(removed a few comments)

Ben Blazak 2013-12-27 17:35:09 -08:00
parent b41a716631
commit eec0923dca
1 changed files with 6 additions and 97 deletions

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@ -369,115 +369,24 @@ uint8_t write_key_action(void ** to, key_action_t k) {
// TODO: rewriting (yet again) - stopped here
#if 0
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variables in EEMEM ---------------------------------------------------------
/** variables/eeprom/description
* The layout of this library's data in the EEPROM
* Struct members:
* - `meta`: For keeping track of layout metadata
* - `version`: The version of this layout (`[8]` for fault tolerance and
* write balancing)
* - `table`: To help in quickly returning if the UID we're searching for does
* not exist
* - `rows`: The number of rows this table has
* - `columns`: The number of columns this table has
* - `data`:
* - For any `eeprom_macro__uid_t uid`
* - If `uid.layer > 7`, this table doesn't tell whether a macro
* exists for the UID or not
* - Otherwise, `! ( (eeprom.table.data[uid.row][uid.column]
* >> uid.layer) & 1 )` indicates whether a macro exists with the
* given UID (`true`) or not (`false`)
* - Note that the expression above will return `true` if
* `uid.layer > 7`
* - Note that the expression above implies that we are using `1`
* bits for `false`
* - `macros`: To hold a block of memory for storing macros
* - `length`: The number of bytes allocated to `macros.data`
* - `data`: A (non-padded) list of macros, where a macro (in EEMEM) is
* - 1 byte: `type`
* - as defined in `enum type`
* - 1 byte: `length`
* - the number of bytes in the entire macro (i.e. the number of
* bytes to skip over, if one had a pointer to the `type` byte of
* this macro, in order to reach the `type` byte of the next
* macro)
* - (variable length): `key_action`
* - as defined in `read_key_action()`
* - this is the key action that is being remapped
* - (list of 0 or more)
* - (variable length): `key_action`
* - as defined in `read_key_action()`
* - these are the key actions to be performed instead of the
* one being remapped
* Notes:
* - The struct must be `packed` and `aligned(1)`, or we risk allocating more
* than `OPT__EEPROM_MACRO__EEPROM_SIZE` bytes. This should be the default
* when compiling with `avr-gcc`, but it's important to emphasize that we
* depend on it.
* - We keep track of `table.rows`, `table.columns`, and `macros.length`, in
* addition to `header.version`, because they all effect the precise layout
* of the persistent data; if any of them is different, special handling is
* required at the least, and usually the stored data will be unusable.
struct eeprom {
struct meta {
uint8_t version[8];
} meta;
struct table {
uint8_t rows;
uint8_t columns;
uint8_t data[OPT__KB__ROWS][OPT__KB__COLUMNS];
} table;
struct macros {
uint16_t length;
uint8_t data[MACROS_LENGTH];
} macros;
} __attribute__((packed, aligned(1))) eeprom EEMEM;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variables in SRAM ----------------------------------------------------------
static void * current_macro;
uint8_t current_macro_length;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO:
// - the calling function need not ignore layer shift keys, or any other keys.
// - use little endian order for the multi-byte encoding. explain why (since
// utf-8 is big endian)
// - 255 bytes (so, on average, about 100 keystrokes = 200 key actions) should
// be enough for a macro, i think. `length` can be 1 byte, and count the
// total number of bytes (including `type` and `length`, and anything else)
// - need to write a function to read, and another to write, multi-byte key
// actions
// - so for now, we have
// - macro = `type` `length` uid key_action*
// - uid = key_action
// - key_action =
// - 1 bit : are the fields in this byte extended by the next?
// - 1 bit : `pressed`
// - 2 bits : `layer`
// - 2 bits : `row`
// - 2 bits : `column`
// - need to write `kb__layout__exec_key_layer()` (or something)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// variables in SRAM ----------------------------------------------------------
static void * current_macro;
uint8_t current_macro_length;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// local functions ------------------------------------------------------------