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Documentation : MCP23018

Pinout and Pin assignments

  • + indicates connected pin
  • o indicates unconnected pin
  • = is used to list other things the pin is connected to
  • -s inserted between some of the pin functions for readability


                     Vss(GND) +01---.---28+ NC
                           NC +02       27+ GPA7
                         GPB0 +03       26+ GPA6
                         GPB1 +04       25+ GPA5
                         GPB2 +05       24+ GPA4
                         GPB3 +06       23+ GPA3
                         GPB4 +07       22+ GPA2
                         GPB5 +08       21+ GPA1
                         GPB6 +09       20+ GPA0
                         GPB7 +10       19+ INTA
                     Vdd(Vcc) +11       18+ INTB
                          SCL +12       17+ NC
                          SDA +13       16+ RESET
                           NC +14-------15+ ADDR

MCP23018 Pin Assignments

     power_negative  Vss(GND) +01---.---28o NC
                           NC o02       27o GPA7
              row_5      GPB0 +03       26+ GPA6   column_6
              row_4      GPB1 +04       25+ GPA5   column_5
              row_3      GPB2 +05       24+ GPA4   column_4
              row_2      GPB3 +06       23+ GPA3   column_3
              row_1      GPB4 +07       22+ GPA2   column_2
              row_0      GPB5 +08       21+ GPA1   column_1
                         GPB6 o09       20+ GPA0   column_0
                         GPB7 o10       19o INTA
     power_positive  Vdd(Vcc) +11       18o INTB
                I2C       SCL +12       17o NC
                I2C       SDA +13       16+ RESET  = Vdd(Vcc) (see note)
                           NC o14-------15+ ADDR   = Vss(GND) (see note)
  • notes:
    • Row and column assignments are to matrix positions, which may or may or may not correspond to the physical position of the key: e.g. the key where row_4 and column_2 cross will be scanned into the matrix at [4][2], wherever it happens to be located on the keyboard. Mapping from one to the other (which only matters for defining layouts) is handled elsewhere.
    • ADDR (pin15): Set slave address to 0b0100000 by connecting to Vss(GND).
      • The user-defined bits are the three least significant
      • I2C addresses are 7 bits long (the last bit in the byte is used for indicating read/write)
    • RESET (pin16) must be externally biased. Since we're not going to trigger it ourselves, we can tie it high.

Notes about Registers

register  address  function (for all bits)
--------  -------  -----------------------
IODIRA    0x00     \ 1: set corresponding pin as input
IODIRB    0x01     / 0: set ................. as output
GPPUA     0x0C     \ 1: set corresponding pin internal pull-up on
GPPUB     0x0D     / 0: set .......................... pull-up off
GPIOA     0x12     \ read: returns the value on the port
GPIOB     0x13     / write: modifies the OLAT register
OLATA     0x14     \ read: returns the value of this register
OLATB     0x15     / write: modifies the output latches that control the
                            pins configured as output
  • IOCON register (see datasheet section 1.6, table 1-5, register 1-8)

    • BANK: bit 7; read/write; default = 0
      • 1: The registers associated with each port are separated into different banks
      • 0: The registers are in the same bank (addresses are sequential)
    • SEQOP: bit 5; read/write; default = 0
      • 1: Sequential operation disabled, address pointer does not increment
      • 0: Sequential operation enabled, address pointer increments
  • notes:

    • All addresses given for IOCON.BANK = 0, since that's the default value of the bit, and that's what we'll be using.
    • Initially, we want either columns or rows (see <../options.h>) set as hi-Z without pull-ups, and the other set of pins set as input with pull-ups. During the update function, we'll cycle through setting the first set low and checking each pin in the second set.
  • abbreviations:

    • IODIR = I/O Direction Register
    • IOCON = I/O Control Register
    • GPPU = GPIO Pull-Up Resistor Register
    • GPIO = General Purpose I/O Port Register
    • OLAT = Output Latch Register

I²C Device Protocol (see datasheet section 1.3, figure 1-1)

S  : Start       OP   : Device opcode
SR : Restart     ADDR : Device address
P  : Stop        Dout : Data out from MCP23018
W  : Write       Din  : Data in to MCP23018
R  : Read

S OP W ADDR ----> Din ... Din --> P
             |--> SR OP R Dout ... Dout ---> P
             |--> SR OP W ADDR ... Din --> P
             |--> P

S OP R ----> Dout ... Dout --> P
        |--> SR OP R Dout ... Dout ---> P
        |--> SR OP W ADDR Din ... Din --> P
        |--> P

Byte and Sequential Write
        Byte : S OP W ADDR --> Din --> P
  Sequential : S OP W ADDR --> Din ... Din --> P

Byte and Sequential Read
        Byte : S OP W ADDR --> SR OP R Dout --> P
  Sequential : S OP W ADDR --> SR OP R Dout ... Dout --> P
  • notes:
    • We'll be using sequential mode (ICON.SEQOP = 0; default) (see datasheet section 1.3.1).

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