rewrote the layer-stack implementation

i was going to pull the functionality out into a "flex-array" type, and
use that, but it turned out not to generalize very well.  in the
process, i think i found a cleaner (and smaller) way to do what i was
already doing, so i rewrote the implementation.  i'm planning to rewrite
everything currently using linked-lists to use this type of dynamically
sized array, eventually, in order to save SRAM, but we'll see how that
Ben Blazak 2013-07-12 16:59:52 -07:00
parent 82c6cbf4f0
commit 9ace7653c1
2 changed files with 130 additions and 152 deletions

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@ -62,11 +62,12 @@ uint8_t layer_stack__size (void);
* - `offset`: the `offset` of the element on top of which to push the given
* element (with the top element being `offset = 0`)
* - `layer_id`: the layer-id of the layer to push
* - `layer_number`: the layer-number of the layer to push
* - `layer_number`: the layer-number of the layer to push (ignored if not
* pushing a new element)
* Returns:
* - success: the `offset` of the element that was pushed (or updated)
* - failure: an invalid `offset`
* - failure: `(uint8_t) -1`
* Notes:
* - If the given layer-id is not present in the stack, and a new element is
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ uint8_t layer_stack__size (void);
* Returns:
* - success: the `offset` of the element that was popped (removed)
* - failure: an invalid `offset`
* - failure: `(uint8_t) -1`
// === layer_stack__find_id() ===
@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ uint8_t layer_stack__size (void);
* Returns:
* - success: the `offset` of the element that was found
* - failure: an invalid `offset`
* - failure: `(uint8_t) -1`
// === layer_stack__size ===

View File

@ -11,13 +11,18 @@
* - This would be relatively trivial to implement using
* ".../lib/data-types/list.h"; but it was written before bringing linked
* lists back into the code base, and while I'm sure it takes more PROGMEM to
* keep doing it this way, it uses less SRAM, and is also probably faster on
* average. I also think it's a nice example of how to resize arrays in C
* based on demand. So, those things considered, it seems better not to
* rewrite it.
* TODO: factor out general layer-stack stuff into "lib/data-types" and name it
* "flex-array". then fix the above comment :)
* do it this way, it uses less SRAM, and is also probably faster on average.
* I also think it's a nice example of how to resize arrays in C based on
* demand. I tried to generalize the functionality a little into a
* "flex-array" for "lib/data-types", in order to make the same technique
* easier to use elsewhere. It turns out though that doing this in a
* type-agnostic way leads to passing an inordinate amount of information on
* the stack for each function call (array size, element size, ..., ...),
* which for small stacks defeats the purpose, and is kind of inefficient and
* ugly anyway. But sacrificing a bit of PROGMEM (and programmer time) to
* reimplement this everywhere it's used seems worth it, since the amount of
* core code that would be able to be generalized out anyway is relatively
* small and straightforward.
@ -28,194 +33,166 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** macros/BLOCK_SIZE/description
* The number of positions to allocate or deallocate at once
/** macros/MIN_UNUSED/description
* The minimum number of elements to have unused after a resize
#define BLOCK_SIZE 5
#define MIN_UNUSED 0
/** macros/MARGIN/description
* The number of positions to keep unused when deallocating
/** macros/MAX_UNUSED/description
* The maximum number of elements to have unused after a resize
#define MARGIN 3
#define MAX_UNUSED 4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** types/element_t/description
* The type of one layer-element in our layer-stack
* Struct members:
* - `id`: The layer-id of this element
* - `number`: The layer-number of this element
typedef struct {
uint8_t id; // layer-id
uint8_t number; // layer-number
uint8_t id;
uint8_t number;
} element_t;
static uint8_t _allocated = 0; // the number of positions allocated
static uint8_t _filled = 0; // the number of positions filled
static element_t * _stack = NULL; // (to be used as an array)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** variables/stack/description
* To hold the layer-stack and directly related metadata
* Struct members:
* - `allocated`: The number of positions allocated
* - `filled`: The number of positions filled
* - `data`: A pointer to the array of layer-elements
* Notes:
* - The maximum value of `uint8_t filled` is `255 == -1` indicating a stack
* with 255 elements. This means that any valid offset or index will be
* between `0` and `254 == -2` inclusive, and that `-1 == 255` will
* therefore always be an invalid value for an offset or index.
static struct {
uint8_t allocated;
uint8_t filled;
element_t * data;
} stack;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** functions/_is_valid_offset/description
* Predicate indicating whether the given offset is valid
* Arguments:
* - `offset`: the offset to test
* Returns:
* - `true`: if the offset is valid
* - `false`: if the offset is not valid
static bool _is_valid_offset(uint8_t offset) {
// both values are `uint8_t`, so no need to check `offset >= 0`
return ( offset < _filled );
/** functions/_resize_stack/description
* Resize the stack (in increments of `BLOCK_SIZE` positions) so that at least
* 1 and no more than `MARGIN + BLOCK_SIZE - 1` positions are unused.
* Returns:
* - success: `0`
* - failure: [other]
static uint8_t _resize_stack(void) {
uint8_t margin = _allocated - _filled;
if (margin == 0 || margin >= MARGIN + BLOCK_SIZE) {
uint8_t change = (margin == 0) ? BLOCK_SIZE : -BLOCK_SIZE;
uint8_t new_size = sizeof(element_t) * (_allocated + change);
element_t * temp = realloc(_stack, new_size);
if (temp) {
_stack = temp;
_allocated += change;
} else {
return 1; // error
return 0; // success
/** functions/_shift_elements/description
* Shift the elements above the given location either up or down by one.
* Arguments:
* - `offset`: the offset of the element above which to operate (with the top
* element being `offset = 0`)
* - `up` : whether to shift the elements "up" or "down" the stack
/** functions/resize_stack/description
* Resize the stack, so that the number of unused elements is between
* `MIN_UNUSED` and `MAX_UNUSED`, inclusive
* Returns:
* - success: `0`
* - failure: [other]
* Notes:
* - This function *only* copies elements. It does not zero or otherwise
* modify locations that logically should no longer have any element in them.
* It also does not modify the stack's counter for how many elements are
* filled.
* - We must have at least one element free (at the top of the stack) in order
* to copy up.
* - Copying down will do nothing if `offset` is `0`.
* Illustration:
* ```
* ,- top = 4 = filled-1
* |
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | allocated = 7 filled = 5
* +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
* ^
* `- offset = 3
* copy up: start = 4 = top = filled-1
* increment: i-- (start at the top and work down)
* end = 1 = top-offset = filled-1-offset
* copy down: start = 2 = top-offset+1 = filled-1-offset+1 = filled-offset
* increment: i++ (start just above the given element and work up)
* end = 4 = top = filled-1
* ```
* Implementation notes:
* - We use a signed type for `unused` in case `filled` is greater than
* `allocated`, as may happen when pushing a new element onto the stack.
* This number should normally be much smaller than either `filled` or
* `allocated`, so we don't need to worry about the maximum value being 2^7-1
* instead of 2^8-1.
static uint8_t _shift_elements(uint8_t offset, bool up) {
uint8_t margin = _allocated - _filled;
if ( (!_is_valid_offset(offset)) || (up && (margin==0)) )
return 1; // failure
static uint8_t resize_stack(void) {
int8_t unused = stack.allocated - stack.filled;
uint8_t start = (up) ? _filled-1 : _filled-offset ;
uint8_t increment = (up) ? -1 : 1 ;
uint8_t end = (up) ? _filled-1-offset : _filled-1 ;
if (MIN_UNUSED <= unused && unused <= MAX_UNUSED)
return 0; // nothing to do
for (uint8_t i=start; i!=(end+increment); i+=increment) {
_stack[i-increment].id = _stack[i].id;
_stack[i-increment].number = _stack[i].number;
uint8_t new_allocated = stack.filled + (MIN_UNUSED + MAX_UNUSED) / 2;
void * new_data = realloc(, sizeof(element_t) * new_allocated );
if (new_data) {
stack.allocated = new_allocated; = new_data;
return 0; // success
return 0; // success
return 1; // error: `realloc()` failed (unable to grow stack)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint8_t layer_stack__peek(uint8_t offset) {
if (! _is_valid_offset(offset) )
if (offset > stack.filled-1)
return 0; // default
return _stack[_filled-1-offset].number;
// note: must resize before shifting up, otherwise there may not be enough room
// for the new element; should resize before incrementing `_filled`, so as not
// to grow the stack unless we actually need to
uint8_t layer_stack__push( uint8_t offset,
uint8_t layer_id,
uint8_t layer_number ) {
uint8_t ret = 0;
uint8_t existing_element_offset = layer_stack__find_id(layer_id);
if ( _is_valid_offset(existing_element_offset) ) {
offset = existing_element_offset;
} else {
_resize_stack(); // at least 1 element will be open after this
if (offset != 0)
// this will catch invalid offsets
ret = _shift_elements(offset-1, true);
if (!ret)
_filled++; // (effects the meaning of `offset` below)
// if an element with the given layer-id already exists
uint8_t old_offset = layer_stack__find_id(layer_id);
if (old_offset != -1) {[stack.filled-1-old_offset].number = layer_number;
return old_offset;
if (ret) {
return -1; // failure: return an invalid offset
} else {
_stack[_filled-1-offset].id = layer_id;
_stack[_filled-1-offset].number = layer_number;
return offset; // success
uint8_t index = stack.filled-1-offset;
// add an element
if (stack.filled == -1)
return -1; // error: stack already full
if (index > stack.filled-1 || resize_stack()) {
return -1; // error: index out of bounds or no room for new element
// shift up
// - start with the top element (which is currently uninitialized), and
// copy the element below it up
// - continue until we copy the element currently at `index` (which will
// then be duplicated at `index` and `index-1`)
// - if the top element is currently at `index`, this will do nothing
for (uint8_t i = stack.filled-1; i > index; i--)[i] =[i-1];
// set values[index].id = layer_id;[index].number = layer_number;
return offset; // success
// note: should resize after shifting down and decrementing `_filled`, so as to
// only leave `MARGIN` elements free in the stack
uint8_t layer_stack__pop_id(uint8_t layer_id) {
uint8_t offset = layer_stack__find_id(layer_id);
uint8_t ret = _shift_elements(offset, false); // will catch invalid offsets
if (ret) {
return -1; // failure: return an invalid offset
} else {
return offset; // success
if (offset == -1)
return -1; // error: no element with given layer-id
uint8_t index = stack.filled-1-offset;
// shift down
// - start with the element at `index`, and copy the element above it down
// - continue until we copy the top element (which will then be duplicated
// at indices `stack.filled-2` and `stack.filled-1`)
// - if the top element is at `index`, this will do nothing
for (uint8_t i = index; i < stack.filled-1; i++)[i] =[i+1];
// remove an element
return offset; // success
uint8_t layer_stack__find_id(uint8_t layer_id) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_filled; i++)
if (_stack[i].id == layer_id)
return _filled-1-i; // offset
return -1; // failure: return an invalid offset
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < stack.filled; i++)
if ([i].id == layer_id)
return stack.filled-1-i; // offset
return -1; // error: no element with given layer-id
uint8_t layer_stack__size(void) {
return _filled;
return stack.filled;