
117 lines
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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) 2013 Ben Blazak <>
* Released under The MIT License (see "doc/licenses/")
* Project located at <>
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** description
* `main()`: tying it all together
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "../firmware/keyboard.h"
#include "../firmware/lib/usb.h"
#include "./main.h"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#error "OPT__DEBOUNCE_TIME not defined"
/** macros/OPT__DEBOUNCE_TIME/description
* The minimum amount of time to wait between two scans of a key, in
* milliseconds
* Notes:
* - Cherry MX bounce time <= 5ms (at 16 in/sec actuation speed) (spec)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define main__is_pressed is_pressed
#define main__was_pressed was_pressed
#define main__row row
#define main__col col
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool _pressed_1[OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS];
bool _pressed_2[OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS];
bool (* is_pressed) [OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS] = &_pressed_1;
bool (* was_pressed) [OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS] = &_pressed_2;
uint8_t row;
uint8_t col;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** functions/main/description
* Initialize things, then loop forever
* Mostly all that happens here after initialization is that current and
* previous key states are tracked, keys that change state are "executed", the
* USB report is sent, and the LEDs are updated. We also have a delay, to make
* sure we don't detect switch bounce from the keys. Almost everything
* interesting happens somewhere else (especially in
* ".../firmware/keyboard/.../layout"); have a look through the source,
* especially the documentation, to see how things are defined and what's
* actually happening.
int main(void) {
static bool (*temp)[OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS]; // for swapping below
static bool key_is_pressed;
static bool key_was_pressed;
kb__init(); // initialize hardware (besides USB)
while (!usb__is_configured());
kb__led__delay__usb_init(); // give the OS time to load drivers, etc.
for(;;) {
temp = is_pressed;
is_pressed = was_pressed;
was_pressed = temp;
// "execute" keys that have changed state
for(row=0; row<OPT__KB__ROWS; row++) {
for(col=0; col<OPT__KB__COLUMNS; col++) {
key_is_pressed = (*is_pressed)[row][col];
key_was_pressed = (*was_pressed)[row][col];
if (key_is_pressed != key_was_pressed)
kb__layout__exec_key(key_is_pressed, row, col);
usb__kb__send_report(); // (even if nothing's changed)
// note: only use the `kb__led__logical...` functions here, since the
// meaning of the physical LEDs should be controlled by the layout
#define read usb__kb__read_led
#define on kb__led__logical_on
#define off kb__led__logical_off
read('N') ? on('N') : off('N'); // numlock
read('C') ? on('C') : off('C'); // capslock
read('S') ? on('S') : off('S'); // scroll lock
read('O') ? on('O') : off('O'); // compose
read('K') ? on('K') : off('K'); // kana
#undef read
#undef on
#undef off
return 0;