
319 lines
6.8 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* linked list
* Notes:
* - When 'position' is used, it referes to the position of the node in the
* list, not the node's offset. E.g. the node with position == 1 is the
* first node in the list.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "lib/data-types.h"
#include "linked-list.h"
// local macros (undefined later)
#define _NEW_POINTER(type, name) type * name = (type *) malloc(sizeof(type))
#define _list_t linked_list_t
#define _node_t linked_list_node_t
#define _data_t LINKED_LIST_DATA_TYPE
* new()
* Returns
* - success: a pointer to a new linked list
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_new(void) {
_NEW_POINTER(_list_t, list);
if (!list) return NULL;
list->head = NULL;
list->tail = NULL;
list->number_of_elements = 0;
return list;
* add_head()
* Returns
* - success: the pointer to the list that was passed
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_add_head(_list_t * list, _data_t data) {
_NEW_POINTER(_node_t, node);
if (!node) return NULL;
node->data = data;
node->next = list->head;
list->head = node;
if (list->number_of_elements == 0)
list->tail = node;
return list;
* add_tail()
* Returns
* - success: the pointer to the list that was passed
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_add_tail(_list_t * list, _data_t data) {
_NEW_POINTER(_node_t, node);
if (!node) return NULL;
node->data = data;
node->next = NULL;
if (list->number_of_elements == 0)
list->head = node;
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
return list;
* pop_head()
* Returns
* - success: the data element of the first node of the list
* - failure: (_data_t) 0
_data_t linked_list_pop_head(_list_t * list) {
if (list->number_of_elements == 0)
return (_data_t) 0;
_node_t node = {
.data = list->head->data,
.next = list->head->next
if (list->number_of_elements == 1) {
list->head = NULL;
list->tail = NULL;
} else {
list->head =;
* pop_tail()
* Returns
* - success: the data element of the last node of the list
* - failure: (_data_t) 0
* Note
* - This function is inefficient for singly linked lists: it has O(n) time
* instead of O(1) time like most of the other functions. But it's not
* needed for implementing stacks or queues, so i don't anticipate it being
* used all that much. It's here for completeness.
_data_t linked_list_pop_tail(_list_t * list) {
if (list->number_of_elements == 0)
return (_data_t) 0;
_node_t node = {
.data = list->tail->data,
.next = list->tail->next
if (list->number_of_elements == 1) {
list->head = NULL;
list->tail = NULL;
} else {
list->tail = list->head;
for (uint8_t i=2; i<(list->number_of_elements); i++)
list->tail = list->tail->next;
list->tail->next = NULL;
* read()
* Returns
* - success: the data element at the given position
* - failure: (_data_t) 0
_data_t linked_list_read(_list_t * list, uint8_t position) {
if (position < 1 || position > (list->number_of_elements))
return (_data_t) 0;
_node_t * node = list->head;
for (uint8_t i=1; i<position; i++)
node = node->next;
return node->data;
* insert()
* - Insert a new node containing the given data such that it occupies the
* given position in the list.
* Returns
* - success: the pointer to the list that was passed
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_insert(_list_t * list, _data_t data, uint8_t position) {
if (position < 1 || position > (list->number_of_elements)+1)
return NULL;
_NEW_POINTER(_node_t, new);
if (!new) return NULL;
_node_t * prev = list->head;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<position; i++)
prev = prev->next;
new->data = data;
new->next = prev->next;
prev->next = new;
return list;
* copy()
* Returns
* - success: a new pointer to a copy of the list who's pointer was passed
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_copy(_list_t * list) {
_NEW_POINTER(_list_t, copy);
if (!copy) return NULL;
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=(list->number_of_elements); i++)
linked_list_add_tail(copy, linked_list_read(list, i));
return copy;
* free()
* - Free the memory allocated to all the nodes, then free the memory allocated
* to the list.
* Note
* - This is implemented inefficiently (using pop_head(), which does extra
* work). But that makes things simpler, and i don't anticipate using it all
* that often.
void linked_list_free(_list_t * list) {
while ((list->number_of_elements) > 0)
* slice_copy()
* - Return the (copied) sublist
* Arguments
* - start_position:
* - the position of the first element to include in the slice
* - or '0' for the beginning of the list
* - end_position:
* - the position of the last element to include in the slice
* - or '0' for the end of the list
* Returns
* - success: a copy of the portion of the list indicated
* - failure: NULL
_list_t * linked_list_slice_copy (
_list_t * list,
uint8_t start_position,
uint8_t end_position ) {
if ( start_position > end_position ||
end_position > (list->number_of_elements) )
return NULL;
if (start_position == 0)
start_position = 1;
if (end_position == 0)
end_position = list->number_of_elements;
_NEW_POINTER(_list_t, shallow_slice);
if (!shallow_slice) return NULL;
shallow_slice->number_of_elements = end_position - start_position + 1;
shallow_slice->head = list->head;
for (uint8_t i=1; i<start_position; i++)
shallow_slice->head = shallow_slice->head->next;
shallow_slice->tail = shallow_slice->head;
for (uint8_t i=1; i<(shallow_slice->number_of_elements); i++)
shallow_slice->tail = shallow_slice->tail->next;
return linked_list_copy(shallow_slice);
* slice()
_list_t * linked_list_slice (
_list_t * list,
uint8_t start_position,
uint8_t end_position ) {
* remove()
_list_t * linked_list_remove(_list_t * list, uint8_t position) {
* find_first()
uint8_t linked_list_find_first(_list_t * list, _data_t data) {
* reverse()
_list_t * linked_list_reverse(_list_t * list) {
// local macros (undefined here)
#undef _list_t
#undef _node_t
#undef _data_t