/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ergoDOX layout : exports * * Different layouts are included by modifying a variable in the makefile. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak * Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "license.md") * Project located at * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef LAYOUT_h #define LAYOUT_h #include #include "lib/data-types.h" #include "lib/key-functions.h" // for `kbfun_funptr_t` #include "matrix.h" // for number of rows and columns, and layout // to matrix macros // include the appropriate keyboard layout header // for: // - number of layers // - possible non-default layout matrix definitions // - possible non-default layout 'get' and 'set' definitions #undef _str #undef _expstr #undef _inc #define _str(s) #s // stringify #define _expstr(s) _str(s) // expand -> stringify #define _inc _expstr(layout/MAKEFILE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT.h) // inc(lude) #include _inc #undef _str #undef _expstr #undef _inc // default layout 'get' macros and `extern` matrix declarations // // these are for when the matrices are stored solely in Flash. layouts // may redefine them if they wish and use RAM, EEPROM, or any // combination of the three, as long as they maintain the same // interface. // // - if the macro is overridden, the matrix declaration must be too, // and vice versa. // // - 'set' functions are optional, and should be defined in the layout // specific '.h'. they'll require the use of the EEPROM, possibly in // clever conjunction with one of the other two memories (since the // EEPROM is small). custom key functions will also need to be // written. // // - to override these macros with real functions, set the macro equal // to itself (e.g. `#define kb_layout_get kb_layout_get`) and provide // function prototypes in the layout specific '.h' #ifndef kb_layout_get extern uint8_t PROGMEM \ _kb_layout[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS]; #define kb_layout_get(layer,row,column) \ ( (uint8_t) \ pgm_read_byte(&( \ _kb_layout[layer][row][column] )) ) #endif #ifndef kb_layout_press_get extern kbfun_funptr_t PROGMEM \ _kb_layout_press[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS]; #define kb_layout_press_get(layer,row,column) \ ( (kbfun_funptr_t) \ pgm_read_word(&( \ _kb_layout_press[layer][row][column] )) ) #endif #ifndef kb_layout_release_get extern kbfun_funptr_t PROGMEM \ _kb_layout_release[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS]; #define kb_layout_release_get(layer,row,column) \ ( (kbfun_funptr_t) \ pgm_read_word(&( \ _kb_layout_release[layer][row][column] )) ) #endif #endif