/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ergoDOX layout : QWERTY * * This is an overly basic implementation. It needs to be replaced. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) 2012 Ben Blazak * Released under The MIT License (MIT) (see "license.md") * Project located at * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include "lib/data-types.h" #include "lib/usb/keyboard-usage-page--short-names.h" #include "lib/key-functions.h" #include "../matrix.h" #include "../layout.h" #include "_defaults.h" // for default layers and aliases // error check; everything below assumes these dimensions #if KB_LAYERS != 1 || KB_ROWS != 12 || KB_COLUMNS != 7 #error "Expecting different keyboard dimensions" #endif uint8_t PROGMEM _kb_layout[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = { { /* layer 0: default */ /* right hand */ /* ---- 0 ---- ---- 1 ---- ---- 2 ---- ---- 3 ---- ---- 4 ---- ---- 5 ---- ---- 6 ---- */ /* 0 */ { NOP , _6 , _7 , _8 , _9 , _0 , _dash }, /* 0 */ /* 1 */ { NOP , _Y , _U , _I , _O , _P , _bracketL }, /* 1 */ /* 2 */ { NA , _H , _J , _K , _L , _semicolon, _quote }, /* 2 */ /* 3 */ { NOP , _N , _M , _comma , _period , _slash , _shiftR }, /* 3 */ /* 4 */ { NA , NA , _arrowU , _arrowD , _backslash, _bracketR , NOP }, /* 4 */ /* 5 */ { NA , _ctrlR , _altR , _pageU , _pageD , _enter , _space }, /* 5 */ /* ---- 0 ---- ---- 1 ---- ---- 2 ---- ---- 3 ---- ---- 4 ---- ---- 5 ---- ---- 6 ---- */ /* left hand */ /* ---- 0 ---- ---- 1 ---- ---- 2 ---- ---- 3 ---- ---- 4 ---- ---- 5 ---- ---- 6 ---- */ /* 6 */ { _equal , _1 , _2 , _3 , _4 , _5 , NOP }, /* 6 */ /* 7 */ { _tab , _Q , _W , _E , _R , _T , NOP }, /* 7 */ /* 8 */ { _capsLock , _A , _S , _D , _F , _G , NA }, /* 8 */ /* 9 */ { _shiftL , _Z , _X , _C , _V , _B , NOP }, /* 9 */ /* A */ { NOP , _grave , _backslash, _arrowL , _arrowR , NA , NA }, /* A */ /* B */ { _bs , _del , _end , _home , _altL , _ctrlL , NA } /* B */ /* ---- 0 ---- ---- 1 ---- ---- 2 ---- ---- 3 ---- ---- 4 ---- ---- 5 ---- ---- 6 ---- */ } }; kbfun_funptr_t PROGMEM _kb_layout_press[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = { /* layer 0: default */ DEFAULT_LAYER_PRESS }; kbfun_funptr_t PROGMEM _kb_layout_release[KB_LAYERS][KB_ROWS][KB_COLUMNS] = { /* layer 0: default */ DEFAULT_LAYER_RELEASE };