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# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# certain compilations options
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak <>
# Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "")
# Project located at <>
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TARGET := firmware # the name we want for our program binary
KEYBOARD := ergodox # keyboard model; see "src/keyboard" for what's available
LAYOUT := qwerty-kinesis-mod # keyboard layout
# see "src/keyboard/*/layout" for what's
# available
LED_BRIGHTNESS := 0.5 # a multiplier, with 1 being the max
DEBOUNCE_TIME := 5 # in ms; see keyswitch spec for necessary value; 5ms should
# be good for cherry mx switches
# remove whitespace
TARGET := $(strip $(TARGET))
KEYBOARD := $(strip $(KEYBOARD))
LAYOUT := $(strip $(LAYOUT))