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2014-08-24 06:57:50 +02:00
Haskell package providing high-level access to [HTTPS Everywhere][1]
rulesets. This makes it easier to tell other programs: "I'd like if you
used secure HTTP connections when possible."
2014-08-24 06:57:50 +02:00
λ: :m + Data.HTTPSEverywhere.Rules Network.URI
λ: let Just eff = parseURI ""
λ: rewriteURL eff
2014-08-24 18:18:08 +02:00
λ: :m + Network.HTTP.Client Network.HTTP.Client.TLS Control.Applicative Control.Lens
λ: (req, hub) <- (,) <*> getUri <$> parseUrl ""
λ: newManager tlsManagerSettings >>= httpNoBody req <&> destroyCookieJar . responseCookieJar >>= mapM (rewriteCookie hub)
[Cookie {cookie_name = "_gh_sess", cookie_value = "eyJzZXNzaW9uX2lkIjoiNjBlM2FiOTIxNTdhZTNhNDE5YWQ0ZTk4ZWQzNDRjMjEiLCJzcHlfcmVwbyI6ImZtYXAvaHR0cHMtZXZlcnl3aGVyZS1ydWxlcyIsInNweV9yZXBvX2F0IjoxNDA4ODk2OTM2LCJfY3NyZl90b2tlbiI6IktkbTlwN2JqNGptVmhrYjFIUm9BbkV0a1JTQXRDUXJid2g4VWo4N1g0Q1U9In0%3D--d378daa262b8c12bb82246d5de6b3adc353a3db7", cookie_expiry_time = 3013-12-25 00:00:00 UTC, cookie_domain = "", cookie_path = "/", cookie_creation_time = 2014-08-24 16:15:37.815144 UTC, cookie_last_access_time = 2014-08-24 16:15:37.815144 UTC, cookie_persistent = False, cookie_host_only = True, cookie_secure_only = True, cookie_http_only = True},Cookie {cookie_name = "logged_in", cookie_value = "no", cookie_expiry_time = 2034-08-24 16:15:36 UTC, cookie_domain = "", cookie_path = "/", cookie_creation_time = 2014-08-24 16:15:37.815144 UTC, cookie_last_access_time = 2014-08-24 16:15:37.815144 UTC, cookie_persistent = True, cookie_host_only = False, cookie_secure_only = True, cookie_http_only = True}]
2014-08-24 06:57:50 +02:00
Rules are provided via [`https-everywhere-rules-raw`][2], which is
versioned consistently with upstream releases. Thus, the version of
the rule database used here is configurable via the installed version of
that package.