
477 lines
14 KiB

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* main()
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// hardware
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#define KBD_DEBUG // comment out to disable the debug interface completely
#include "./keyboard/controller.c"
#include "./keyboard/keyboard.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// types and forward declarations
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#define array_length(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef u8 keycode;
typedef u16 media_keycode;
typedef u8 layer;
typedef void (*keyfunc)(void);
#include "./main.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// layout data
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "./keyboard/layout.c"
// defines:
// #define KB_Layers #{Layers.size}
// static const keycode PROGMEM _kb_layout[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
// static const keyfunc PROGMEM _kb_layout_press[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
// static const keyfunc PROGMEM _kb_layout_release[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// globals
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool _kb_is_pressed[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
static bool (*kb_is_pressed)[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = &_kb_is_pressed;
static bool _kb_was_pressed[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
static bool (*kb_was_pressed)[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = &_kb_was_pressed;
static layer layers_pressed[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS];
static u8 current_row;
static u8 current_col;
static layer current_layer;
static keycode current_keycode;
static bool current_is_pressed;
static bool layers_active[KB_LAYERS];
static layer layers_top = 0;
static bool layer_sticky_on;
static bool layer_sticky[KB_LAYERS];
static bool layer_sticky_done;
static u8 mod_sticky;
static bool mod_sticky_done;
static const keyfunc _kb_layer_funcs[] = { // TODO ugh
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main() {
// initialize
// never return
return 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void main_key_loop() {
for (;;) {
// swap `kb_is_pressed` and `kb_was_pressed`, then update
bool (*temp)[KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = kb_was_pressed;
kb_was_pressed = kb_is_pressed;
kb_is_pressed = temp;
// - execute key functions when their key changes state
// - keep track of which layers the keys were on when they were pressed
// (so they can be released using the function from that layer)
for (u8 row=0; row<KB_ROWS; row++) {
for (u8 col=0; col<KB_COLUMNS; col++) {
current_is_pressed = (*kb_is_pressed)[row][col];
bool was_pressed = (*kb_was_pressed)[row][col];
if (current_is_pressed != was_pressed) {
if (current_is_pressed) {
current_layer = layers_top;
layers_pressed[row][col] = current_layer;
} else {
current_layer = layers_pressed[row][col];
// set remaining vars, and "execute" key
current_row = row;
current_col = col;
current_keycode = kb_keycode(current_layer, current_row, current_col);
// send the USB report (even if nothing's changed)
// unset sticky keys if necessary
if (layer_sticky_on && layer_sticky_done) {
for (layer l=1; l < KB_LAYERS; l++) {
if (layer_sticky[l]) {
layer_sticky[l] = false;
layer_sticky_on = false;
layer_sticky_done = false;
if (mod_sticky && mod_sticky_done) {
keyboard_modifier_keys &= ~mod_sticky;
mod_sticky = 0;
mod_sticky_done = false;
// debounce in ms; see keyswitch spec for necessary value
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// init functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void init_hw() {
while (!usb_configured());
void init_sticky() {
for (layer l=1; l < KB_LAYERS; l++) {
layer_sticky[l] = false;
layer_sticky_on = false;
mod_sticky = 0;
layer_sticky_done = false;
mod_sticky_done = false;
void init_layers() {
for (layer l=0; l < KB_LAYERS; l++) {
layers_active[l] = false;
layers_active[0] = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// layer functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// find highest active layer
layer highest_active_layer(layer offset) {
if (offset < layers_top) {
for (layer l = layers_top - offset; l > 0 && l < KB_LAYERS; l--) {
if (layers_active[l]) { return l; }
// the base layer is always active
return 0;
// enable a layer
void layer_enable(layer l) {
if (l >= KB_LAYERS) { return; }
layers_active[l] = true;
if (l > layers_top) {
layers_top = l;
// disable a layer
void layer_disable(layer l) {
// base layer stays always on
if (l >= KB_LAYERS || l == 0) { return; }
layers_active[l] = false;
if (l == layers_top) {
layers_top = highest_active_layer(1);
bool is_layer_keyfunc(keyfunc f) {
for (int i=0; i<array_length(_kb_layer_funcs); i++) {
if (f == _kb_layer_funcs[i]) {
return true;
return false;
void layer_enable_upto(layer max_layer) {
// FIXME clean this up
// pressing a key implicitly activates all lower layers as well
for (layer l=0; l <= KB_LAYERS; l++) {
void (*key_function)(void) = kb_keyfunc_press(l, current_row, current_col);
if (is_layer_keyfunc(key_function)) {
layer enable_layer = (layer) kb_keycode(l, current_row, current_col);
if (enable_layer <= max_layer) {
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// layout info
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
keycode kb_keycode (layer l, u8 row, u8 col) { return (keycode) pgm_read_byte(&(_kb_layout[l][row][col])); }
keyfunc kb_keyfunc_press (layer l, u8 row, u8 col) { return (keyfunc) pgm_read_word(&(_kb_layout_press[l][row][col])); }
keyfunc kb_keyfunc_release (layer l, u8 row, u8 col) { return (keyfunc) pgm_read_word(&(_kb_layout_release[l][row][col])); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// keyfunc primitives
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// basic keypresses
void _kbfun_normal_press_release(bool press, keycode key) {
if (key == 0) { return; } // noop
if (press) {
for (u8 i=0; i < sizeof(keyboard_keys); i++) {
if (keyboard_keys[i] == 0) {
keyboard_keys[i] = key;
} else {
for (u8 i=0; i < sizeof(keyboard_keys); i++) {
if (keyboard_keys[i] == key) {
keyboard_keys[i] = 0;
void _kbfun_mediakey_press_release(bool press, keycode key) {
media_keycode media_key = _media_code_lookup(key);
if (press) {
consumer_key = media_key;
} else {
// only one media key can be pressed at a time, so only clear most recent one
if (media_key == consumer_key) {
consumer_key = 0;
void _kbfun_modifier_press_release(bool press, keycode key) {
debug_printf("mod: %d/%d\n", key, press);
if (press) {
keyboard_modifier_keys |= (1<<key);
} else {
keyboard_modifier_keys &= ~(1<<key);
bool _kbfun_normal_is_pressed(keycode key) {
for (u8 i=0; i < sizeof(keyboard_keys); i++) {
if (keyboard_keys[i] == key) {
return true;
return false;
bool _kbfun_mediakey_is_pressed(keycode key) {
return (consumer_key != 0);
bool _kbfun_modifier_is_pressed(keycode key) {
return (keyboard_modifier_keys & (1<<key));
void _kbfun_normal_sticky_done() {
layer_sticky_done = true;
mod_sticky_done = true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// basic keyfuncs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// execute the keypress or keyrelease function (if it exists) of the key at the current possition
void exec_key() {
void (*key_function)(void) =
( (current_is_pressed)
? kb_keyfunc_press(current_layer, current_row, current_col)
: kb_keyfunc_release(current_layer, current_row, current_col) );
if (key_function) { (*key_function)(); }
// normal key
void kbfun_normal_press_release() {
_kbfun_normal_press_release(current_is_pressed, current_keycode);
// media key
void kbfun_mediakey_press_release() {
_kbfun_mediakey_press_release(current_is_pressed, current_keycode);
// modifier
void kbfun_modifier_press_release() {
layer_sticky_done = true;
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(current_is_pressed, current_keycode);
// layer key
void kbfun_layer_press_release() {
debug_printf("layer: %d/%d\n", current_keycode, current_is_pressed);
layer_sticky_done = true; // don't disable sticky mods!
if (current_is_pressed) {
layer l = (layer) current_keycode;
} else {
// letting go off a key releases *all* layers on that key
for (layer l=0; l <= KB_LAYERS; l++) {
void (*key_function)(void) = kb_keyfunc_release(l, current_row, current_col);
if (is_layer_keyfunc(key_function)) {
layer disable_layer = (layer) kb_keycode(l, current_row, current_col);
// sticky layer key
void kbfun_layer_sticky() {
layer l = (layer) current_keycode;
if (current_is_pressed) {
layer_sticky_done = false;
} else {
if (layer_sticky_done) {
} else {
layer_sticky[l] = true;
layer_sticky_on = true;
layer_sticky_done = false;
// sticky modifier key
void kbfun_modifier_sticky() {
// TODO handle: sticky, then same modifier
keycode mod = current_keycode;
if (current_is_pressed) {
mod_sticky_done = false;
} else {
if (mod_sticky_done) {
} else {
mod_sticky |= 1<<mod;
mod_sticky_done = false;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// combo keyfuncs
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void _kbfun_combo_normal_press_release(keycode combo_key) {
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(current_is_pressed, combo_key);
void _kbfun_combo_layer_press_release(keycode combo_key) {
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(current_is_pressed, combo_key);
void kbfun_shift_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_normal_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftShift); } // +shift
void kbfun_control_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_normal_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftControl); } // +control
void kbfun_alt_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_normal_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftAlt); } // +alt
void kbfun_win_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_normal_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftGUI); } // +win
void kbfun_shift_layer_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_layer_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftShift); } // +shift + layer
void kbfun_control_layer_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_layer_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftControl); } // +control + layer
void kbfun_alt_layer_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_layer_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftAlt); } // +alt + layer
void kbfun_win_layer_press_release() { _kbfun_combo_layer_press_release(MOD_KEY_LeftGUI); } // +win + layer
// capslock
void kbfun_capslock_press_release() {
static u8 keys_pressed;
static bool lshift_pressed;
static bool rshift_pressed;
keycode key = current_keycode;
if (!current_is_pressed) { keys_pressed--; }
// take care of the key that was actually pressed
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(current_is_pressed, key);
// take care of capslock (only on the press of the 2nd key)
if (keys_pressed == 1 && current_is_pressed) {
// save the state of left and right shift
lshift_pressed = _kbfun_modifier_is_pressed(MOD_KEY_LeftShift);
rshift_pressed = _kbfun_modifier_is_pressed(MOD_KEY_RightShift);
// disable both
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(false, MOD_KEY_LeftShift);
_kbfun_modifier_press_release(false, MOD_KEY_RightShift);
// press capslock, then release it
_kbfun_normal_press_release(true, KEY_CapsLock); usb_keyboard_send();
_kbfun_normal_press_release(false, KEY_CapsLock); usb_keyboard_send();
// restore the state of left and right shift
if (lshift_pressed) { _kbfun_modifier_press_release(true, MOD_KEY_LeftShift); }
if (rshift_pressed) { _kbfun_modifier_press_release(true, MOD_KEY_RightShift); }
if (current_is_pressed) { keys_pressed++; }