORTE = 0; PORTF = 0;
asm volatile("jmp 0x7E00");
void key_functions__dump_sram_ihex(void * from, void * last) {
if (last > (void *)RAMEND)
last = (void *)RAMEND;
dump_ihex(&sram_read, from, last);
void key_functions__dump_progmem_ihex(void * from, void * last) {
if (last > (void *)FLASHEND)
last = (void *)FLASHEND;
dump_ihex(&progmem_read, from, last);
void key_functions__dump_eeprom_ihex(void * from, void * last) {
if (last > (void *)E2END)
last = (void *)E2END;
dump_ihex(&eeprom__read, from, last);