(working: eeprom-macro; woo! finished compress(); will test later)

really, it'd be hard to test any of this stuff until i have it
implemented in the layout; so it might be a while.
Ben Blazak 2014-05-25 12:46:13 -07:00
parent d2d0e1ffab
commit 5d35f2ed44
1 changed files with 56 additions and 30 deletions

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@ -44,12 +44,6 @@
* their release, and the macro would therefore push that layer onto the
* layer stack, and never pop it off.
* - 255 bytes (so, on average, about 100 keystrokes = 200 key actions) should
* be enough for a macro, i think. `length` can be 1 byte, and count the
* total number of bytes (including `type` and `length`, and anything else)
* - also, if the following macro has the same UID, perhaps we should
* consider that macro a continuation of the first.
* - need to write something like:
* - `kb__layout__exec_key_layer()`
* - `kb__layout__exec_key()` could just look up the current layer
@ -301,6 +295,9 @@ void * end_macro;
/** variables/new_end_macro/description
* The EEMEM address of where to write the next byte of a new macro (or a macro
* in progress)
* Notes:
* - This is the first unused byte of our portion of the EEPROM
void * new_end_macro;
@ -536,34 +533,50 @@ void * find_next_nondeleted(void * start) {
/** functions/compress/description
* Remove any gaps in the EEPROM caused by deleted macros
* - it might be possible to let in-progress macros keep being written, even
* when a compress() gets called, transparently. since writes to the eeprom
* (using my wrapper) are scheduled and sequential, all we would have to do
* would be to make sure to copy the in-progress bytes, and adjust the
* necessary variables so future writes to the in-progress macro would be
* scheduled to occur in the appropriate location (and also so that the final
* write validating the macro would occur in the correct location). then, we
* would only be bound by memory (for scheduling writes), and by the total
* amount of unused EEPROM space for macros. we would still be vulnerable to
* power loss though... but handling that cleanly would be too much trouble.
* - do we clear the `VERSION` byte? maybe not... :)
* - This byte will be cleared (to 0xFF) before beginning a
* `compress()` of the macros, and reset to `VERSION` once the
* operation has completed.
* - another advantage of not clearing the version byte is that we can search
* for and play back macros as usual; if we're in the middle of compressing,
* and the macro hasn't been dealt with yet, it will simply appear not to
* exist for a few seconds.
* Implementation notes:
* - It's important to keep in mind that nothing will be written to the EEPROM
* until after this function returns (since writes are done 1 byte per
* keyboard scan cycle, at the end of each scan cycle). But the code should
* not depend on that.
* - It's also important to remember that this function will not be interrupted
* by the recording of any new key-actions for an in-progress macro (though,
* key-actions may be queued for writing before all `compress()` writes have
* been completed).
* - Before performing any copy operation, we invalidate the portion of the
* EEPROM we are going to modify by setting the first byte of it (which is,
* and will be, the beginning of a macro) to `TYPE_END`. This way, as long
* as writes to the EEPROM are atomic (or, as long as we don't lose power
* while writing one of these crucial `type` bytes) the EEPROM will always be
* in a consistent state.
* - If power is lost before all writes have been committed, the portion of
* the EEPROM that has not yet been compressed will remain invalidated
* (so data will be lost, but the list of macros will not be corrupted).
* - If the user tries to execute a macro before all writes have been
* committed, and the macro is in the portion of the EEPROM that has
* already been compressed, it will be found as normal. If the macro is
* in the portion of the EEPROM that is still being modified, it will
* temporarily appear not to exist.
* - In any case, this way, no extra checks need to be performed, the
* possibility of data loss is kept very low, and the possibility of data
* corruption (which would, in this scheme, be undetected) is (I think,
* for our purposes) vanishingly small.
* - As a general idea of the maximum time it might take for a compress to be
* fully committed to EEMEM: 1024 bytes * 5 ms/byte = 5120 ms ~= 5 seconds.
* For a cycle time of 10ms, our write would take ~10 seconds maximum. If
* someone were recording a macro very quickly, we might run out of memory
* for caching writes; but I can't think of a better way to do things at the
* moment, so I hope the chance of that is small.
void compress(void) { // TODO
void compress(void) {
// `to_overwrite` is the first byte of the EEPROM with a value we don't
// care about
// - this will only point to the beginning of a macro initially
// need to keep
// - after the first iteration of the loop, this is unlikely to still point
// to the beginning of a macro
// - after we exit the loop, this will point to the first unused byte of
// our portion of the EEPROM
void * to_overwrite = find_next_deleted(EEMEM_MACROS_START);
if (! to_overwrite)
@ -579,6 +592,7 @@ void compress(void) { // TODO
// not delayed.
void * next = find_next_nondeleted(to_overwrite);
// invalidate the portion of the EEPROM we are going to modify
eeprom__write(to_overwrite, TYPE_END);
while (next != new_end_macro) {
@ -591,11 +605,17 @@ void compress(void) { // TODO
if (! next)
next = new_end_macro;
// we copy this byte (the `type` byte of the first macro in the block
// of macros we need to keep) last
uint8_t type = eeprom__read(to_compress);
void * type_location = to_overwrite;
// copy the data in at most `UINT8_MAX` size chunks
// - because the `length` argument of `eeprom__write()` is a `uint8_t`
// - even though macros (individually) will be at most `UINT8_MAX`
// bytes long, the block of macros we need to save may be longer
for ( uint16_t length = next-to_compress;
length = next-to_compress ) {
@ -608,11 +628,17 @@ void compress(void) { // TODO
to_compress += length;
// if this is not the last iteration, invalidate the portion of the
// EEPROM we are going to modify next
if (next != new_end_macro)
eeprom__write(to_overwrite, TYPE_END);
// revalidate the portion of the EEPROM we are finished with
eeprom__write(type_location, type);
end_macro -= (new_end_macro-to_overwrite);
new_end_macro = to_overwrite;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------